KPS bond proposal means new roof, furniture and reasonable classroom temperatures for Loy Norrix 

Credit: KPS

Ari'el Abbott, Twitter Editor

Kalamazoo Public Schools has received approval for a bond proposal of $197.01 million. The KPS bond proposal was put together to grow our community’s future.  

 According to the Kalamazoo Public Schools homepage: “This bond would provide $197.1 million to fund capital improvements in our 24 schools. The Kalamazoo Public Schools May 2022 bond proposal was developed to invest in our community’s future. The bond funds will enable KPS to invest in safety and security; invest in buildings, classrooms, mechanical upgrades; and invest in technology.”

There are plans to upgrade all 12 schools depending upon what’s needed for each school. Of those improvements, here’s what is planned for Loy Norrix. 

Upgraded technology

Some Chromebooks will need to be replaced and upgraded. As technology changes it needs to be upgraded so students can have the access they need inside and outside of school. Investing in technology also means upgrading teachers’ technological resources which they rely on for presenting to classes and increasing student engagement.


Upgrading the sports program with new courts and more funding for winter, fall and spring sports.    

Infrastructure refurbishment

Replacing the older infrastructure including repaving the parking lot and maintaining playground equipment where needed, along with repairs to the roof.

Elevators, electrical, lighting, solar panels and signages

Other plans include adding solar panels to the school for an increase in significant energy efficiency, lighting for the bulbs in and outside of the schools and electrical improvements to ensure the safety of the plugs inside of the classrooms  which will enrich the school environment.

HVAC and cooling

Installation and replacement of the cooling systems to help improve the air quality and replace boilers as needed. Cooling systems have been worn out and will be replaced for adapting to the temperature for the warm and cool seasons. 

Secure Entries

Cameras will be added to the entries of Loy Norrix and Kalamazoo Central, making them more secure and increasing the safety of students. 

Upgrading furniture (desks, chairs, etc)

 Revamping the classroom environment, including the replacement of older cabinetry, flooring, and windows in the school. Changing the furniture for more comfortable and welcoming classrooms to increase the comfort of students.