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Monday, March 17, 2025

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Our Black History month person of the day is Ella Josephine Baker, she was an African-American civil rights and human rights activist. She was a largely behind-the-scenes organizer whose career spanned more than five decades. In New York City and the South, she worked alongside some of the most noted civil rights leaders of the 20th century. Inspired by the historic bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1955, Baker co-founded the organization In Friendship to raise money to fight against Jim Crow Laws in the deep South.

Come to Mr. Shack’s room, c13, today, Tuesday for political discussion and action with the Young Democrats!

AAC will be open today from 230-330 in the following rooms; English and Chinese in K1, math in B21, science in C17 and A14, social studies in the library, ESL support in K5W, Spanish in A18, and study hall will be available in C16.

Attention Loy Norrix Seniors: Counselors, Promise Coaches, and Career Coaches will be meeting with you this week on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. During this meeting, you will create career goals, explore career details and to complete your Promise paperwork. An email will be sent to you from Mrs. Perry with the day and hour that we need you in the Auditorium. Please remember to bring your Charged Chromebook to the meeting.

Student athletes be sure to log your volunteer hours. Fall or winter athletes should have an email from Mrs. Rocco with a link to the Google Form. Spring athletes can use the QR code on the athletic office door. We will have a drawing on Monday the 13th for prizes for volunteering.

Looking to get involved in a sport this winter? The Girl’s Bowling team is looking for more student athletes to join. If you’re interested, go to the athletic office

Hey everybody. Learn more about teen life in Brazil through the Knight Life special series of stories this week on our website and instagram page. These special stories are a result of a collaborative project with Global Ties Kalamazoo. Each day this week you will see interesting posts and stories coming about about our Brazilian partners. Read these each day this week.

Attention AV club members: We will be working on the senior video this Wednesday after school in room K6. Please plan to attend.

Loy Norrix Baseball will have an informational meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb 8th. The meeting will be right after school in the weight room. We will start around 2:30. If you are able to stay after the meeting we will have a short team workout. We will be done no later than 3:45. If you plan on playing baseball this spring you need to attend this meeting. If you cannot attend, please contact Coach Rickli.

Attention returning or new Men’s Golfers: There will be a meeting on Wednesday, February 8th in the Cafeteria at 1:45 pm. Please come to the Athletic Office on that day to get a pass to attend.

Sword and Board will meet this Wednesday from 230-330 in room C16. All tabletop gamers and games are invited.

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. And if you’re looking for a great date idea, nothing beats going to a live show. Loy Norrix Drama is presenting the romantic and charming play “Almost, Maine” February 16th through the 19th. This play features stories of love, relationships, and a bit of magic in the northern woods. It’s perfect for a date with that special someone, or just a fun evening with a friend. Tickets are only five dollars and can be purchased online or at the door. See you next week in the auditorium!

Attention Bilingual students at Loy Norrix! Congrats on mastering more than one language! Now it is time to show us what you can do! Please check your email for information about the upcoming WIDA test and fill out the Google Form to show us that you are ready! Let’s show Kalamazoo what bilingual students can do!

Attention seniors! The final deadline to purchase a senior ad or baby picture for the yearbook is Sunday, February 12th! Order and design your ad online at with order number 12613 or bring cash or check to room K3. All sizes and prices are listed at the website. While you’re there, don’t forget to buy your yearbook – they’re selling fast!

Attention graduating Seniors. If you have an interest in speaking at your commencement ceremony, you need to sign-up in room B-18 by Tuesday, February 28th.

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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community
Tuesday, February 7, 2023