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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Morning Announcements

Thrusday, February 13, 2025

Thrusday, February 13, 2025

AAC will be open today for tutoring from 230-330 in the following rooms; social studies in K13, math in D13, English in A16, ESL Support in K5W, Spanish in A18, Math SAT Prep in B13, Courseware in K10, and study hall in D10.   Do you like books? Do you LOVE free books?  Spend your lunchtime on  Valentine’s Day in the library for a Speed Date with a Book event.  Sample several books in 15 minutes and choose one to keep!  See or email Ms. Coash in the library by Thursday, Feb. 13, to sign up for this event.   There will be a Youth in Government meeting this Tuesday, February 18, after school in Mrs. Johnson's room, which is D18. If you are attending the Youth in Government conference, plan to attend the meeting on Tuesday in D18. CTE/EFA applications are now open! If you are interested in a program, applications are due by Friday, February 21. You can go to, contact your counselor, or follow the links in the counseling google classroom or weekly Loy Norrix newsletter to apply! Its February. Do you know where your fitness is? Don't wait until March to get ready for spring sports. Come out and get fit with the indoor track club. We run and strength train every day. Coach Bates is here with sprinters Tuesdays and Thursdays. Coach Schmidt is here every day with distance runners. Come when you can. Build up gradually. We can adapt workouts to you. We are always looking for potential track athletes but all are welcome without commitment. See you at the four-corners after school from 2:40 to 4:15.   Sword and Board will meet in room C16 from 2:30-3:30 today.   Attention graduating Seniors! If you have an interest in speaking at your commencement ceremony, you need to sign-up in room B-18 by Tuesday, February 25th.   Volleyball weightlifting will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week from 2:30-3:30.    The Latinx Club will be meeting Thursday 2/13 after school from 2:30pm-3:30pm in room A-18. Snacks are provided. If you have any questions, please see one of your fellow classmates, Rose Hernandez and Obed Gonzalez. You can also contact Mrs. Castillo in the Library.    Kalamazoo United Men's Lacrosse has conditioning Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 7-9 pm at Milwood Middle School.   The Sewing and Knitting club is going through some changes. As of right now we will meet on Tuesdays from 2:30 to 3:30 in the counselling office. If you have any sewing, knitting, or crocheting supplies that you would like to donate, please give them to Ms. Wright Newman in the counselling office. Stay tuned for more announcements. Black Student Union Presents: Decorate a Classroom Competition Let your creativity flow as you represent the positive contributions of African Americans in America. Talk to your teachers about joining the competition and the winning room will win a pizza party. The judging will take place on Feb 28th.   Students in Mr. Ezekiel's Current Events class are holding product drives to benefit Kalamazoo Animal Rescue and Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes. Check around home for donatable items, and please bring donations of unexpired canned foods, as well as donations of the following pet supplies to Mr. Ezekiel's room (M12E): - Kitty litter - Science diet cat food - Dog harnesses, as well as small and extra-small dog collars - Wet kitten food (no Fancy Feast, please) Thanks for helping these student projects succeed!   Travel Club is excited to announce the destination for the 2026 summer trip! The trip will start in Paris, France where we will visit the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Palace of Versailles and many more historic landmarks. From Paris we will travel by one of the fastest trains in Europe to Southern France on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. After our time in France, the remainder of the trip will be Spain: Barcelona and Madrid!! Anyone who signs up for this trip by March 6, 2025 will receive $350 off the cost of the trip. There are also scholarships available up to $600 for students. Students could save almost $1000 off the cost of the trip! 3 college credits are included in the price! What if you are graduating in 2025? Good news! You are eligible for the trip. Enrollment packets have not yet arrived, but there will be information sheets outside of Ms. Ward's room in D-11! This trip only has 36 slots available! They will fill up quickly! Don't miss out on this life enhancing adventure! Contact Ms. Ward [email protected] if you have any questions! Here are the results for the Kalamazoo United ski team in the regionals last weekend. The boys once again finished fifth place upsetting power house ski programs like Forest Hills, Portage and Grand Haven. They raced on the hardest race courses in the state at Schuss Mountain. Junior Sam Oberlee from Norrix finished 5th in giant slalom and 11th in Slalom. He qualified for state finals in both disciplines. That’s a KU first! Representing the boys from Norrix is Sam Oberlee, Luke Buydendorp, Nolan Kiplinger, Michael Austin, and Graydon Heystek.   The girls finished a team best 7th as they upset Portage as well. Amelia Todd from Kalamazoo Central qualified for state finals as well for giant slalom! This is a Kalamazoo United first as well. Representing the Kalamazoo United team for girls from Norrix is Lizzie Bierlein, Mary Ewing, and Zoe Newman.
Monday, February 10, 2025

Monday, February 10, 2025

Library is closed for testing. CTE/EFA applications are now open! If you are interested in a program, applications are due by Friday, February 21. You can go to, contact your counselor, or follow the links in the counseling google classroom or weekly Loy Norrix newsletter to apply! Its February. Do you know where your fitness is? Don't wait until March to get ready for spring sports. Come out and get fit with the indoor track club. We run and strength train every day. Coach Bates is here with sprinters Tuesdays and Thursdays. Coach Schmidt is here every day with distance runners. Come when you can. Build up gradually. We can adapt workouts to you. We are always looking for potential track athletes but all are welcome without commitment. See you at the four-corners after school from 2:40 to 4:15.   Attention graduating Seniors! If you have an interest in speaking at your commencement ceremony, you need to sign-up in room B-18 by Tuesday, February 25th.   Volleyball weightlifting will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week from 2:30-3:30.    Kalamazoo United Men's Lacrosse has conditioning Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 7-9pm at Milwood Middle School.   Hygiene For Every Heart Bring in 2 or more travel size personal hygiene products to the athletic office and you will receive a FREE Student Section T-Shirt! All products will be donated to KPS students in need. There are flyers around the school with a list of suggested products needed.   Students in Mr. Ezekiel's Current Events class are holding product drives to benefit Kalamazoo Animal Rescue and Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes. Check around home for donatable items, and please bring donations of unexpired canned foods, as well as donations of the following pet supplies to Mr. Ezekiel's room (M12E): - Kitty litter - Science diet cat food - Dog harnesses, as well as small and extra-small dog collars - Wet kitten food (no Fancy Feast, please)   Travel Club is excited to announce the destination for the 2026 summer trip! The trip will start in Paris, France where we will visit the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Palace of Versailles and many more historic landmarks. From Paris we will travel by one of the fastest trains in Europe to Southern France on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. After our time in France, the remainder of the trip will be Spain: Barcelona and Madrid!! Anyone who signs up for this trip by March 6, 2025 will receive $350 off the cost of the trip. There are also scholarships available up to $600 for students. Students could save almost $1000 off the cost of the trip! 3 college credits are included in the price! What if you are graduating in 2025? Good news! You are eligible for the trip. Enrollment packets have not yet arrived, but there will be information sheets outside of Ms. Ward's room in D-11! This trip only has 36 slots available! They will fill up quickly! Don't miss out on this life enhancing adventure! Contact Ms. Ward [email protected] if you have any questions!   Black Student Union Meeting is Tuesday Feb 11th in K13(Ms. McMillon's room) starting at 2:30.   If you love to read or want to learn more about the Black Experience through literacy, check out the display in the library. Ms. Coash did an amazing job finding books from different genres.   There will be no AAC today due to a staff meeting.   Sword and Board will meet in room C16 from 2:30-3:30 on Thursday. All tabletop gamers and games are invited to join.   Heaven Cole headed over to Dowagiac for the Individual Districts. After 4 rounds of wrestling she walked away victorious, named the school 1st Girls Individual district champion.   The Boys wrestling knights fought hard @ Howell for the individual Districts, walking away with two regional Qualifiers Conrado Carrillo @ 3rd place and Nasir Spurlock @ 4th. Individual Regionals for both Boys/Girls are this Saturday/Sunday Feb 15th-16th @ Portage Northern.
Friday, February 7, 2025

Friday, February 7, 2025

CTE/EFA applications are now open! If you are interested in a program, applications are due by Friday, February 21. You can go to, contact your counselor, or follow the links in the counseling google classroom or weekly Loy Norrix newsletter to apply! It's National School Counseling Week! Make sure you thank your counselor, and did you know School counselors help students and school counselors help students develop and achieve their goals. Hey seniors, there are only 3 more months left until the 2025 Accolade Yearbook comes out! Check your email for the nomination form for senior superlative mock elections, including categories like best dressed, worst driver, and social butterfly. Nominations can be submitted until 2:20 on Wednesday, and then we will move on to the final vote! Its February. Do you know where your fitness is? Don't wait until March to get ready for spring sports. Come out and get fit with the indoor track club. We run and strength train every day. Coach Bates is here with sprinters Tuesdays and Thursdays. Coach Schmidt is here every day with distance runners. Come when you can. Build up gradually. We can adapt workouts to you. We are always looking for potential track athletes but all are welcome without commitment. See you at the four-corners after school from 2:40 to 4:15.   Kalamazoo United woman’s lacrosse is looking for more athletes interested in joining! Conditionings are Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at Maple St middle school from 7-9pm now until the end of February. Spring season starts March 10th and there are no try outs!    Attention graduating Seniors! If you have an interest in speaking at your commencement ceremony, you need to sign-up in room B-18 by Tuesday, February 25th.   Pink & Red LOVE & BASKETBALL shirts available in the athletic office for only $5 while supplies last. Only CASH and exact CASH will be accepted.   Bring in 2 or more travel size personal hygiene products to the athletic office and you will receive a FREE Student Section T-Shirt! All products will be donated to KPS students in need. There are flyers around the school with a list of suggested products needed.   Ok everyone! The Black Student Union has a trivia question for you! Which region of Africa is considered the origin of humanity? Please bring your answer to the office and a name will be drawn at the end of the day. The name with the correct answer will be announced Monday during morning announcements.   Your Loy Norrix Wrestling Knights demolished the competition on the way to the schools first District Team Title. Loy Norrix 42 - 33 Portage Central Loy Norrix 52 - 20 Battle Creek Center If you see any wrestlers in the hallway take a second to celebrate.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Library is closed today for testing.   Volleyball weightlifting will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week from 2:30-3:30. Hope to see you there! CTE/EFA applications are now open! If you are interested in a program, applications are due by Friday, February 21. You can go to, contact your counselor, or follow the links in the counseling google classroom or weekly Loy Norrix newsletter to apply!   Kalamazoo United Men's Lacrosse has conditioning Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 7-9pm at Milwood Middle School. It's National School Counseling Week! Make sure you thank your counselor, and did you know school counselors are here to help students with academic, career, and emotional needs.  Hey seniors, there are only 3 more months left until the 2025 Accolade Yearbook comes out! Check your email for the nomination form for senior superlative mock elections, including categories like best dressed, worst driver, and social butterfly. Nominations can be submitted until 2:20 on Wednesday, and then we will move on to the final vote! Its February. Do you know where your fitness is? Don't wait until March to get ready for spring sports. Come out and get fit with the indoor track club. We run and strength train every day. Coach Bates is here with sprinters Tuesdays and Thursdays. Coach Schmidt is here every day with distance runners. Come when you can. Build up gradually. We can adapt workouts to you. We are always looking for potential track athletes but all are welcome without commitment. See you at the four-corners after school from 2:40 to 4:15. Kalamazoo United woman’s lacrosse is looking for more athletes interested in joining! Conditionings are Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at Maple St middle school from 7-9pm now until the end of February. Spring season starts March 10th and there are no try outs!    Attention graduating Seniors! If you have an interest in speaking at your commencement ceremony, you need to sign-up in room B-18 by Tuesday, February 25th. Attention anyone interested in playing men’s volleyball this spring, there will be an open gym on Wednesday from 7:30-9:00. All are welcome to come check it out. If you have any questions, reach out to coach Mac!   No Chess Club today due to conferences. Green School meets today after school in room M14! All are welcome, hope to see you there!   There is an important Youth in Government meeting today after school in Mrs. Johnson's room, which is D18. AAC will be closed today due to the rescheduled conferences.   Yarn Club is also cancelled today.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Library is closed today for testing.   Volleyball weightlifting will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week from 2:30-3:30.  CTE/EFA applications are now open! If you are interested in a program, applications are due by Friday, February 21. You can go to, contact your counselor, or follow the links in the counseling google classroom or weekly Loy Norrix newsletter to apply! Poetry Club is starting Today, Tuesday, February 4th. It will be meeting in C-13 (Mr. Eiler's room) from 2:30 to 3:30. For those interested, the google classroom code is zpn5wcb.   If you are in Youth in Government, please attend the meeting tomorrow after school in Mrs. Johnson's room, which is D18.   Kalamazoo United Men's Lacrosse has conditioning Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 7-9pm at Milwood Middle School. It's National School Counseling Week! Make sure you thank your counselor, and did you know a school counselor's role is to be an advocate for all students.  Hey seniors, there are only 3 more months left until the 2025 Accolade Yearbook comes out! Check your email for the nomination form for senior superlative mock elections, including categories like best dressed, worst driver, and social butterfly. Nominations can be submitted until 2:20 on Wednesday, and then we will move on to the final vote! Its February. Do you know where your fitness is? Don't wait until March to get ready for spring sports. Come out and get fit with the indoor track club. We run and strength train every day. Coach Bates is here with sprinters Tuesdays and Thursdays. Coach Schmidt is here every day with distance runners. Come when you can. Build up gradually. We can adapt workouts to you. We are always looking for potential track athletes but all are welcome without commitment. See you at the four-corners after school from 2:40 to 4:15.   The GSA will be meeting TODAY from 2:30-3:30 in Mr. Ezekiel's room M12E. For more information talk to either Mr. Ezekiel or Ms. Pike (B20).  Kalamazoo United woman’s lacrosse is looking for more athletes interested in joining! Conditionings are Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at Maple St middle school from 7-9pm now until the end of February. Spring season starts March 10th and there are no try outs! Come check out this sport and join the team!!   Attention graduating Seniors! If you have an interest in speaking at your commencement ceremony, you need to sign-up in room B-18 by Tuesday, February 25th. Attention anyone interested in playing men’s volleyball this spring, there will be an open gym on Wednesday from 7:30-9:00. All are welcome to come check it out. If you have any questions, reach out to coach Mac! AAC will be open today for tutoring from 2:30-3:30 in the following rooms; social studies in K13, math in B21, english in A16, science in C10, ESL support in K5W, spanish in A18, courseware in K10, and study hall in A19. The testing room will be open for make-up testing in the Awing offices. Please have your teacher contact Mrs Hensen regarding testing.   Attention graduating Seniors!  If you have an interest in speaking at your commencement ceremony, you need to sign-up in room B-18 by Tuesday, February 25th.
Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday, January 31, 2025

It's SPIRIT WEEK ~ Today is Blue and White Day! Let's fill the student section with School Spirit Tonight for our Men's Basketball games starting at 4:15PM.   Winterfest dance to follow after the Varsity game. 9PM-11PM   Volleyball weightlifting will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week from 2:30-3:30.    The Women's Soccer team is looking for an individual that would take charge as our video coordinators position. This would involve setting up and taking down our video equipment before and after all games. Additional involvement may include editing and disseminating footage for the players.   Kalamazoo United Ski Team is having a fundraiser at Buddy's Pizza in Portage on Sunday, February 2nd from 11am - 9pm. 20% of all dine in, delivery, or takeout orders at Buddy's will benefit the Ski Team. Make sure to mention Kalamazoo United Ski Team when ordering. For Takeout or Delivery use the promo code GIVEBACK on   Are you ready for swag from the Class of 2027? Well, preorder your long sleeve t-shirt or sweatshirt in the cafeteria, during all three lunches today (Monday) and tomorrow (Tuesday) with the Class of 2027 Executive Board. Or, you can enter a raffle to win a t-shirt or a sweatshirt. T-shirt raffles cost $1.00 and sweatshirt raffles cost $2.00.   The Class of 2028 will be selling WinterFest Tickets through Friday Jan 31st during lunch. This is going to be a memorable event with music provided by DJ MAR who is traveling all the way from Englewood, and a special performance by D. Lylez, a Grammy-nominated Singer/Songwriter and Producer. Tickets are $10 so make sure you get yours fast! If you have any questions please contact Mr. Dominguez. CTE/EFA applications are now open! If you are interested in a program, applications are due by Friday, February 21. You can go to, contact your counselor, or follow the links in the counseling google classroom or weekly Loy Norrix newsletter to apply!   Attention 9th, 10th, and 11th graders! Join us for the KRESA Career Connect Open House at The Kalamazoo Promise on February 5th from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Explore career programs, meet instructors, enjoy free food, and enter to win Beats headphones! The first 50 guests get free tickets to the Loy Norrix vs. Kalamazoo Central city rivalry basketball game. RSVP is encouraged but not required!   Only a few days are left to get your 2025 Accolade yearbook for only $65! Buy online at with order number 12613 or bring $65 cash or check to room K4! Prices will increase on Monday, so save 5 bucks and lock in your yearbook today! Poetry Club is starting next Tuesday, February 4th. It will be meeting in C-13 (Mr. Eiler's room) from 2:30 to 3:30. For those interested, the google classroom code is zpn5wcb. Come support your Kalamazoo United Hockey team this Friday and Saturday! Game on Friday is at 7pm and is free for all. Saturday’s game is at 11:00am and the first 20 students are free! Games are at Wings West. Come support your fellow Knights, 1/3 of the team is from Norrix!!   The Kalamazoo United Alpine Ski Team Boys team finished 1st overall in the Conference for Race 4, 1st in slalom and 3rd in Giant Slalom. Leading the boy’s team was Junior Sam Oberlee with a 1st in Slalom and 2nd in Giant Slalom, finishing overall for Race 4 in 1st place! Sophomore Luke Buytendorp was 3rd in SL and 7th in GS, Senior, Nolan Kiplinger, was 13th in SL. Sophomore Grady Heystek finished 3rd in Slalom and 1st in GS on Varsity B.   The girls team finished 4th in both Slalom and Giant Slalom. Senior Lizzie Bierlein was 13th in Slalom and 16th in Giant Slalom, Junior Mary Ewing was 23rd in Slalom and 33rd in GS, and Freshman Zoe Newman was 30th in GS and 33rd in Slalom.   Attention Youth in Government members: there will be an important meeting after school next Wednesday, February 5, in Mrs. Johnson's room, which is D18. If you are attending the conference in Lansing, plan to attend the meeting on Wednesday in Room D18.
Thursday, January 30, 2025

Thursday, January 30, 2025

AAC will be open today for tutoring from 230-330 in the following rooms; Social Studies in K13, Math in D13, English in A16, Science in C10, ESL Support in K5W, Spanish in A18, SAT Prep in B13, Courseware in K10, and Study Hall in D10.   It's SPIRIT WEEK~ Dress up days are..   Thursday- Camouflage Day Friday- Blue and White Day (school colors)   Volleyball weightlifting will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week from 2:30-3:30. Hope to see you there! Attention all Loy Norrix Knights! Don't miss your chance to be part of the most exciting event this Trimester - sign up now for our pep rally games and show everyone what Norrix Spirit is all about. Whether you want to compete in the three-point contest, mattress madness, red light - green light, or our legendary tug-of-war championship, we need YOU to make this the best pep rally ever! Please check your emails.   Current student-athletes, while we can't have you competing in the pep rally games for safety reasons, we'd love to have your energy in the stands as you cheer on your classmates and help make this event unforgettable!   The Women's Soccer team is looking for an individual that would take charge as our video coordinators position. This would involve setting up and taking down our video equipment before and after all games. Additional involvement may include editing and disseminating footage for the players.   Kalamazoo United Ski Team is having a fundraiser at Buddy's Pizza in Portage on Sunday, February 2nd from 11am - 9pm. 20% of all dine in, delivery, or takeout orders at Buddy's will benefit the Ski Team. Make sure to mention Kalamazoo United Ski Team when ordering. For Takeout or Delivery use the promo code GIVEBACK on   Sword and Board will meet on Today from 230-330 in room C16.    Are you ready for swag from the Class of 2027? Well, preorder your long sleeve t-shirt or sweatshirt in the cafeteria, during all three lunches today( Monday) and tomorrow( Tuesday) with the Class of 2027 Executive Board. Or, you can enter a raffle to win a t-shirt or a sweatshirt. T-shirt raffles cost $1.00 and sweatshirt raffles cost $2.00.   Have you signed up for the trip to Ireland and Scotland this summer? It is not too late! If you sign up by January 30 at midnight, you can still receive a discount on the price of the trip! Students who travel can earn 3 free college credits! See Ms. Ward in D-11 or email her at [email protected] for more information!   The Class of 2028 will be selling WinterFest Tickets through Friday Jan 31st during lunch. This is going to be a memorable event with music provided by DJ MAR who is traveling all the way from Englewood, and a special performance by D. Lylez, a Grammy-nominated Singer/Songwriter and Producer. Tickets are $10 so make sure you get yours fast! If you have any questions please contact Mr. Dominguez. CTE/EFA applications are now open! If you are interested in a program, applications are due by Friday, February 21. You can go to, contact your counselor, or follow the links in the counseling google classroom or weekly Loy Norrix newsletter to apply!   Attention 9th, 10th, and 11th graders! Join us for the KRESA Career Connect Open House at The Kalamazoo Promise on February 5th from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Explore career programs, meet instructors, enjoy free food, and enter to win Beats headphones! The first 50 guests get free tickets to the Loy Norrix vs. Kalamazoo Central city rivalry basketball game. RSVP is encouraged but not required!   Only a few days are left to get your 2025 Accolade yearbook for only $65! Buy online at with order number 12613 or bring $65 cash or check to room K4! Prices will increase on Monday, so save 5 bucks and lock in your yearbook today!   Poetry Club is starting next Tuesday, February 4th. It will be meeting in C-13 (Mr. Eiler's room) from 2:30 to 3:30. For those interested, the google classroom code is zpn5wcb. Come support your Kalamazoo United Hockey team this Friday and Saturday! Game on Friday is at 7pm and is free for all. Saturday’s game is at 11:00am and the first 20 students are free! Games are at Wings West. Come support your fellow Knights, 1/3 of the team is from Norrix!!   Loy Norrix Wrestling defeated Kalamazoo Central in a dual last night, coming down to a tiebreaker, with Norrix winning on the first criteria, 37-36. Undefeated wrestlers on the night included Dennis Allen-Wormack, Nasir Spurlock, Darik Smith, Wyatt Buddiemer, and Conrado Carrillo. There were also two outstanding 6-point pins by Caleb Burns and Heaven Cole. If you see one of the wrestlers in the hallway today, take a moment to celebrate with them, as it is the first time Norrix has beaten Central in wrestling in over 20 years.
Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday, January 27, 2025

The Chromebook Help Desk will be closed today.   There will be no AAC today due to a staff meeting.   Students, please remember that guest teachers are not able to write passes to the library.    If you want to be a part of a positive African American representation at Loy Norrix High School, come to the Black Student Union Informational Meeting in K13 (Ms. McMillon's room) on Tuesday the 28th from 2:30-3:30.   Sword and Board will meet on Thursday from 2:30-3:30 in room C16. All tabletop gamers and games are invited to join.   Are you ready for swag from the Class of 2027? Well, pre order your long sleeve t-shirt or sweatshirt in the cafeteria, during all three lunches today (Monday) and tomorrow (Tuesday) with the Class of 2027 Executive Board. Or, you can enter a raffle to win a t-shirt or a sweatshirt. T-shirt raffles cost $1.00 and sweatshirt raffles cost $2.00.   Book Club will meet Tuesday from 2:30-3:30 in the library.   Have you signed up for the trip to Ireland and Scotland this summer? It is not too late! If you sign up by January 30 at midnight, you can still receive a discount on the price of the trip! Students who travel can earn 3 free college credits! See Ms. Ward in D-11 or email her at [email protected] for more information!   The Men's Swim and Dive team took a trip to GR this weekend and won their third straight Ottawa Hills Invite. All swimmers and divers that attended scored to help secure the victory. Highlight performance from Diver Isaac Patrick, winning First place and achieving a National Qualifying Score.   There will be a meeting for Youth in Government tomorrow, Tuesday, January 28, after school in Mrs. Johnson's room, which is D18.   The Class of 2028 will be selling WinterFest Tickets through Friday Jan 31st during lunch. This is going to be a memorable event with music provided by DJ MAR who is traveling all the way from Englewood, and a special performance by D. Lylez, a Grammy-nominated Singer/Songwriter and Producer. Tickets are $10 so make sure you get yours fast! If you have any questions please contact Mr. Dominguez. CTE/EFA applications are now open! If you are interested in a program, applications are due by Friday, February 21. You can go to, contact your counselor, or follow the links in the counseling google classroom or weekly Loy Norrix newsletter to apply!   We are thrilled to celebrate the incredible success of our DECA students! On January 24th,53 students participated in the District 3 regional competition There were about 3,000 contestants.   20 outstanding members of our own club  earned medals across a variety of  business role plays and tests, showcasing their hard work, dedication, and business acumen. The students were Grayson Borick,  Felix Wendt, the  Team of Edmundo Casitillo and Osacr Markovich-Ewards ,Tenley Douma, Jayda Hayworth, Lealand Wagner, Madison Johnson, Allison Boucher, Dominic Abate, Camille Mckee,Margarite McBride, Zahra Rahimi, Connor Doren, Plamedie Ekumbaki,Ariah Leake, Tj McClintion, Ari Johonson Eden Sleper, and JJ Bennett-Cloeman .    Good Job Mr. Ward and your business club.
Friday, January 17, 2025

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Class of 2028 will begin selling WinterFest Tickets starting Tuesday Jan 7th through Friday Jan 31st during lunch. This is going to be a memorable event with music provided by DJ MAR who is traveling all the way from Englewood, and a special performance by D. Lylez, a Grammy-nominated Singer/Songwriter and Producer. Tickets are $10 so make sure you get yours fast!    Need help filling out the FAFSA? Financial Aid representatives will be at Loy Norrix during conferences on January 22 and 23 in the library to help. Come get your questions answered while you eat a free dinner!    From now until January 31st, the 2025 Accolade Yearbook is only $65. If you take your time, that price will rise, so don't wait! Take your money down to K4 cash or check or go to with order number 12613 to buy it online.    Are you curious about the Military Branches? Are you wondering if the Military is right for you? Please refer to your email as Mrs. Perry sent you a google form.   The Knights Health Center will be closed on Monday, January 20th in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.    If you are in Youth in Government, there will be a meeting on Wednesday, January 22, after school, in Mrs. Johnson's room, which is D18. If you are in Youth in Government, plan to attend the meeting on Wednesday in D18.   Good Morning, Loy Norrix Knights! This week, we’ve been focusing on an important topic: vaping and its harmful effects. Studies have shown that vaping is not just a harmless habit—it can lead to serious mental health issues, lung cancer, brain damage, and heart problems. These are risks no one should take.
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Class of 2028 will begin selling WinterFest Tickets starting Tuesday Jan 7th through Friday Jan 31st during lunch. This is going to be a memorable event with music provided by DJ MAR who is traveling all the way from Englewood, and a special performance by D. Lylez, a Grammy-nominated Singer/Songwriter and Producer. Tickets are $10 so make sure you get yours fast!    Need help filling out the FAFSA? Financial Aid representatives will be at Loy Norrix during conferences on January 22 and 23 in the library to help. Come get your questions answered while you eat a free dinner!    AAC will be open for tutoring today from 230-330 in the following rooms; Social Studies in K13, Math in D13, English in A21, Science in C10, ESL Support in K5W, Spanish in A18, SAT Math Prep in B13, Courseware in K10, and Study Hall in D10.  Sword and Board will meet this Thursday from 2:30-3:30 in room C16. All tabletop gamers and games are invited to join. Ms. Coash’s campaign is cancelled today.    From now until January 31st, the 2025 Accolade Yearbook is only $65. If you take your time, that price will rise, so don't wait! Take your money down to K4 cash or check or go to with order number 12613 to buy it online.    Attention 11th and 12th grade students: Are you curious about the Military Branches? Are you wondering if the Military is right for you? Please refer to your email as Mrs. Perry sent you a google form. If you are interested in careers in the military, please fill out the google form so you can get more information.    Attention anyone interested in playing volleyball, the weight room will be open Tuesday and Thursday this week from 2:30-3:30.    Green School is cancelled today. Mr. David is out sick. Next meeting will be next Wednesday in room M14.    This is your morning announcement for Wednesday, January 16th. We want to take a moment today to talk about something important: vaping and its impact on your health, particularly your heart. Many students may not realize the serious effects that vaping can have on the cardiovascular system. Vaping can lead to increased heart rate, higher blood pressure, and can even contribute to long-term heart disease. Studies have shown that the chemicals in vape products can damage blood vessels and make it harder for your heart to function properly. This is especially concerning for young people whose hearts are still developing.   The Knights Health Center will be closed on Monday, January 20th in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.    The Kalamazoo United Alpine Ski Team had a strong first event of the 2025 season with five top ten finishes across the four events. The Boys team finished 2nd overall in the Conference for Race 1 while the girls finished 4th overall for the first Race.    Loy Norrix Wrestling Knights had an eventful night at the dual meet against Portage Central and Portage Northern! The team went 1-1, winning 45-33 against Portage Central but coming up short against Portage Northern.  The Girls Basketball team has a home game Today vs Gull Lake High School! JV starts at 5:30 and Varsity at 7.
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