A fun and productive way to help out the community is by joining our Loy Norrix Key Club. Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students in the world. There are over 260 thousand members involved in more than 30 countries.
Key Club is affiliated with Kiwanis International, an organization that helps communities and children trying to change the world “one child at a time”. However, Kiwanis is for adults and Key Club is for teenagers.
The first Key Club was founded in 1925. The Loy Norrix club is the only local chapter amongKalamazoohigh schools. The Key Club teams up with the Downtown Kalamazoo Kiwanis Club for fundraising opportunities and service projects, including volunteering at Pretty Lake Vacation Camp.
Jane Ryan, former Loy Norrix staff member, is assisting the Loy Norrix Key Club and its teacher-advisors in recruiting new students who are interested in performing community service. The club is starting up again this year so we are trying to get things back on track. The plan is to have a fully functional club, “up and running” for the 2012-2013 school year. The Key Club will be doing an assortment of projects and would like more members to join and get the word out.
“Colleges and employers are interested in student’s activities in the classroom and in service and social organizations in the high school setting when reviewing applications,” said Ryan.
There aren’t many members in the club but more people have been joining. Travonte Charleston, a member of the club, joined when he was in Melissa Cone’s Global issues class. He joined because it’s something new, its fun, it gets you out and it’s open to the community.
“With one helping hand can change the world,” said Charleston.
The Key Club has helped Charlestonwith his responsibilities. It helped him see that there are good things to do instead of being on the street. The club keeps him positive because it makes him feel good to help people. He does whatever he can to promote the club and recruit new members.
“[Others should join because] it’s really fun, it’s a social group and you can meet new people around the world,” said Charleston.
The Loy Norrix Key Club is fun, challenging and brings opportunities to students. Your participation will develop leadership and service skills which colleges and employers value. Be a part of it.