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Monday, March 17, 2025

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Monday, February 20, 2023

Our Black History Month Person of the day is Malcolm X: Malcolm X was an American Muslim minister and human rights activist who was a prominent figure during the civil rights movement. A spokesman for the Nation of Islam until 1964, he was a vocal advocate for Black empowerment and the promotion of Islam within the Black community.

There will be Boys Volleyball practice tonight from 7:30-9:30 in the gym. Contact Coach Mac if you have any questions or if you want to be added to the Google classroom. See you tonight.

AAC will be open today from 230-330 in the following rooms; math in B13, science in b15, social studies in k2, esl support in k1, spanish in a18, and study hall in the library.

Ten students represented Loy Norrix very well in Lansing this past weekend at the annual Youth in Government Conference. Special honors went to Amady Mboup for “Outstanding Senator,” and to Leland Wagner, who was selected to be next year’s Head Lobbyist. In addition, our Mock Trial team, composed of Hannah Locke, Yacine Lo, Clara Moss, and Nina Molitor, made it to the semi-finals in the Model Judiciary competition. Congratulations to these and the other members of our delegation: Jack Novotny, who served as this year’s Head Lobbyist, Guthrie Harris, Dady Lo, and Bjorn Nelson.

With spring around the corner, any student who plans on participating in a sport next trimester needs to make sure their forms are taken care of. This means if you have not done a sport already this year, you need a physical and insurance. All athletes also need to fill out the consent form. Links to these can be found on the athletic page through the online registration button. We look forward to having all eligible students out for one of our amazing sports teams.

Sword and Board will meet on Thursday this week in room C16 from 230-330.

It is time again for the Women’s History Month Door Decorating contest! Third period classes will be competing against each other for the best door celebrating women of the past and/or present. Doors need to be completed by the end of the day on Monday, February 27th for judging. Doors will be posted on social media and the winning class will have lunch provided by Mr. Aguinaga on Friday, March 3rd.

It is lacrosse preseason! Both lacrosse teams are conditioning at Milwood Middle School Mondays through Fridays from 7-9 pm! Both lacrosse teams are gearing up for the spring season and are looking for new players to join the team. Come to Milwood Middle to learn lacrosse and put in some preseason work. Everyone is welcome to join. For more information contact seniors Sophie Grover or Adam Weeden.

Attention Juniors tomorrow, Tuesday February 21st we will be meeting with our Junior students in the auditorium to help them update their Educational Development Plan Please look for an email with the day and time of the week that you will join us. Please make sure that your Chromebook is charged for this meeting.

Attention graduating Seniors. If you have an interest in speaking at your commencement ceremony, you need to sign-up in room B-18 by Tuesday, February 28th.

Would you like to fly? Have you ever dreamed of gliding through the air and landing to the sound of family and friends cheering you on? Try pole vaulting. It is one of the most exciting events in track and field. We need people willing to try new things to join us. Gymnastics backgrounds are appreciated but not required. Pole vaulting not your thing? There are plenty of other events in track and field that don’t involve running miles at a time. Consider throwing, sprinting, or jumping. No experience is necessary. We have more coaches this year to help give you more individual attention and help. Every sport is better if you are stronger and faster. Let us help you use track to improve your performance for fall or winter sports. In the meantime, you can join one of the most successful teams Loy Norrix has to offer

Congratulations to the Norrix boys bowling team. They are the conference champions for the 22-23 season. They concluded their undefeated season by defeating Niles on Saturday.
The girls finished in 7th which is a huge accomplishment in itself since they played most of the games understrength, sometimes by 2 players. But that did not stop them from continuing to take at 1 or 2 points almost every week. Great job by both. This Friday and Saturday we have the regional tournament. Let’s see if we can keep the momentum going.

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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community
Monday, February 20, 2023