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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

This is a depiction of liberalism trying to erase history with the use of political correctness. This has closer relation to political correctness as used in the 70's-90's.

How political correctness inhibits progression in the United States

Princess-J’Maria Mboup, Knights Speak Team May 21, 2021

The idea of being politically correct is not a new concept, having roots going back to the 70’s in the U.S. It has ruled with an iron fist ever since the early 1990’s when it was used to describe extreme...

Democratic Socialism, Reshaping America's Left

Democratic Socialism, Reshaping America's Left

Brandi-Rose Phiri, Business Manager May 8, 2019

The phrase “democratic socialism” has been popping up all over the news. Some of the liberals are split about weather they agree with this system, and Republicans think it's just the newest radical...

Max meets with government teacher Mr. Wright every day at lunch to talk about worldly matters. This lunch they were discussing the recent shooting in Brazil.
Photo Credit: Riley Dominianni

Not Such A Thin Line: Peoples Political Ideas Aren't Always Black And White

April 22, 2019

By Daniel Isacksen Democrats and Republicans are more divided than ever on immigration, transsexual and transgender rights, reproductive rights and gun control, among many other issues. Both parties have...

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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community