Thursday, September 26, 2019
SSR is 3rd hour today.
Chess Club meets today in Computer Lab d-10 from 2:20-3:30. Anybody may attend, and anyone who beats Mr. Bellware wins a customized chess board.
AAC will meet today in C21.
Please join GSA in celebrating Ally week tomorrow, Friday. There will be a photo booth in the cafeteria at lunch for students to take photos and spread the word about ally week. There will be a party after school in room D14, Ms. Sanic's room by the library. We want to thank all the great Allies to the LGBTQ community, so come celebrate with an Ally party! Everyone is welcome!
Men’s Basketball Open Gym Tonight 7-8:30 Tonight, Thursday, September 26th. Please see Coach McDonald with any questions!
Attention Students: if you have not returned your application for the #CAP Youth Program that was introduced to you in the cafeteria 2 weeks ago by the AKA Sorority, please return them to Ms. Naz in the B-wing or Ms Middleton in the Counseling office by Friday this week. Dont miss this great opportunity!
Our 1st pickup for the clothing drive will be tomorrow during 3rd period. Please bring in your gently used, outgrown, not wanted clothing items of any size to the class of your choice! A continental breakfast will be waiting for the top two classes that bring in the most!
There will be NO Green School today. We will meet again next Thursday to continue working in the A-Wing courtyard. Again, there will be no Green School meeting this Thursday
Attention Seniors: Hope College will be at the 4 Corners, Friday @ 1pm. Check your email from Miss Nesbitt to sign up. All other grades, sign up through the form outside of her office door. Her office is located in the library’s Maya Angelou’s Room. Join the Hope on-site visit to learn about “the power of the Arts.”
Attention class of 2021 executive board members: Due to the mosquito issue- the class of 2021 bonfire will be postponed from Friday's date until a date in October Also, if you are planning to visit the two potential prom sites- we will meet TOMORROW afterschool by Mrs. May's door.
Ms. Learner will be running the After School Grad Point lab in room K5W today this from 2:30-4:30. You must communicate with your counselor before attending so that they can register you for this credit retrieval program. If you have any questions, please stop by the Counseling Office.
The Travel club of 2020 will have an information meeting about Paris and Scandinavia tonight, September 26th at 7pm in room A-12. Bring you parents and learn about the trip of a lifetime. Enrollment packets are all over school, pick one up and see Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 or Mrs. Lewis in C-15.
Have you ever wondered about your Future? What profession will I pick? Well the business club Deca can help with that struggle as well as gaining confidence , friends, professional experience and career exploration. Come learn more at our informational meeting on Friday, September 27th from 2:30 to 3:30.
This year's Peacejam Slam is on Oct 26th at WMU and the theme is Global Climate Change. The registration can be found on Mrs. May's door next to the C-wing computer lab or come to a peacejam meeting Every Thursday morning at 7am to 7:28
This Friday, September 27th, the Loy Norrix Esports club will be hosting its first Super Smash Brothers Ultimate tournament of the school year. It will take place right after school in the library. It's free to enter and is open to all Loy Norrix students. Come out, have some fun, and win some awesome prizes! For all questions, please see Mr. Greeley in room B-13. We hope to see you there!
The third 90 Program will still accept applications until Friday September 27th. Hand in to Mrs. Young in M14 or Ms. Nelson in K10.
Join us in the Gryphon Place Suicide Prevention Walk on Saturday, September 28th from 9-12. This fundraiser is the major fundraiser for Gryphon Place that helps pay for the 211 operations, representatives in schools, support groups and trainings. Feel free to sign up on the Gryphon Place website under team Eli Verne and the Knights or see Ms. Layton in K12 if you have any questions
Calling all musical crew members! If you have already turned in your crew form to Mrs. Carrow- please meet on Monday, September 30th in J11 from 2:30 - 3:30! If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Carrow.
Seniors looking for scholarships, check out the counseling google classroom! The class name is: Scholarship Information, and the class code is: idck9q5
Seniors! Baby pictures and senior ads for the Yearbook are on sale now! Prices range from $10 for a baby picture to $125 for a full page ad. Prices will increase on October 1st, so buy now! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See flyers or Ms. English for more pricing information.