Wednesday, February 5, 2025
The Library is closed today for testing.
Volleyball weightlifting will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week from 2:30-3:30. Hope to see you there!
CTE/EFA applications are now open! If you are interested in a program, applications are due by Friday, February 21. You can go to, contact your counselor, or follow the links in the counseling google classroom or weekly Loy Norrix newsletter to apply!
Kalamazoo United Men’s Lacrosse has conditioning Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 7-9pm at Milwood Middle School.
It’s National School Counseling Week! Make sure you thank your counselor, and did you know school counselors are here to help students with academic, career, and emotional needs.
Hey seniors, there are only 3 more months left until the 2025 Accolade Yearbook comes out! Check your email for the nomination form for senior superlative mock elections, including categories like best dressed, worst driver, and social butterfly. Nominations can be submitted until 2:20 on Wednesday, and then we will move on to the final vote!
Its February. Do you know where your fitness is? Don’t wait until March to get ready for spring sports. Come out and get fit with the indoor track club. We run and strength train every day. Coach Bates is here with sprinters Tuesdays and Thursdays. Coach Schmidt is here every day with distance runners. Come when you can. Build up gradually. We can adapt workouts to you. We are always looking for potential track athletes but all are welcome without commitment. See you at the four-corners after school from 2:40 to 4:15.
Kalamazoo United woman’s lacrosse is looking for more athletes interested in joining! Conditionings are Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at Maple St middle school from 7-9pm now until the end of February. Spring season starts March 10th and there are no try outs!
Attention graduating Seniors! If you have an interest in speaking at your commencement ceremony, you need to sign-up in room B-18 by Tuesday, February 25th.
Attention anyone interested in playing men’s volleyball this spring, there will be an open gym on Wednesday from 7:30-9:00. All are welcome to come check it out. If you have any questions, reach out to coach Mac!
No Chess Club today due to conferences.
Green School meets today after school in room M14! All are welcome, hope to see you there!
There is an important Youth in Government meeting today after school in Mrs. Johnson’s room, which is D18.
AAC will be closed today due to the rescheduled conferences.
Yarn Club is also cancelled today.