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Monday, March 17, 2025

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The library will not be available today due to a special event. Do not come to the library today. Thank you.

Last night the men’s volleyball team went 2-1 in our conference quad with wins over Battle Creek central and Calhoun Christian and falling just short in the 3rd set to Kalamazoo Christian. After a couple of injuries in games 1 and 2, guys stepped in off the bench and played some positions they were not used to. The boys have a tournament at cornerstone university on Saturday and are back to conference play with a home quad here at Loy Norrix on Monday May 1st. Let’s fill the stands and show some support for our boys!

The Women’s Tennis team is now 8-3 overall after defeating Portage Northern 6-2.
The Women’s Track Team is now 2-1 overall after defeating Battle Creek Pennfield 128-33 last night.
The Men’s Track Team is now 2-1 overall after defeating Battle Creek Pennfield 144-18 last night.
The Men’s Golf Team WON the first SMAC East Jamboree of the season with a score of 170 winning by 5 strokes over KC and Gull Lake.
The Women’s Soccer team lost 5-1 to #2 Gull Lake last night.

The Loy Norrix Travel Club will be going to Greece next summer. If you would like to learn more about this great adventure, come to an informational meeting in the cafeteria on Tuesday, April 25th at 6:30 P.M. Information packets can be found in the tower and by the Counseling Office.

We will not have Upward Bound Tutoring this week at Loy Norrix.

Attention Seniors:Gradbash tickets will be sold in the cafeteria on Wednesdays in all three lunches.

AAC will be open today from 230-330 in the following rooms; English and Chinese in K1, Math in B21, Science in C17, ESL Support in K5W, and Study Hall in C16. Snacks will be available for students who behave appropriately and complete their work.

There will be no Chess Club this week on Wednesday due to Conferences.

Sword and Board will meet Thursday this week in room C16 from 230-330. All tabletop gamers and games are invited to join.

Green School will meet on Thursday in room B14 from 230-330. All are welcome, see you there!

Attention all Sophomores and Juniors!. If you missed the first Link Crew info meeting, you can come on Wednesday, April 26th, from 2:30-3:00pm in B23 to get more information. Applications can be found in the library and the main office,they are due Friday, April 28th by 2:30. See Mr. Hernandez,
Ms. Milton, or Ms. Simpson if you have any questions.

Attention students: You have a google form in your email for College Athlete Recognition Day. This form is due by the end of the Friday, April 28. The event will take place on Monday May 15th. You must make sure your form is turned in on time to participate.

Attention to students interested in applying for AP Art for the 2023/24 school year, please stop by A-12 to meet with Mr. Stevens and set up an appointment for your portfolio review.

Spring is here and the Junior/Senior PROM is in the air….
Get ready for “A KNIGHT FLIGHT to the STARS”- on Saturday, May 6th at the Air Zoo from 8-11 PM. Tickets can be purchased in the Main Office before school, between classes and after school for $40 “CASH ONLY” and $50 at the door. Out-of-district guests will have to need a permission form filled out by their school. Students may not bring guests from middle school or over the age of 20
This will definitely be a KNIGHT to REMEMBER—Dancing to the Stars and Beyond!

There are less than 200 yearbooks left for pre-order! Supplies are running out, so don’t miss your chance to order! Order online at with order number
12613, or bring $65 cash or check to room K3 before or after school or during lunch! Yearbooks will be distributed in May.

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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community
Tuesday, April 25, 2023