Delvin Swift (black shirt on left) races Zack Sims (on right) at the Academic Pep Assembly to pass time. Before the race, Zack bragged and bet the other racers he could beat them. Photo Credit / Josh Hentkowski
Loy Norrix students had a blast on May 18 during fourth and fifth hour. Students had been waiting for months for an opportunity that only comes twice a year, the Academic Pep Assembly, a day where students get to leave class early to kick back and relax. It is a reward for all their hard work in their classes.
According to administrator Kelly Hinga, all attending students were required to have a 3.0 GPA for the previous trimester and one or less unexcused absences to attend the event.
“We’re all about positive reinforcement,” said Hinga. “The assembly is a way to encourage students that are already performing at a high level to keep doing so and to entice students that aren’t quite there to work that much harder.”
Hinga has her own philosophy about about how to get students to achieve at high levels.
“Keeping children in school is our goal, if you’re here then you will learn,” said Hinga
Some students might argue that a student can easily drift off in class and not pay attention but many students at the assembly agreed with her.
On the fun filled day there was food and refreshments available for students, music, racing, football and other fun activities. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves at the event.
“Don’t procrastinate, it leads to an endless cycle of unnecessary stress and failure,” said junior Cody Wilkins on how to keep good grades.
Sophomore Thomas Rossi gave similar advice and said, “Staying caught up on your homework makes school 100 times easier.”
This year’s academic pep assemblies may have come and gone, but administrators hope that even more students will be eligible for the next one.
“We don’t want kids to fail, we want to prepare them for the workforce and this is a celebration of the things they’ll need to accomplish once they enter the workforce,” said Hinga.