Friday, January 31, 2020
Students – do you need help with selecting your classes for next year? All counselors will be in the cafeteria during all lunches today to assist you with your online course selection process.
Attention all Sophomores and Juniors. The Third 90 Network Program is now taking applications for the Spring Team. We are looking for 20.0 students who are motivated, have a positive attitude, make good grades, work well in a team setting, responsible, and not afraid to try new things. The Third 90 program will give you an opportunity to participate in meaningful projects in environmental sustainability. The team works with college faculty and college students. There will be 2 visits to the Kalamazoo Nature Center, 2-3 college campus visits and 2 after school workshops. If you are interested, pick up an application in M14, Mrs. Young’s room or K10 Ms. Nelson’s room. The deadline to submit an application is today, Friday, January 31.
The Kalamazoo United Alpine Ski Team had another strong week on the slopes. Individual skiers had three top ten results in the two meets and Junior Connor Ott broke into the top 30 on Monday night. The team will be back in action on Wednesday, February 5 at 4:30 pm at Timber Ridge ski resort.
The Sunday session for the Book Quiz Bowl Team members will be Sunday from 2:00 – 4:00 pm in Mr. Shack’s room. Attendance for those competing in Wednesday’s finals is mandatory.
Any students interested in playing football next year who did not play this year please go to the athletic office and sign up with coach Rickli
Mrs. May would like to invite all students to a Serious Fun workshop this afternoon. We will meet in C12 right after school.
Attention Key Club International Members. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 4 immediately after school in room K10.
We are starting our 2nd week of Saturday School this Saturday from 9-12, as an alternative to out of school suspension. Please be sure to check your school email today by 3:00 to see if you’ve been assigned for this weekend. Those of you who made arrangements to reschedule from last Saturday, make sure you show on time or unfortunately, you will be placed on the OSS list for Monday. Please bring any homework you need to work on. There will be activities, including relevant articles, videos and discussion, a small snack break and time for school work. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Kirshman.
Serious Fun Campaign begins Monday . Serious Fun for Camps is for seriously ill and terminally ill kids. The money collected will go to camps in developing countries around the world. Pick ups for donations will be every Tuesday and Thursdays through the month of Febuary. The winning class will get a pizza luncheon on Monday, March 9. Students bring your donations to the class of your choice!
BUY YOUR YEARBOOK NOW! Yearbooks are over halfway gone! Get yours before they run out! Order online at with order number 12613 or bring $65 cash or check to room K3.
SENIOR ADS AND BABY PICTURE DEADLINE is FEBRUARY 28!! Senior ads and baby pictures are on sale until February 28! This is the final date to purchase. Order online at with order number 12613 or bring cash or check to room K3. Prices are $150 for a full page, $85 for a half page, $45 for a quarter page, $28 for a business card, or $15 for a baby picture. Email with any questions.