A lot of students stay focused in class and maintain an excellent GPA. For other students, however, this is not always the case.
Loy Norrix students struggle with talking during class for many different reasons. The cause of poor grades can be a result of too many off-topic discussions with peers during independent work time.
Freshman Beckett Krol said that he talks with friends for about 90% of class time.
“The boredom I get in class makes me feel the need to talk with my friends,” said Krol.
This isn’t always the case, though. Some students have trouble paying attention due to conversations around them.
“My class is full of loud people,” said freshman Zack Siegel. “They just talk and talk and talk. I hate it.”
Not everything that comes with talking in class is bad. In a study published in the Hechinger Report, The Science of Talking in Class, researchers found that students tend to learn better by working peer-to-peer rather than working alone.
Also, sometimes, when people talk a lot and annoy classmates, it can make them want to tell the disruptive students to stop. Siegel said that he would occasionally get into arguments with people over them being too loud.
Students who talk in class can receive punishments such as being sent out of class or receiving a detention. That is not all that can come from it though, repeat offenders can receive worse punishments, such as a phone call home or even suspension.
One reason the issue persists is that teachers do not properly address it.
“Sometimes my teachers get overstimulated by all the talking and stop trying to quiet them down,” said freshman Xiomara Ortiz-Ponce.
Teachers can prevent disruptions caused by students, and many students tend to speak less in classes with strict teachers. This doesn’t mean that teachers are to blame, though.
Staying focused in class can be a struggle for many, but for all students, it’s important to pay attention and keep grades up.