The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Loy Norrix Freshman Volleyball team competed at the Coldwater Freshmen Invitational this
past weekend. They defeated Coldwater and Delton Kellogg to win their morning pool, but were
knocked out in the first round of the Gold bracket after a tough loss to Schoolcraft. Reese Link led the
team in most consecutive serves, while Diamond Mabon dominated the left side in spite of an injured
ankle. Tomorrow, Wednesday they have their first away game against the Gull Lake Blue Devils.
Wish them luck!

SSR is 1st hour today

AAC is Monday through Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30 you can come get help with your class work in
C21. Please look for flyers posted in each of your classrooms for additional information.
And now for a few notes from the Administrators: We have some students who are missing their
education in their 3rd hour class because they are taking multiple lunches.  This is considered
truancy, students will be assigned detentions for taking multiple lunches. Also please
remember to remove your hats and hoods upon entering the building and remember to have them off
any time you are in the hallways, cafeteria or any other common area.  We have issued reminders to
students who have struggled to remember this; however, because we are in our 3rd week of school,
we will be issuing detention and please check your KPS email account each day.

Notifications will be sent to your account for lunch and after school detentions and other important
messages. Detention notifications will be emailed after the school day ends for detentions scheduled
for the following day.

This next reminder is for teachers and students: Please remember that the Wing Hallway Passes are
meant for your wing only, students may not use them to go to the office or elsewhere.  Please use a
white hall pass for anything else.  Additionally: Only one person per pass, Only issue after the 1st 30
and before the last 15 minutes of class. No cell phones out while on a pass or in an office.  Thank you
for being respectful of the expectations

Yoga Club begins today Tuesday, September 17th from 2:45-4:00 in Rm. J-11. Come relax and de-
stress with us. We have the yoga mats, so just wear comfy clothing. We hope to see you there!
Seniors you will be able to sign up for your senior meeting to talk about graduation and senior
obligations, with your counselor. The signup sheets will be in the counseling office. Today, September
17th, the counselors will be in the cafeteria during lunch for you to sign up as well. The senior
meetings ARE A REQUIREMENT will begin on Monday, September 23rd.

On Thursday, September 19th there will be an event in the Auditorium on Global Climate change from
2:30-4:30.  Come learn about Global Climate Change and what we each can do to help slow the
process. Also, On Friday, Sept 20th in the Arcadia Commons the city of Kalamazoo is hosting an
event about Global Climate Change. You can catch the 2:40 city bus and it will take you downtown.
Attention all Sophomores and Juniors.

The Third 90 Network Program is now taking applications for the Fall Team. We are looking for 10 students who are motivated, have a positive attitude, make good
grades, work well in a team setting, responsible, and not afraid to try new things.  The Third 90
program will give you an opportunity to participate in meaningful projects in environmental
sustainability. The team works with college faculty and college students. There will be 2 visits to the
Kalamazoo Nature Center, 2-3 college campus visits and 2 after school workshops. If you are
interested, pick up an application in M14, Mrs. Young’s room or K10 Ms. Nelson’s room. The deadline
to submit an application is Friday, September 20th.

Ms Learner will be running the After School Grad Point lab in room K5W on Tuesday and Wednesday
this week from 2:30-4:30 and on Thursday from 2:30-3:30. You must communicate with your
counselor before attending so that they can register you for this credit retrieval program. If you have
any questions, please stop by the Counseling Office.

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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community
Tuesday, September 17, 2019