Shannon Wee receiving her Social Justice Award on January 22 at the Kalamazoo City Commision meeting.
Loy Norrix senior Shannon Wee was given the honor of winning the Dr. Martin Luther King JR. Community-Wide Day of Service’s 12th annual Dr. Lewis Walker Social Justice Youth Award this past week. Many awards fall under this umbrella, but specifically she won the Schupan Social Justice Award. This award is given to a student that pays close attention to things in the community and helps to a great extent.
Staff member Sveri May nominated Wee for this award because of the many different service projects that Wee has helped with over all four years of her time at Norrix. A few of those projects being:
– Collected cans to raise money to purchase books for the literacy project.
– Helped box, count, and sort over 18 hundred items Loy Norrix students brought in for the Winter Wear Drive.
– Collected money for Unicef
– Donated and helped count canned goods from Loy Norrix Food Drive.
– Working at homeless dinners at the First Presbyterian church and coordinated the food that peacejam-ers bring.
“Shannon is the backbone, the inspiration, the voice, the cheerleader, and an incredible organizer to complete the package. She will step up any time to make sure the ball does not drop. Shannon doesn’t help others for the glory, she does it because she knows it’s the right thing to do” said May.
Along side of all of her volunteer work, Wee is also an avid member of peacejam and in the ensemble of the spring musical “Sweeney Todd.”
“It’s really fun and it’s my relaxing time when I’m not at school,” said Wee, referring to the many hours of volunteering she has put in. She says she is going to take a small break while “Sweeney Todd” gets closer to opening night but will be back at it in the spring, along with playing on the Loy Norrix Tennis Team.