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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Here are the Loy Norrix Bowling results: The girls did not have enough girls to make a full team so it was hard to mount a defense. but they fought hard.The boys team bowled against Battle Creek Lakeview. They had only lost 1 match up to now.
We quickly dominated in the baker games. We even set a new high score of 251.
The 1st regular game did not go our way and we let them back in the match. The last, and deciding game went back and forth, but we needed the game, so we fought and got our spares. BC missed a crucial spare to give us the 16-14 win by less than 20 pins. Well fought victory Boys.

Need help improving your grade in the second half of the trimester? Tutoring is available Monday through Thursday from 230-330. Check with your teachers for the AAC room schedule. rooms B13 will be open Wed for Math, room D13 will be open Thursday for Science, and room C16 will be open Thursday for study hall. All other rooms will be closed on Wed and Thurs due to conferences.”.

Attention all lacrosse players. Lacrosse conditionings are canceled this week. We will resume practice next week starting Monday Jan 31st at 7-8:30pm.

Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1 so that you can audition.

The Loy Norrix Audio Visual club will be holding a meeting after school today, January 25th, in Ms. Pankop’s room, K6! The club’s next focus will be filming and editing the senior video that will be shown at graduation! Come on down if you want to help!

Sword and Board will meet Wed from 230-330 in room C16. All tabletop gamers and games are invited to join.

“Are you interested in discussing and learning about political issues and getting involved in the community? The Loy Norrix Young Democrats are focused on amplifying youth voices and putting them into action. Come to C-13 after school on Tuesday if you’d like to be involved. P.S. we also have free snacks!”

Seniors! The deadline to buy senior ads or baby pictures for the 2022 Accolade Yearbook is Sunday, February 6! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See Ms. English with any questions.

The Loy Norrix Black Student Union will have its first meeting this Thursday, January 27th from 2:30-3:30 in Ms Evans Room, K11. If you want to make your voice heard in terms of student representation at Norrix and have a good time building a sense of community, come join us. Allies are welcome as well. There will also be snacks available. Follow the Loy Norrix Black Student Union or contact Ms Evans with any questions.

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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community
Tuesday, January 25, 2022