Tuesday, February 18, 2020
After school grad point is cancelled this afternoon.
Attention All Knights interested in playing golf this spring, there will be an informational meeting today, Tuesday, Feb 18 in Coach Peterson’s TV room at 2:30. All are welcome.
Loy Norrix we have heard that you can sing in the shower and Dance in Mirror. We also know that you have skills with the Chinese Yo Yo or Double Dutch jump rope. Well it’s time to show case that talent. We have our second annual Talent show on March 15. You can bring your special talent to the audition on Wednesday Feb 19. Right after school in the J15 see you there. Contestants will receive a special Gift. See you there .
Attention Female Students! Are you interested in learning what a career in technology could mean for you? Join our EFE Information Technology students on Thursday February 20th at 1pm for a Women Rock I.T. interactive broadcast. Please sign up for this exciting presentation in the counseling office.
Attention 9th or 10th grade students: You should have received a letter at home about an upcoming presentation by the Kalamazoo County Health Department. If you have an “opt out” form from your parent or guardian, please bring it to the C wing to give it to Ms. Tessin.
Attention Students: Please make your way to classes on time. Some of you are getting caught in hall sweeps or are facing detentions due to tardies. Suspensions are assigned if you are caught in more than one hall sweep in a week. Teachers, you are encouraged to always have your classroom doors locked for security reasons, but must have them locked during hall sweeps.
Attention Teachers: If you know of a student who needs to be placed on the no hall pass list, please see the form that was sent out by Ms. Tessin. We would like to publish this in the next week or so.
On Saturday February 22nd please join the fun as our Knights take on the Central Maroon Giants for three games of Basketball. During both the women’s’ and men’s’ varsity basketball games all junior and senior students are invited to enter to win a $1,000 scholarship to be used at any of the 14 top independent colleges and universities. That’s right, Michigan Colleges Alliance (MCA) will award three $1,000 scholarships to three Kalamazoo Central students and three $1,000 scholarships to three Loy Norrix students. Winners will be announced at the end of the 3rd quarter of the men’s game. Stop by the Michigan Colleges Alliance booth on Saturday to enter the drawing! Or if you are unable to attend the game visit the counseling office during passing time to complete an entry form. You do not have to be present to win.
Attention graduating Seniors! If you have an interest in speaking at your commencement ceremony, you need to sign-up in room B18 by Thursday, February 27.
Want to be somewhere else? Join the new trip to Italy for summer of 2021. You can earn 3 free college credits, experience some great culture and have the trip of a lifetime. Time to enroll because you will get $750 off the price until February 20. See Mr. Hernandez in A16 or Ms. Van Lieu in A12.