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Monday, March 17, 2025

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The men’s volleyball team has their first home game tomorrow, Thursday for JV and Varsity starting at 6 come out and support our boys!

If you were accepted into a CTE or EFA program, your commitment forms are due back this Friday, April 7 to your counselor. Make sure you get them in!

Attention all seniors! Class T-shirts and sweatshirts are going on sale during all 3 lunches starting today! You’re not going to want to miss the chance to buy senior apparel to help lower the cost of prom tickets and pay for the senior luncheon.

There will be no AAC today due to a staff meeting.

Sword and Board will meet Thursday the 6th this week due to a staff meeting today.

Green School will meet on Thursday in Room B14 after school. All are welcome!

There will be Chess Club on Wednesday during all lunch shifts in computer lab D-10. If you would like to attend, please see Mr. Bellware before lunch on Wednesday in D-10 for your purple lunch passes. Anybody with a pass may attend, and anyone who beats Mr. Bellware wins a custom-made chess board.

Are you interested in participating in the making of your Senior Video? If so, come to AV Club in room K6 on these dates after school: today, April 5, April 12, April 19, and May 3rd.

If you did not pick up your Renaissance shirt at lunchtime yesterday, please do so today. If you do not have your ticket, just show your ID. The Renaissance Rallies will be Thursday during 2nd and 4th period.

Attention all students: get your yearbook today! There are fewer than 300 yearbooks left for sale and they’re going fast! Order online at with order number 12613, or bring $65 cash or check to room K3 before or after school or during lunch!

Attention Juniors and Seniors: May 13th will be the last testing date this school year to apply for the Michigan Seal of Biliteracy Award. Applications to register for the test are due April 26th. Please see your counselor or Señora Holmes for more information.

Travel Club 2024 will be heading to Greece next summer! Greek gods and myths come alive! If you are interested in having an adventure of a lifetime, then stop by the Counseling Office to pick up an informational packet from Ms. Learner with more details. An informational meeting will be scheduled for later this month.

Senior Trip tickets will go on sale this Friday in the Athletic Office starting at 10:00 A.M. The cost of the trip will be $85 which will include your ticket, your bus ride, your drink wristband, and your meal wristband. There will be 100 seats sold for the 2 buses. You can pay with card, cash, Apple Pay, Venmo, or Cash App. Your spot is reserved once you pay for your spot. The trip is Thursday, May 11.

Attention all Sophomores and Juniors! We want you to apply for next year’s Link Crew! Link Crew is our freshman transition program, where we come together as a team to support next year’s freshmen as they transition successfully to high school. Link Crew is all about learning new leadership skills, helping others, and having a lot of fun. If you want to make a difference at Loy Norrix, pick up an application in the main office or the library. Be sure to read the application carefully and note the mandatory dates at the bottom. There will be an informational meeting Monday April 10th in the cafeteria at 2:30. Applications are due Friday, April 28th by 2:30 in the main office or library. See Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Milton, or Ms. Simpson if you have any questions.

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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community
Wednesday, April 5, 2023