The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

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The Westnedge Hill Neighborhood garage sales bring the community together in one special day

Credit: Rosie Hill
A sign promotes a garage sale in the Westnedge Hill neighborhood. On Saturday, there were many signs around town promoting the sale.

Connecting with neighbors and spending time outside can be difficult nowadays. Weather, lack of neighborhood activities, construction, the growth of social media and the COVID-19 pandemic have all limited our opportunities to be a part of our community and get outside.
The Westnedge Hill neighborhood is no stranger to these difficulties. With construction on Westnedge and the consequent build up of traffic, the neighborhood hasn’t had its usual spring liveliness. Nevertheless, the community managed to come together to participate in one of the most anticipated events of the season: garage sale day.
“With COVID and now the construction, there have been a lot of changes, but I’m really proud of how people have adapted to it,” said shopper Abigail Strong-Morse. “I think it’s a really great event and it brings the neighborhood together a lot.”
Every year, people gather in the Westnedge Hill neighborhood on the first Saturday of May to sell old or unwanted items. This event brings flocks of people from all over Kalamazoo, looking to score some good deals.
Garage sale day is a great way to reconnect with your community, spend time outside and get rid of unwanted items.
“It’s like the first event in the spring when everyone comes out, so you haven’t seen people around for a few months, so it’s like a neighborhood reunion,” said Alma Muxlow, who has been selling at garage sale days for the past ten years.
“As people get involved, it’s fun to kind of take a break and walk around and see the neighbors come out of their homes,” added Catharine Ellis, who was selling with Muxlow.
The last few years have been very different for garage sale day, due to COVID. It seems like the garage sales have come back in full force this year, though people are still being cautious.
“On the first year we were back from COVID, everyone was wearing masks, everyone was following safety protocols,” said Strong-Morse. “Even now, people are being wary. There’s a lot less direct hand contact. Nobody’s asking to shake your hand.”
Garage sale days are a great way to find things you’ve been needing or pick up items you never knew you needed for a great price.
“There’s a few things that we’re looking for, but generally, we just like to walk around and see what people are trying to get rid of and find uses for them,” said shopper Aimee Klein. “We enjoy finding bargains.”
Many houses had tons of crafting and sports supplies, so it’s the perfect place to start a new hobby for cheap.
“The best thing I found, in terms of price, is some knitting supplies, which was like a dollar for some yarn and some knitting needles, which is really cheap and good,” said Strong-Morse. “But I also found some scented candles, a mug set and a Nerf gun.”
While selling can be difficult and tiring, people have come up with ways of managing. Many houses invite friends from other neighborhoods to sell things there, which can enhance the experience, as well as provide a fun way to get together with friends and spend time together.
“I don’t like garage sales as a rule, but it’s fun when we do it together,” said Ellis.

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About the Contributors
Rosie Hill
Rosie Hill, Feature Editor
Hi, I'm Rosie Hill and I am a Sophomore this year. This is my first year on Knight Life. I enjoy writing, reading, art, and fashion. In my free time I sew and design clothes and costumes. She/Her
Alice Damashek
Alice Damashek, Business Manager
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Bello!! My name is Alice and I'm a Sophomore this is my first year in Knight life. The reason I am in Knight Life is because I like literature. In my free time I like to make art. I am really passionate about helping my community in any way I can as well.
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