Adults standing guard at the top of LNHS tower on homecoming night. Students who were trying to come to the dance late were not allow entry.
The game ended, it was approximately 9:25 pm on October fifth. The Loy Norrix football team experienced a devastating loss to Battle Creek Lakeview in our 2012 homecoming game. Seniors Zaria Starfeldt and Beatrice Powers decided that they would make a quick run to Burger King because they were freezing and hungry.
Meet Zaria Starfeldt and Beatrice Powers, two KAMSC students who participated in every single spirit day, attended the homecoming game, but were in for a sad surprise.
At approximately 10 pm on homecoming night, Principal Edwards made an impromptu decision to close the doors to the homecoming dance. Edwards said that at some point the doors have always been closed for school dances because the later students arrive, the worse decisions they have made before attending the dance.
After returning to Loy Norrix from Burger King (around 9:50) Starfeldt and Powers began to enter the building with their tickets ready. “Like we had done for all the rest of the dances,” said Powers.
Before Powers and Starfeldt reached the landing of the tower stairs at Loy Norrix High School multiple teachers and staff were telling them to leave. The adults continued to tell them that the doors had been shut for anyone who was trying to enter the dance. Because of the actions of a few students that had previously tried to enter the dance 25 minutes late, no one else was allowed to enter according to the administration.
The adults posted in the tower then asked the group of students to leave. Powers said, “We then angrily waited outside the tower until my mom came because she’s all up to par with the legal lingo and whatnot, which was about an hour later.”
During the time between getting kicked out of the tower and leaving, the members of the homecoming court and some football players were chosen to be let in as the rest of the students stayed outside.
“Then I tweeted my rage in hashtag form,” said Powers.
The football players experienced a loss, therefore they were permitted to enter the dance after 10 pm according to Principal Edwards.
“They might have needed a minute to pull it together,” said Principal Edwards. As for the homecoming court, they needed time to go home and change from their formal clothing.
Meet Robert LaCroix and his foreign exchange student Osasu Ehirhieme. LaCroix plays the trumpet in the school marching band and performed at homecoming. LaCroix states that at 9:00 pm the band went inside to take off their uniforms.
After this, LaCroix went home (taking his exchange student with him) because he wanted to shower before the dance. LaCroix said that he got home at 9:20 pm and returned to LN at 9:55 pm, after showering and changing.
When LaCroix and Ehirhieme returned back to LN, LaCroix saw a line of people at the door, and Mr. Edwards would not admit any of them.
“Apart from losing money, my exchange student (Ehirhieme) lost an unique opportunity to go to his first and only high school dance,” said LaCroix
Edwards responded to this scenario that other band students made it into the dance before the doors closed, so LaCroix could have too.
Powers explained her disappointment in Loy Norrix. “I lost the experience of going to my senior homecoming dance, I lost my eagerness to take part in other activities like this, I lost the faith in my school to justly handle my money, and I am now lacking the trust that I used to have in the school and its leaders to make decisions and correct their mistakes,” Powers said.
Moving forward, Principal Edwards is looking to create a set-in-stone policy for school dances, where students will know when the doors will be closed. By creating a definite rule that will be communicated to the student body and applied to all students, Loy Norrix students can regain the trust and eagerness that some students have lost.
anthonyfoti • Oct 26, 2012 at 2:04 am
Nice Story. I agree with Beatrice, they cant make up this rule at the last second. That isn’t fair to students.