By Racheal Koole
They all come with different stories.
Many experienced bad roommates, boring lecture halls, and crunch time for that class paper. They are the returning Loy Norrix graduated students.]
“Your [alumni] story and your path from Loy Norrix to where you are in life is probably the most powerful story,” said Loy Norrix High School principal, Johnny Edwards, when speaking to the Loy Norrix alumni who returned to Loy Norrix.
On December 22, 2011 Loy Norrix held its third Alumni Day. Alumni Day is where Loy Norrix students from the last six graduating classes gather to visit the current students. The alumni talk to the students about how to survive a boring teacher to managing time for homework.
The alumni first gathered by the auditorium to meet and greet other alumni. The alumni, Edwards, and Superintendent Dr. Michael Rice met and talked about talking to the students and what they day is about.
“We want our students to walk away knowing that ‘hey, if such and such did it, I could do it too,’” said Edwards.
Then, second hour came.
Each alum was assigned a room to go talk with the students about what to expect in college.
One alum Phylecia Leip, who graduated in 2007, wanted to let the students know how to balance life. Leip had to balance full-time work and full-time classes at the same time.
“It’s important . . . that you can balance classes with work,” said Leip.
Other alumni express what they have experienced in life so far such as 2006 graduate Dan Rickli.
“[I want to] Convey what to do and what not to do . . . I think I’ve had some good experiences,” said Rickli.
Principal Edward’s main goal for Alumni Day is to promote a college-going environment to the current students.
“The goal of Alumni Day was for our students to hear firsthand experience,,” said Edwards.
One of the alumni thinks this is really important.
“When I was a student here, they never talked about college,” said 2006 graduate Fritz Klug.
Unfortunately, the former Loy Norix graduates had to go back home, but there will be that one relief of no more high school.
“Raise your hand if you’ve had five days a week of classes at 7:35,” questioned Dr. Rice to the alumni.
No one raised a hand.
Graduate of 2011 Angela DeYoung said, “I haven’t been up this early since my last real day of [high] school.”