There are many hidden gems at Loy Norrix that aren’t public knowledge among the student body. The orchestra is a talented group of students who play instruments like the cello, violin, viola, and bass among others.
Currently there are 42 members in the Loy Norrix orchestra.
“We focus on postures and positions so that skills that we work on become easier with repetition. How the bow is held, for example, everything from simply drawing the bow to playing quality sounding accents, become more difficult at the start, with improper bow holds,” said teacher Sandra Shaw who has taught at Loy Norrix for the past 6 years. “After that, the emphasis on producing a beautiful tone that will make others want to listen is our primary focus.”
The group frequently travels to compete at festivals to display their talents before judges where they consistently receive top marks. One example is the Michigan State Band and Orchestra Association’s District 11 Orchestra Festival. The Loy Norrix orchestra received a rating of 1, the best you can get, for three years running.
Take a Look Into Our Orchestra Program
October 10, 2016
Senior Kate Kay plays the violin. Kay is a senior and has been in Orchestra all four years. Photo Credit / Sidney Richardson
Dustin Keltsch • Oct 20, 2016 at 2:48 pm
awesome pictures, good journalist. Asked good questions