The National Honor Society welcomes new inductees
Credit: Tamerah Mboup
The National Honors Society continues their legacy with the induction of new members. The group has still been making efforts to serve amidst the presence of COVID-19.
March 19, 2021
“NHS [National Honor Society] is an organization that recognizes students that have excelled in scholarship, leadership, service and character. At our core, we are a service organization that strives to serve both the school and the broader Kalamazoo community,” said chapter co-advisor Matthew Porco.
The announcement of National Honor Society inductees ignites feelings of joy and excitement for high school scholars during a time of loss and hardship with the COVID-19 virus.
The exciting news is a breath of fresh air for students who have been resilient while struggling to maintain their spirit.
“It feels very nice to be inducted into the National Honor Society. It’s great to be a part of something that benefits people. I still cannot believe that I was inducted,” said senior Ashley Garcia.
The school year of 2020-2021 has been a brand new experience for the Loy Norrix community. Lots of changes have been made to the way we attend school and participate in school activities due to COVID-19 inhibiting our ability to be in person. Even with all of the change and loss that we’ve had in terms of activities, socialization and even learning methods, we’ve found a way to continue traditions from years past. However, there is still much to desire from both students and staff at Loy Norrix.
The National Honor Society (NHS) was established by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) in 1921, highlighting leadership, scholarship, service and character in members of the organization. This is a group that recognizes its students for their academic achievement as well as their involvement in the community. The NHS came with its own emblem, constitution, motto and group of coordinating principals in 1921.
Today, the NHS National Constitution and local chapter bylaws are the two documents that govern the organization in every chapter nationwide. There are typically required service hours and required dues to remain a member of the National Honor Society. Though these requirements have been lifted due to COVID-19 in the Loy Norrix chapter, students still feel compelled to think about giving back to the community.
“I think we all are quick to dismiss our communities in light of our own goals and ambition, so it is nice to have an external force pressuring me to work with my community and truly make me a better person,” said junior James Hauke.
Common activities that NHS members participate in are blood drives, community service opportunities, food drives and other forms of charity. NHS members are leading in volunteering rates compared to the rest of their peers and prioritize serving others as well as emphasizing the importance of doing so.
“It’s not just about applying just to put it on college applications. I think it is a great way to meet people and do great things for the community like [helping] people, especially during a pandemic. We can all try and help people in need,” said Garcia.
Newly inducted students expressed feelings of honor and gratitude, a feeling that seems to be scarce in the age of COVID-19.
“It feels awesome and is a privilege to be inducted into the National Honor Society. NHS to me is a way for me to give back to my community and help others,” said Anthony Porco
Students are also staying humble, living up to that pillar of character that comes with being an NHS member.
“Simply being in the NHS doesn’t mean that I am one of the best students out there,” said Hauke, “There are many students that face challenges and obligations each day that I know nothing of, and most of them work harder than me! Believing that I am better than them because I am an NHS member is simply immoral. It feels cool to be inducted; however, I think nothing much of myself. I simply just met the requirements and am doing the extra work that comes with it.”
Some students come from previous positions in leadership roles and are continuing to aim for success.
“I was the president of the National Junior Honor Society in middle school, and I always had such a good time organizing fundraisers for our school, working closely with my peers, helping the community, and many other things,” said junior Elizabeth McFarlen.
Others are nervous, yet anticipating their new membership in this prestigious group of honors.
“It feels like I was introduced to a new environment. I don’t know exactly how everything works yet but I will eventually get used to it,” said junior Bianca Hobson.
It is evident that the news of new NHS members came with mixed emotions from both inductees and advisors.
“Operating virtually during times of COVID is very difficult. We are currently extremely limited in our abilities to serve the community because of COVID. I [also] miss interacting with members, and it’s very tough to not be able to hold any traditional, in-person events,” said Matthew Porco.
One of the missed traditional activities is the annual induction of new members into the organization. For this year’s inductees, there will be a virtual induction ceremony, but there may be an in-person ceremony in the future depending on COVID-19 developments.
“We are planning a virtual recognition ceremony for new members in March that will incorporate some elements of the traditional induction ceremony, but we are holding out until next school year for class of 2022 inductees to hopefully get to experience parts of the ceremony in person,” said Matthew Porco.
Listed below are the newest inductees of the Loy Norrix Chapter of the National Honors Society:
Emma Atkinson
Sagan Barber
Celia Baublis
Jackson Bergan
Emma Borden
Ella Boyea
Annaliese Bol
Liam Braun
Clara Garcez
Lillian Daniels
Luna Drumm Walsh
Dominick Frost
Ashley Garcia
Claire Goodwin-Kelly
James Hauke
Ella Hawthorne
Bianca Hobson
Victoria Hoppe
Samantha Hogan
Georgia Hill
Lauren Kelley
Alyson Kemerly
Rachael King
Symaedchit Leo
Kendyl Kirshman
Hollis Masterson
Daniel McAfee
Elizabeth McFarlen
Liliana McLogan
Princess-J’Maria Mboup
Elias Nagel-Bennett
Karen Padilla
Hank Perkins
Gavin Rozanc
Anthony Porco
Elliot Russell
Annika Schnell
Harper Schrader
Delaney Schultheiss
Kendall Sloan
Jaelynn Smith
Ed Sova
Evan Teal
Rosely Ventura-Amates
Chanel Wilson
Ian Woodruff
Hailey Yoder
Congratulations to all of the inductees listed above! May the National Honor Society live on in all its glory!