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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Friday, February 21, 2025

The Cinderella Project of Kalamazoo 2025 Dress Giveaway Event will be held Friday, March 28, 2025 at the Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan Program and Training Center in Kalamazoo. Our event is open to any high school student in need of a dress for prom! Appointments are required for all participants, and appointment booking begins on March 1, 2025. Booking information can be found by scanning the QR codes located on posters in the hallway and the main office.


Haven’t checked out GSA yet? We are a social club with an activism angle, open to all LGBTQIA+ students and allies who want to enjoy each other’s company in a welcoming space. Join us for games, movies, hangouts, and social projects. We meet Tuesdays in Mr. Ezekiel’s room, M12E.


Kalamazoo United Women’s Lacrosse is looking for more athletes interested in joining! Conditionings are Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at Maple St middle school from 7-9pm now until the end of February. Spring season starts March 10th and there are no try outs!

Today is the last day for CTE and EFA applications. If you are interested in a program, have your application in by 4pm today. You can go to, contact your counselor, or follow the links in the counseling google classroom or weekly Loy Norrix newsletter to apply!

It’s February. Do you know where your fitness is? Don’t wait until March to get ready for spring sports. Come out and get fit with the indoor track club. We run and strength train every day. Coach Bates is here with sprinters Tuesdays and Thursdays. Coach Schmidt is here every day with distance runners. Come when you can. Build up gradually. We can adapt workouts to you. We are always looking for potential track athletes but all are welcome without commitment. See you at the four-corners after school from 2:40 to 4:15.


Attention graduating Seniors! If you have an interest in speaking at your commencement ceremony, you need to sign-up in room B-18 by Tuesday, February 25th.


Kalamazoo United Men’s Lacrosse has conditioning Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 7-9pm at Milwood Middle School.


Which is mightier the pen or the sword? Join the travel club in an adventure of a lifetime to France, the Mediterranean, and Spain in the Summer of 2026 where we will take lessons on how to Fence and learn how to write calligraphy! We will explore the culture and history of France and Spain. Anyone who signs up for this 10 day trip by March 6 will receive $350 off the cost. Scholarships and financial assistance are available. Students can earn 3 college credits. Teachers will receive 3 CEU’s. Stop by Ms. Ward’s room, D-11, to pick up a flier and enrollment packet! There will be an informational meeting Wednesday February 26 at 6:30pm in D-11! Bring your parents! Contact Ms. Ward [email protected] with any questions!


Seniors, I bet you looked SO cute as a baby! Want to prove it? Buy a baby picture to go in the yearbook! We have room for 10 more baby pictures, but they’re first come, first served! Only $20, cash or check only, to room K4 to buy yours now. 


The Loy Norrix spring play is just around the corner. This year we will be performing the hit production Middle Town, a comedic yet touching modern take on the American classic, Our Town. Interested in performing on stage? We will have a free audition workshop after school on Thursday, February 27th in the choir room; Auditions will begin on Monday March 3rd. Are you interested in helping out BEHIND the scenes? Then come to Crew Club. The Crew Club meets every Thursday in the Auditorium from 2:30-4:00. All our welcome. See Mr. Lafferty with any questions.

Black Student Union Meeting is Monday the 24th from 2:30 -3.30 in K-13.


Attention 12th grade Males: If you are on track to graduate this year and are African American or Hispanic, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity has a scholarship for you. Please pick up a copy from the counseling office or ask your counselor about it. Remember a scholarship is FREE money and all you need to do is put some time into the application.

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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community
Friday, February 21, 2025