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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Morning Announcements

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Good morning knights! The Women Empowerment Club is having a meeting today, November 10th in room B-21! right after school! If you are interested in joining a club that creates a safe space and teaches intersectionality at our school please join us! Allies are encouraged to join and more than welcome to come! Snacks will be provided! Youth in Government will be meeting today, November 10, after school in Mrs. Johnson's room, which is D18 Football will have lifting today, Thursday right after school from 2:25-3:30 in the weight room. Baseball will be hosting an open gym at the baseball field after school today, Thursday from 3-5. We are doing this instead of our normally scheduled strength and conditioning. Any baseball players interested are welcome and should report directly to the baseball field after school. See Coach Rickli in the CWing with any baseball related questions. AAC will be open from 230-330 in the following rooms; english in k1, science in c17, esl support in k5w, and math / study hall in c16. EFA Loy Norrix Dance presents their 1st trimester dance concert here at Loy Norrix in the main gym on Friday November 11 at 6:00pm. Come enjoy a night of Hip Hop, and Lyrical Dance styles! Good Morning Wrestlers! Conditioning continues today, 3:30-5pm. Starting Monday the 14th, practice starts promptly at 3:30 until 5:30pm. Please be on time Philosophy Club is a discussion-based group where people have the opportunity to share diverse viewpoints and have good natured debates over questions like: Is human life more important than other forms of life? Is it better to love or be loved? Are people inherently good or evil? To join the club all you need to do is come to room K-17 on Mondays from 2:45-3:30 pm. See you there! The 2022-23 Men’s Swim and Dive season starts on November 21st. Coaches will be hosting an open swim in the natatorium this Friday, 3:30-4:30. This is an opportunity to meet the coaches and get information on the upcoming season, as well as get a workout in the pool. All cross country runners need to return their uniform to Coach Schmidt in K16. Awards will be Tuesday, November 15th at KNAC downtown at 7pm. Attention students interested in applying for the Heyl Scholarship. Just a reminder that the deadline for applications is December 1st. Please see Ms. Nelson in room D13 if you have any questions.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Attention Key Club International Members, our next meeting is today, November 8th in Room D13 at 230. See you there! Thank you to everyone who applied to be a part of the Legally Blonde crew. Please check your emails for a message from Mr. Lafferty. There will be a mandatory meeting after school today from 2:30-3:00 in room J11. Are you interested in discussing and learning about political issues and getting involved in the community? The Loy Norrix Young Democrats are focused on amplifying youth voices and putting them into action. Come to C-13 after school on Tuesday if you'd like to be involved. P.S. we also have free snacks! AAC will be open today from 230-330, please check the AAC flyers for room assignments GSA is canceled today. Sword and Board will meet tomorrow, Wednesday in C16 from 230-330. All tabletop gamers and games are invited to join. "Good morning knights! The Women Empowerment Club is having a meeting November 10th in room B-21! right after school! If you are interested in joining a club that creates a safe space and teaches intersectionality at our school please join us! Allies are encouraged to join and more than welcome to come! Snacks will be provided! EFA Loy Norrix Dance presents their 1st trimester dance concert here at Loy Norrix in the main gym on Friday November 11 at 6:00pm. Come enjoy a night of Hip Hop, and Lyrical Dance styles! Attention All Wrestlers: Conditioning will be this week in the Aux Gym, Monday thru Thursday, from 3:30-5pm. Practice starts on the 14th. There is no conditioning on Friday the 11th. Are you looking for the ultimate challenge? Do you want to get more fit? Improve your self-esteem? Build decision making skills? Develop trust in others? You should be Rock Climbing! Come and learn more about joining the LNHS Rock Climbing Club on Nov. 10th at 2:30 in room M13 (Mr. Labadie's room). You will get all the details to get started as a climber and it will change your life! Any questions, contact Mr. Labadie Philosophy Club is a discussion-based group where people have the opportunity to share diverse viewpoints and have good natured debates over questions like: Is human life more important than other forms of life? Is it better to love or be loved? Are people inherently good or evil? To join the club all you need to do is come to room K-17 on Mondays from 2:45-3:30 pm. See you there! Juniors and Seniors with a 3.5 and above cumulative GPA. Applications for the National Honor Society are available in Mr. Porco's room (D-9). If you would like more information, there will be an informational meeting tomorrow, Tuesday after school in Mr. Porco's room. Ana Dunfee competed in the State Meet for Cross Country on Saturday in the blustery wind. In spite of the conditions, she destroyed the course. She got slightly boxed in during the first mile but that saved her from going out too fast and fighting the wind. When the course turned into the second mile, she moved through the field with the wind at her back, coming through the halfway point in 40th. By the time she had 1km to go, she was 27th. In the homestretch she got passed by two runners but got them back and then some. She finished 25th overall with a new personal best time of 18:52 and All-State honors. Please congratulate her on an amazing race. All cross country runners need to return their uniform to Coach Schmidt in K16. Awards will be Tuesday, November 15th at KNAC downtown at 7pm.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

The library will be closed 1st through 3rd hours today for a special event. I repeat, the library will be closed this morning. AAC will be open from 230-330 today in the following rooms: science in D13, and ESL support in K5W. Reminder: Sword and Board will meet today, all are welcome! Seniors: Our Michigan Tech University college representative will be here on Wednesday, November 2nd from 12-1 p.m. Please sign up in the counseling office for this visit. Attention Key Club International Members, our next meeting is on Tuesday, November 8th in Room D13 at 230. See you there! Juniors and Seniors with a 3.5 and above cumulative GPA. Applications for the National Honor Society are available in Mr. Porco's room (D-9). If you would like more information, there will be an informational meeting next Tuesday after school in Mr. Porco's room. The library will be closed 1st through 3rd hours today for a special event. I repeat, the library will be closed this morning.

Monday, October 24, 2022

The SMAC conference cross country meet was held in St. Joe. this past Saturday. Your knights ran well. Although the boys and girls teams finished 5th and 4th respectively as expected, they scored better than expected. For the first time in the last 15 years, 4 runners earned all conference honors: Ana, Reaghan, Dylan, and Jackson. Besides that Jack, Sofia, Macy, and Holly ran season best times. Grayson, Nolan, Eli, Bridger, and Ella ran the best times ever. Congratulate the whole team and encourage them as they prepare for the Regional meet at Portage West Middle School Friday. If you are interested in attending, it will start at 3:30 after school on Friday. Portage West is a short 4.5 mile trip and the runners would love to have your support as they try to qualify for state or just end their season on a high note. There will be no AAC today due to a staff meeting. Sword and Board will meet Thursday this week due to a staff meeting. Loy Norrix is performing the hit musical Legally Blonde and we need your help! We need students for stage crew, spotlights, front of house, set design, and more! If you are interested, please see Mr. Lafferty in room J11 for a crew application. These applications are due to Mr. Lafferty by Wednesday the 26th. Don't miss your chance to be a part of this fantastic production! It's the 32nd Great Pumpkin Painting Party, Loy Norrix! tomorrow, October 25th from 2:30-3:30 come to the lunch room and paint a pumpkin! Painted pumpkins are donated to community agencies in the Kalamazoo area to spread some fall cheer! You will receive an extra credit coupon! All students and staff are invited to attend! There is no admission fee! It’s Senior Meeting time! This is a requirement for all seniors! Stop by the Counseling Office to sign up for a meeting with your counselor. Sign up sheets will be in the hallway, and passes will be emailed before your meeting.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Shout out to the Freshman Football Team on their 22-8 season ending win over Hastings last night! They end the season with 4 wins, 3 losses, and 1 tie. Attention all Students, The deadline to become a Key Club member for the 2022-2023 academic year is today, October 21st. Please turn in Member profile and $15.00 dues payment by 230 this Friday. See Ms. Nelson in room D13 if you have any questions. Seniors! College visits are still happening. Upcoming visits include: SVSU, Hope, K College, WMU, CMU, Alma, Wayne State, KVCC, Oakland, and Adrian. Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about what these schools can offer you! Loy Norrix is performing the hit musical Legally Blonde and we need your help! We need students for stage crew, spotlights, front of house, set design, and more! If you are interested, please see Mr. Lafferty in room J11 for a crew application. These applications are due to Mr. Lafferty by Wednesday the 26th. Don't miss your chance to be a part of this fantastic production! It's the 32nd Great Pumpkin Painting Party, Loy Norrix! Tuesday, October 25th from 2:30-3:30 come to the lunch room and paint a pumpkin! Painted pumpkins are donated to community agencies in the Kalamazoo area to spread some fall cheer! You will receive an extra credit coupon! All students and staff are invited to attend! There is no admission fee! It’s Senior Meeting time! This is a requirement for all seniors! Stop by the Counseling Office to sign up for a meeting with your counselor. Sign up sheets will be in the hallway, and passes will be emailed before your meeting.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

AAC will be open from 230 to 330 in the following rooms: math in b13, english in b21, science in c10, and spanish in K11. Attention all Students, The deadline to become a Key Club member for the 2022-2023 academic year is this Friday, October 21st. Please turn in Member profile and $15.00 dues payment by 230 this Friday. See Ms. Nelson in room D13 if you have any questions. Sword and board will meet tomorrow, Wednesday from 230-330. All tabletop gamers and games are invited. Seniors! College visits are still happening. Upcoming visits include: SVSU, Hope, K College, WMU, CMU, Alma, Wayne State, KVCC, Oakland, and Adrian. Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about what these schools can offer you! Are you a senior considering pursuing science, math or nursing in college? Do you have a natural inclination and curiosity for science? If yes, we invite you and your parent/guardian to join us to learn more about the Heyl Scholarship to study Math or Science at Kalamazoo College or Nursing at WMU Bronson school of Nursing. There will be a meeting today, Tuesday, October 18th at Kalamazoo College. See Ms. Nelson in room D13 for more information! It's the 32nd Great Pumpkin Painting Party, Loy Norrix! Tuesday, October 25th from 2:30-3:30 come to the lunch room and paint a pumpkin! Painted pumpkins are donated to community agencies in the Kalamazoo area to spread some fall cheer! You will receive an extra credit coupon! All students and staff are invited to attend! There is no admission fee! It’s Senior Meeting time! This is a requirement for all seniors! Stop by the Counseling Office to sign up for a meeting with your counselor. Sign up sheets will be in the hallway, and passes will be emailed before your meeting.

Monday, October 17, 2022

AAC will be open today from 230-330 in the following rooms: social studies in K2, math in B13, English in K11, science in K10, and study hall in C16. Are you interested in discussing and learning about political issues and getting involved in the community? The Loy Norrix Young Democrats are focused on amplifying youth voices and putting them into action. Come to C-13 after school on Tuesday if you'd like to be involved. P.S. we also have free snacks! Sword and board will meet Wednesday from 230-330. All tabletop gamers and games are invited. Seniors! College visits are still happening. Upcoming visits include: SVSU, Hope, K College, WMU, CMU, Alma, Wayne State, KVCC, Oakland, and Adrian. Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about what these schools can offer you! Are you a senior considering pursuing science, math or nursing in college? Do you have a natural inclination and curiosity for science? If yes, we invite you and your parent/guardian to join us to learn more about the Heyl Scholarship to study Math or Science at Kalamazoo College or Nursing at WMU Bronson school of Nursing. There will be a meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, October 18th at Kalamazoo College. See Ms. Nelson in room D13 for more information! It's the 32nd Great Pumpkin Painting Party, Loy Norrix! Tuesday, October 25th from 2:30-3:30 come to the lunch room and paint a pumpkin! Painted pumpkins are donated to community agencies in the Kalamazoo area to spread some fall cheer! You will receive an extra credit coupon! All students and staff are invited to attend! There is no admission fee! It’s Senior Meeting time! This is a requirement for all seniors! Stop by the Counseling Office to sign up for a meeting with your counselor. Sign up sheets will be in the hallway, and passes will be emailed before your meeting. Loy Norrix Students you are now young adults. You need to think about what that means. You can start out by being responsible for your Chromebooks and chargers. You need to take care of your Chromebooks and chargers and keep track of the whereabouts of your Chromebooks and your chargers. Chromebooks are $320 and chargers are $20. This message was brought to you by Landis in the Library.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Attention: the library will be closed today after 2nd period for the rest of the day for an event. I repeat, the library will not be available today during 3rd, 4th, or 5th periods. Seniors! College visits are still happening. Upcoming visits include: SVSU, Hope, K College, WMU, CMU, Alma, Wayne State, KVCC, Oakland, and Adrian. Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about what these schools can offer you! Are you a senior considering pursuing science, math or nursing in college? Do you have a natural inclination and curiosity for science? If yes, we invite you and your parent/guardian to join us to learn more about the Heyl Scholarship to study Math or Science at Kalamazoo College or Nursing at WMU Bronson school of Nursing. There will be a meeting on Tuesday, October 18th at Kalamazoo College. See Ms. Nelson in room D13 for more information! Loy Norrix Students you are now young adults. You need to think about what that means. You can start out by being responsible for your Chromebooks and chargers. You need to take care of your Chromebooks and chargers and keep track of the whereabouts of your Chromebooks and your chargers. Chromebooks are $320 and chargers are $20. This message was brought to you by Landis in the Library. It's the 32nd Great Pumpkin Painting Party, Loy Norrix! Tuesday, October 25th from 2:30-3:30 come to the lunch room and paint a pumpkin! Painted pumpkins are donated to community agencies in the Kalamazoo area to spread some fall cheer! You will receive an extra credit coupon. All students and staff are invited to attend! There is no admission fee! It’s Senior Meeting time! This is a requirement for all seniors! Stop by the Counseling Office to sign up for a meeting with your counselor. Sign up sheets will be in the hallway, and passes will be emailed before your meeting. The library will not be available today during 3rd, 4th, or 5th periods.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Good Morning knights! The Women Empowerment Club is hosting a meeting today, October 13th at 2:20 in room b-21! This meeting will be very important as they are showcasing their "Big Sister, Little Sister "program with Milwood Middle School coming up! Please join them and spread the word! They need as many people as possible! Snacks will be provided! AAC will be open today from 230-330 in the following rooms; English in k1, Science in c17 and d13, and ESL support in k5w. Sword and board will meet today from 230-330 in room C16. Just a reminder, due to GrrCon there will be no Cybersecurity Club today Oct 13. Join us Tuesday next week after school to hear a recount of what happened at this cybersecurity event. Seniors! College visits are still happening. Upcoming visits include: SVSU, Hope, K College, WMU, CMU, Alma, Wayne State, KVCC, Oakland, and Adrian. Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about what these schools can offer you! Are you a senior considering pursuing science, math or nursing in college? Do you have a natural inclination and curiosity for science? If yes, we invite you and your parent/guardian to join us to learn more about the Heyl Scholarship to study Math or Science at Kalamazoo College or Nursing at WMU Bronson school of Nursing. There will be a meeting on Tuesday, October 18th at Kalamazoo College. See Ms. Nelson in room D13 for more information! It's the 32nd Great Pumpkin Painting Party, Loy Norrix! Tuesday, October 25th from 2:30-3:30 come to the lunch room and paint a pumpkin! Painted pumpkins are donated to community agencies in the Kalamazoo area to spread some fall cheer! You will receive an extra credit coupon! All students and staff are invited to attend! There is no admission fee! It’s Senior Meeting time! This is a requirement for all seniors! Stop by the Counseling Office to sign up for a meeting with your counselor. Sign up sheets will be in the hallway, and passes will be emailed before your meeting. Are you stuck in a rut? Are you ready for a change of scenery? Do you have a curiosity about food, music, culture, and language? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, we have a plan for you! Come with us to Spain and Portugal ! Travel gives you cool stories, shakes things up, and gives you a sense of accomplishment. And it's just the type of thing college admissions offices love to see on an application! Enroll in the Travel Club trip to Spain and Portugal in June 2023. We have only 3 spots left! See Mrs. Lewis in C-15 or Senora Holmes in A-15 for more information.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Good Morning knights! The Women Empowerment Club is hosting a meeting tomorrow, October 13th at 2:20 in room b-21! This meeting will be very important as they are showcasing their "Big Sister, Little Sister "program with Milwood Middle School coming up! Please join them and spread the word! They need as many people as possible! Snacks will be provided! Sword and Board will meet Thursday 10/13 this week due to conferences on Wednesday. All tabletop gamers and games are invited. Seniors! College visits are still happening. Upcoming visits include: SVSU, Hope, K College, WMU, CMU, Alma, Wayne State, KVCC, Oakland, and Adrian. Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about what these schools can offer you! Are you a senior considering pursuing science, math or nursing in college? Do you have a natural inclination and curiosity for science? If yes, we invite you and your parent/guardian to join us to learn more about the Heyl Scholarship to study Math or Science at Kalamazoo College or Nursing at WMU Bronson school of Nursing. There will be a meeting on Tuesday, October 18th at Kalamazoo College. See Ms. Nelson in room D13 for more information! It's the 32nd Great Pumpkin Painting Party, Loy Norrix! Tuesday, October 25th from 2:30-3:30 come to the lunch room and paint a pumpkin! Painted pumpkins are donated to community agencies in the Kalamazoo area to spread some fall cheer! You will receive an extra credit coupon. All students and staff are invited to attend! There is no admission fee! It’s Senior Meeting time! This is a requirement for all seniors! Stop by the Counseling Office to sign up for a meeting with your counselor. Sign up sheets will be in the hallway, and passes will be emailed before your meeting. Are you stuck in a rut? Are you ready for a change of scenery? Do you have a curiosity about food, music, culture, and language? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, we have a plan for you! Come with us to Spain and Portugal ! Travel gives you cool stories, shakes things up, and gives you a sense of accomplishment. And it's just the type of thing college admissions offices love to see on an application! Enroll in the Travel Club trip to Spain and Portugal in June 2023. We have only 3 spots left! See Mrs. Lewis in C-15 or Senora Holmes in A-15 for more information.
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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community
Morning Announcements