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Saturday, March 15, 2025

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Friday, January 10, 2020

Travel Club members who are going on either trip in 2020 are required to attend a mandatory meeting tomorrow, Saturday, January 11, at 9:00 am in the meeting room at Washington Square Library. Please bring 3 passport copies. RSVP to Ms. Van Lieu in A12.

Time to get back on the ice! Come support your Kalamazoo United Hockey team on January 11 the at Wings West against Mid Michigan Marauders. The puck drops at 3:00 pm. The cost is $5 unless you have a student hockey pass. Sean Mason, Ian Woodruff, Parker Remelius, and Nolan Tribu will be looking for you in the stands.

Are you looking for a place to discuss the social and cultural aspects and impacts of contemporary music and musicians such as Frank Ocean and Kendrick Lamar? Come join the Anatomize Music Club on Tuesdays from 2:30-4:00 in J12, the choir room. All are welcome!

It’s time again to take a look at the AP classes we have here at Norrix. There will be an APeek day on Wednesday, January 15. If you would like to sit in on an AP class and see if it is the right fit for you sign up in the counseling office to reserve your spot today!

Attention Book Quiz Bowl Members: we will meet from 2:30-4:30 each Tuesday and Thursday in C13. Bring your annotation notebooks.

Young men! Do you want to develop your leadership skills and refine your self-image, social skills and environmental awareness? Join other young men from Kalamazoo Central and Phoenix High School by joining Kappa League. For more information and an application see Ms. Middleton in the counseling office.

Softball conditioning begins next week. We will meet in the weight room on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school for the next three weeks to get in shape for the spring season. Participation is optional but encouraged. Softball open gyms also begin next week, going every Sunday from 3:00-5:00 pm starting on January 19. See Coach Johnson in C12 if you have any questions.

Freshman and Senior Class Tshirts are still on sale through the Month of January. Fill out your form and bring it back with cash to Ms. Van Lieu in A12 at anytime during the school day. The forms are in folders throughout the school.

Attention all members of the Tea Club: The next meeting will be held next Tuesday, January 14. Remember to please bring a friend, snacks or even a tea cup that you would like to donate to us. This meeting will be held in Mrs. Stetten’s classroom in C23.

Attention all Key Club International members. Our next meeting will be after school on Tuesday, January 14, in room K10. See you there!

Attention Students – please check your email every morning! If you receive a lunch or after school detention, it will be communicated by email the day before, to give you time to make arrangements to be there. Emails are sent to students and robocalls are made to parents the night before. Failure to check these communications and failure to show to scheduled detentions will result in an escalation of consequences.

We will be instituting Saturday School. Students may be assigned to Saturday School for repeated violations and other infractions. If you have been repeatedly asked to remove your hood, you will be assigned detention or Saturday School depending on the frequency of your violations. If it’s a habit to pull your hoodie up, break the habit – don’t wear a hoodie. Thank you for helping us with this safety issue that we have discussed multiple times.

On Friday, January 31, Peacejammers will be headed to El Sol at 2:35 to make Valentines with students for Veterans at the Battle Creek VA Medical Center. Please mark your calendars.

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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community
Friday, January 10, 2020