Morning Announcements
Attention Freshman! Are you looking for an opportunity to celebrate a little self love this Valentine season? Then join your Link Crew Leaders after school today, Tuesday February 15th from 2:30 - 3:30 at the Triple F event - Freshmen, Food, and Fun. There will be fun activities to show some appreciation to yourself and others in your life you care about, and of course, some snacks. The event will be after school in the cafeteria from 2:30 - 3:30 on Tuesday February, 15th. Hope to see you there!
Are you interested in discussing and learning about political issues and getting involved in the community? The Loy Norrix Young Democrats are focused on amplifying youth voices and putting them into action. Come to C-13 after school on Tuesday if you'd like to be involved. P.S. we also have free snacks!
If you need to go to the CIS offices in the B-Wing for a snack, PAY ATTENTION!
Starting today snacks will ONLY be available BEFORE SCHOOL, DURING LUNCH and AFTER SCHOOL. Please DO NOT ask your teacher for a pass to get a snack during class and DO NOT come for a snack during passing time.
Travel Club 2022 Italy and France will have an important orientation meeting today, February 15th at 6:30pm in room A-12. Bring your 3 passport photo copies and enjoy a Taste of Europe. This is a mandatory meeting for all travelers. If you cannot attend you have to participate in a makeup meeting. Contact C. Van Lieu, A. Lewis or D. Hernandez with questions or concerns.
There are 2 weeks left of lacrosse conditionings. We condition Mondays through Thursdays 7-8:30pm at Maple St Middle School until the end of February. Everyone is welcome to join and try a new sport! Women's lacrosse will have a virtual parent meeting on February 16th at 6pm. The Zoom code is kulacrosse (no spaces) Please reach out to senior Cass Jonaitis for more details
AAC will be open Tuesday and Thursday this week from 230 to 330. It will be closed Monday and Wednesday due to staff meetings.
Sword and Board will meet on Thursday this week due to teacher meetings. All tabletop gamers and games are invited.
Baseball will have an informational meeting this Thursday, February 17th at 2:30 in the cafeteria. Conditioning that day will be right after the meeting. See Coach Rickli in the CWing with any questions or concerns.-
Attention students. Key Club is sponsoring a coat/jacket drive thru February 18th. Please bring in clean and gently used coats and jackets of all sizes to participating 5th period teachers. The class with the most coat donations will earn a pizza party!
Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1st so that you can audition.
CTE and EFA applications are open for 10th and 11th graders! Check your email for instructions from your counselor on how to apply. Information can also be found in the counseling google classroom (clgxcpn). The deadline to apply is February 18th.
If you are interested in applying for AP Art during the 2022/23 school year, please stop by and see Mr. Stevens in room A-21 to schedule a portfolio review. All students who are interested must go through the portfolio review process to be considered. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Mr Stevens via email or stopping by A-21
March is Women's History Month. Third period classes will be competing in a door decorating contest to show off important women and information. Doors need to be done end of the day on March 4th and the winning class will get a celebratory breakfast on the day of your final.
Attention Seniors: You will be able to vote on the Prom Theme this Wednesday- Friday. Details will be on the announcements on Wednesday
Winterfest will take place February 28- March 4.
You will have the opportunity to vote for Spirit Days and other things later this week.
Stay tuned!
Monday, February 14, 2022
The Loy Norrix Bowling Results from Saturday are: We bowled against Portage Central.
Our girls were again short bowlers but fought a good fight. The boys won both bakers games. But fell short with the 2 regular games. It was a hard fought battle but in the end we came up 1 frame short. Losing 14-16
Loy Norrix, the first week of our e-sports season is in the books with a great showing from our Overwatch team, with some excellent play from our match MVP, senior Tank James Hauke!
If you are interested in applying for AP Art during the 2022/23 school year, please stop by and see Mr. Stevens in room A-21 to schedule a portfolio review. All students who are interested must go through the portfolio review process to be considered. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Mr Stevens via email or stopping by A-21
The Master Singers are putting on a raffle to win a Singing Valentine! If you would like to send a Singing Valentine to a person of your choice, submit your name during lunch on Friday. You must know the 3rd hour teacher of the person you are sending it to. On Valentine's Day, we will draw names and surprise that person.
There are 2 weeks left of lacrosse conditionings. We condition Mondays through Thursdays 7-8:30pm at Maple St Middle School until the end of February. Everyone is welcome to join and try a new sport! Women's lacrosse will have a virtual parent meeting on February 16th at 6pm. The Zoom code is kulacrosse (no spaces) Please reach out to senior Cass Jonaitis for more details
Attention Freshman! Are you looking for an opportunity to celebrate a little self love this Valentine season? Then join your Link Crew Leaders after school on Tuesday February 15 from 2:30 - 3:30 at the Triple F event - Freshmen, Food, and Fun.
There will be fun activities to show some appreciation to yourself and others in your life you care about, and of course, some snacks.
The event will be after school in the cafeteria from 2:30 - 3:30 on Tuesday February, 15th. Hope to see you there!
AAC will be open Tuesday and Thursday this week from 230 to 330. It will be closed Monday and Wednesday due to staff meetings.
Sword and Board will meet on Thursday this week due to teacher meetings. All tabletop gamers and games are invited.
Baseball will have an informational meeting this Thursday Feb 17th at 2:30 in the cafeteria. Conditioning that day will be right after the meeting. See Coach Rickli in the CWing with any questions or concerns.-
Attention students. Key Club is sponsoring a coat/jacket drive. The drive runs from February 7th thru February 18th. Please bring in clean and gently used coats and jackets of all sizes to participating 5th period teachers. The class with the most coat donations will earn a pizza party!
Attention Seniors: You will be able to vote on the Prom Theme this Wednesday- Friday. Details will be on the announcements on Wednesday
Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1st so that you can audition.
CTE and EFA applications are open for 10th and 11th graders! Check your email for instructions from your counselor on how to apply. Information can also be found in the counseling google classroom (clgxcpn). The deadline to apply is February 18.
Travel Club 2022 Italy and France will have an important orientation meeting on Feb 15th at 6:30pm in room A-12. Bring your 3 passport photo copies and enjoy a Taste of Europe. This is a mandatory meeting for all travelers. If you cannot attend you have to participate in a makeup meeting. Contact C. Van Lieu, A. Lewis or D. Hernandez with questions or concerns.
Winterfest will take place February 28- March 4.
You will have the opportunity to vote for Spirit Days and other things later this week.
Stay tuned!
Friday, February 11, 2022
Loy Norrix, the first week of our e-sports season is in the books with a great showing from our Overwatch team, with some excellent play from our match MVP, senior Tank James Hauke!
Students and staff, you have two more chances to see Something Rotten, the hit musical everyone is talking about! Audiences are loving this hilarious and heart-felt show. The last remaining performances are this Friday, and Saturday at 7:00 in the auditorium. Make it a point to see these talented Loy Norrix students before it's too late. You will NOT regret it!
The Master Singers are putting on a raffle to win a Singing Valentine! If you would like to send a Singing Valentine to a person of your choice, submit your name during lunch on Friday. You must know the 3rd hour teacher of the person you are sending it to. On Valentine's Day, we will draw names and surprise that person.
Attention Freshman! Are you looking for an opportunity to celebrate a little self love this Valentine season? Then join your Link Crew Leaders after school on Tuesday February 15 from 2:30 - 3:30 at the Triple F event - Freshmen, Food, and Fun.
There will be fun activities to show some appreciation to yourself and others in your life you care about, and of course, some snacks.
The event will be after school in the cafeteria from 2:30 - 3:30 on Tuesday February, 15th. Hope to see you there!
Attention students. Key Club is sponsoring a coat/jacket drive. The drive runs from February 7th thru February 18th. Please bring in clean and gently used coats and jackets of all sizes to participating 5th period teachers. The class with the most coat donations will earn a pizza party!
Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1st so that you can audition.
CTE and EFA applications are open for 10th and 11th graders! Check your email for instructions from your counselor on how to apply. Information can also be found in the counseling google classroom (clgxcpn). The deadline to apply is February 18.
March is Women's History Month. Third period classes will be competing in a door decorating contest to show off important women and information. Doors need to be done end of the day on March 4th and the winning class will get a celebratory breakfast on the day of your final.
Travel Club 2022 Italy and France will have an important orientation meeting on Feb 15th at 6:30pm in room A-12. Bring your 3 passport photo copies and enjoy a Taste of Europe. This is a mandatory meeting for all travelers. If you cannot attend you have to participate in a makeup meeting. Contact C. Van Lieu, A. Lewis or D. Hernandez with questions or concerns.
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Results from last nights Rocket League play, both teams preformed well and came away with wins against their opponents. We also picked up 2 more wins in Super Smash Brothers last night, bringing our overall combined score to 8-0
The reviews are in! And the Loy Norrix musical Something Rotten is a hit! Audiences are loving this hilarious and heart-felt show. If you missed it this past weekend, don't worry! You still have three more chances to see the show tonight, Friday, and Saturday at 7:00 in the auditorium. Thursday night is STUDENT NIGHT. Show your student ID and get into the show for the low low price of five dollars. You will NOT regret it!
The Class of 2022 Executive board will be meeting in the library at 2:30 after school today for our yearbook picture and a fundraiser update.
There will be a Green School Meeting today after school in Room B-14. Hope to see you there! All are welcome.
The Loy Norrix Black Student Union will have its next meeting today, Thursday, February 10th from 2:30-3:30 in Ms Evans Room, K11. If you want to make your voice heard in terms of student representation at Norrix and have a good time building a sense of community, come join us. Allies are welcome as well. There will also be snacks available. Follow the the Loy Norrix Black Student Union on Instagram or contact Ms Evans with any questions.^^
AAC will be open for tutoring today from 230 to 330. Please check with your teachers for a list of the scheduled rooms.
Today, February 10th Key Club will be hosting a Valentine Card Party. We will supply the materials for you to make Valentine Cards for all of the special people in your life. Snacks and beverages will also be served. The Valentine card party will begin at 230 in room D13. Limit of 25 students at a time.
Attention Freshman! Are you looking for an opportunity to celebrate a little self love this Valentine season? Then join your Link Crew Leaders after school on Tuesday February 15 from 2:30 - 3:30 at the Triple F event - Freshmen, Food, and Fun.
There will be fun activities to show some appreciation to yourself and others in your life you care about, and of course, some snacks.
The event will be after school in the cafeteria from 2:30 - 3:30 on Tuesday February, 15th. Hope to see you there!
Attention students. Key Club is sponsoring a coat/jacket drive. The drive runs from February 7th thru February 18th. Please bring in clean and gently used coats and jackets of all sizes to participating 5th period teachers. The class with the most coat donations will earn a pizza party!
Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1st so that you can audition.
CTE and EFA applications are open for 10th and 11th graders! Check your email for instructions from your counselor on how to apply. Information can also be found in the counseling google classroom (clgxcpn). The deadline to apply is February 18.
March is Women's History Month. Third period classes will be competing in a door decorating contest to show off important women and information. Doors need to be done end of the day on March 4th and the winning class will get a celebratory breakfast on the day of your final.
Travel Club 2022 Italy and France will have an important orientation meeting on Feb 15th at 6:30pm in room A-12. Bring your 3 passport photo copies and enjoy a Taste of Europe. This is a mandatory meeting for all travelers. If you cannot attend you have to participate in a makeup meeting. Contact C. Van Lieu, A. Lewis or D. Hernandez with questions or concerns.
If you would like to use your Spanish skills then the 2023 trip to Spain and Portugal is just the place for you. You can earn 3 free college credits, eat great food, tour famous sites and have the adventure of a lifetime. See Mrs. Lewis or Mrs. Holmes for your enrollment packets and get signed on early for scholarships.
If you were a student of Mrs. Crittenden/James art classes at Maple Street, she has sent over artwork she saved for you due to the pandemic. If you have a piece you really wanted such as masks, please come and look through the art outside A-12. It is all labeled with your names and in envelopes. At the end of the week the leftovers will be tossed so don't delay.
Lacrosse conditionings are back! We condition Mondays through Thursdays 7-8:30pm at Maple St Middle School until the end of February. Everyone is welcome to join and try a new sport! Our official season starts March14th. Women's lacrosse will have a virtual parent meeting on February 16th at 6pm. Please reach out to senior Cass Jonaitis for more details
Attention Students:
Tickets for the Men’s Basketball games at Kalamazoo Central on Thursday will go on sale in the Athletic Office today beginning at 10am.
You must purchase a ticket for $3 in advance. You may only purchase one ticket. The limit of student tickets is 200 total for the game.
You must pre purchase and tickets will not be available at the door. Tickets will be sold until Noon on Thursday or until we run out.
Again, you may purchase 1 ticket, they must be pre purchased, there will be no ticket sales to students at the door.
Your name cannot be on a no game attendance list due to behavioral problems at school.
Tickets will be sold from 10:00 A.M. today to Noon on Thursday.
Get your ticket before they are gone!
Go Knights!
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
The reviews are in! And the Loy Norrix musical Something Rotten is a hit! Audiences are loving this hilarious and heart-felt show. If you missed it this past weekend, don't worry! You still have three more chances to see the show this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7:00 in the auditorium. Thursday night is STUDENT NIGHT. Show your student ID and get into the show for the low low price of five dollars. You will NOT regret it!
The Loy Norrix Leadership Team needs your voice! Today during 3rd hour, you will have an opportunity to give your opinion regarding the Loy Norrix community, by completing the Student Survey. The results of this survey will help the Leadership Team create plans for how to improve Loy Norrix, and we need your thoughts. Please expect to receive the survey from your 3rd hour teacher. Those who complete the survey will be eligible to submit their names to a raffle with a chance to win a pair of new AirPods! Look for the lottery link at the end of the survey to ensure you are entered"
The Loy Norrix Black Student Union will have its next meeting this Thursday, February 10th from 2:30-3:30 in Ms Evans Room, K11. If you want to make your voice heard in terms of student representation at Norrix and have a good time building a sense of community, come join us. Allies are welcome as well. There will also be snacks available. Follow the the Loy Norrix Black Student Union on Instagram or contact Ms Evans with any questions.
AAC will be open for tutoring through Thursday from 230 to 330. Please check with your teachers for a list of the scheduled rooms.
Chess Club meets today from 2:20-3:30
Good Morning Knights,If you are interested in creating a community here at Norrix and practicing and teaching intersectionality at our school please join the Women Empowerment club in the next meet today, February 9th in room A-10 at 2:30.
Sword and Board will meet today, Wednesday from 230-330 in room C16. All tabletop gamers and games are invited.
Hey Loy Norrix, your E-Sports teams are starting their spring season this week! Here are the results from last nights Super Smash Brothers contests. We have 9 players participating and right now we went a combined 6-0 with three players still to complete their matches. Good job everyone! Today will see our Rocket League teams take on their opponents, and Thursday brings our Overwatch team to the forefront. Check to catch our teams in action!
The Y.E.S. Club will meet today, Wednesday in room D-4 from 2:30 to 4:00. If you think you are interested in being a teacher or working with kids stop by
On Thursday, February 10th Key Club will be hosting a Valentine Card Party. We will supply the materials for you to make Valentine Cards for all of the special people in your life. Snacks and beverages will also be served. The Valentine card party will begin at 230 in room D13. Limit of 25 students at a time.
Attention students. Key Club is sponsoring a coat/jacket drive. The drive runs from February 7th thru February 18th. Please bring in clean and gently used coats and jackets of all sizes to participating 5th period teachers. The class with the most coat donations will earn a pizza party!
Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1st so that you can audition.
CTE and EFA applications are open for 10th and 11th graders! Check your email for instructions from your counselor on how to apply. Information can also be found in the counseling google classroom (clgxcpn). The deadline to apply is February 18.
March is Women's History Month. Third period classes will be competing in a door decorating contest to show off important women and information. Doors need to be done end of the day on March 4th and the winning class will get a celebratory breakfast on the day of your final.
Travel Club 2022 Italy and France will have an important orientation meeting on Feb 15th at 6:30pm in room A-12. Bring your 3 passport photo copies and enjoy a Taste of Europe. This is a mandatory meeting for all travelers. If you cannot attend you have to participate in a makeup meeting. Contact C. Van Lieu, A. Lewis or D. Hernandez with questions or concerns.
If you would like to use your Spanish skills then the 2023 trip to Spain and Portugal is just the place for you. You can earn 3 free college credits, eat great food, tour famous sites and have the adventure of a lifetime. See Mrs. Lewis or Mrs. Holmes for your enrollment packets and get signed on early for scholarships.
If you were a student of Mrs. Crittenden/James art classes at Maple Street, she has sent over artwork she saved for you due to the pandemic. If you have a piece you really wanted such as masks, please come and look through the art outside A-12. It is all labeled with your names and in envelopes. At the end of the week the leftovers will be tossed so don't delay.
Lacrosse conditionings are back! We condition Mondays through Thursdays 7-8:30pm at Maple St Middle School until the end of February. Everyone is welcome to join and try a new sport! Our official season starts March14th. Women's lacrosse will have a virtual parent meeting on February 16th at 6pm. Please reach out to senior Cass Jonaitis for more details
Attention Students:
Tickets for the Men’s Basketball games at Kalamazoo Central on Thursday will go on sale in the Athletic Office today beginning at 10am.
You must purchase a ticket for $3 in advance. You may only purchase one ticket. The limit of student tickets is 200 total for the game.
You must pre purchase and tickets will not be available at the door. Tickets will be sold until Noon on Thursday or until we run out.
Again, you may purchase 1 ticket, they must be pre purchased, there will be no ticket sales to students at the door.
Your name cannot be on a no game attendance list due to behavioral problems at school.
Tickets will be sold from 10:00 A.M. today to Noon on Thursday.
Get your ticket before they are gone!
Go Knights!
Monday, February 7, 2022
The reviews are in and the Loy Norrix musical Something Rotten is a hit! Audiences are loving this hilarious and heart-felt show. If you missed it this past weekend, don't worry! You still have three more chances to see the show this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7:00 in the auditorium. Thursday night is student night. Show your student ID and get into the show for the low low price of five dollars. You will not regret it!
The Loy Norrix Bowling results are in: Saturday we faced our cross town rivals, Kalamazoo Central. The girls won by forfeit but still put up some of their best scores to date.
The boys despite being down a bowler, came together and handled KC in great fashion, 25 -5. This week led by Hunter Connolly with games of 205 and 243. Devon Harris contributed with a 203 the 1st game. But all in all it was a great team working together for the win.
Indoor track practice for today, Monday, is canceled due to a staff meeting and after school event. We will resume Tuesday. Runners should train in event groups if they can.
AAC will be closed Monday due to a staff meeting. AAC will be open for tutoring Tuesday through Thursday from 230 to 330. Please check with your teachers for a list of the scheduled rooms.
Attention Link Crew Leaders. We will have a meeting on Tuesday, February 8th, after school at 2:30 in Mr. Hernandez' room (A16) to plan our upcoming event. Reach out to a Link Crew Coordinator with questions or concerns
Sword and Board will meet this Wednesday from 230-330 in room C16. All tabletop gamers and games are invited.
"Hey Loy Norrix, your E-Sports teams are starting their spring season this week! Tuesdays will be Super Smash Brothers, Wednesday will see our Rocket League teams take on their opponents, and Thursday brings our Overwatch team to the forefront. Check to catch our teams in action!"
The Y.E.S. Club will meet this Wednesday in room D-4 from 2:30 to 4:00. If you think you are interested in being a teacher or working with kids stop by
On Thursday, February 10th Key Club will be hosting a Valentine Card Party. We will supply the materials for you to make Valentine Cards for all of the special people in your life. Snacks and beverages will also be served. The Valentine card party will begin at 230 in room D13. Limit of 25 students at a time.
Attention students. Key Club is sponsoring a coat/jacket drive. The drive runs from February 7th thru February 18th. Please bring in clean and gently used coats and jackets of all sizes to participating 5th period teachers. The class with the most coat donations will earn a pizza party!
Are you interested in discussing and learning about political issues and getting involved in the community? The Loy Norrix Young Democrats are focused on amplifying youth voices and putting them into action. Come to C-13 after school on Tuesday if you'd like to be involved. P.S. we also have free snacks!
Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1st so that you can audition.
CTE and EFA applications are open for 10th and 11th graders! Check your email for instructions from your counselor on how to apply. Information can also be found in the counseling google classroom (clgxcpn). The deadline to apply is February 18.
Travel Club 2022 Italy and France will have an important orientation meeting on Feb 15 at 6:30pm in room A-12. Bring your 3 passport photo copies and enjoy a Taste of Europe. This is a mandatory meeting for all travelers. If you cannot attend you have to participate in a makeup meeting. Contact C. Van Lieu, A. Lewis or D. Hernandez with questions or concerns.
If you would like to use your Spanish skills then the 2023 trip to Spain and Portugal is just the place for you. You can earn 3 free college credits, eat great food, tour famous sites and have the adventure of a lifetime. See Mrs. Lewis or Mrs. Holmes for your enrollment packets and get signed on early for scholarships.
If you were a student of Mrs. Crittenden/James art classes at Maple Street, she has sent over artwork she saved for you due to the pandemic. If you have a piece you really wanted such as masks, please come and look through the art outside A-12. It is all labeled with your names and in envelopes. At the end of the week the leftovers will be tossed so don't delay.
Friday, February 4, 2022
Alright Loy Norrix, lend me your ears. It's the biggest thing to hit the stage since Hamilton. Coming straight from Kasdorf Auditorium. It's the Loy Norrix Production of Something Rotten! Your fellow students have put their souls into creating and making this musical for all of you. We'll make you laugh and cry so hard you'll want to come back and watch it again. And you can see it premiere tonight at 7:00 sharp! You can also see it Saturday at 7:00, Sunday at 2:00, and next weekend as well. Tickets are $8 for students and $10 for adults. They can be purchased online or at the door. This may be your only chance to laugh at the man you've had to read so much about!
AAC is open for tutoring Monday through Thursday from 230 to 330 pm. Come let us help you get caught up on your grades.
GSA will now meet on TUESDAYS after school in the library! Because we're TOO cute, TOO chaotic, and there are TOO many awesome and important clubs on other days. Join GSA in the library after school on TUESDAYS.
Are you interested in discussing and learning about political issues and getting involved in the community? The Loy Norrix Young Democrats are focused on amplifying youth voices and putting them into action. Come to C-13 after school on Tuesdays if you'd like to be involved. P.S. we also have free snacks!
Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1st so that you can audition.
CTE and EFA applications are open for 10th and 11th graders! Check your email for instructions from your counselor on how to apply. Information can also be found in the counseling google classroom (clgxcpn). The deadline to apply is February 18.
Seniors! The deadline to buy senior ads or baby pictures for the 2022 Accolade Yearbook is Sunday, February 6! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See Ms. English with any questions.
If you are interested in attending Blue Fine Arts Camp for the art program, Ms. Van Lieu has 2 $400 scholarships for students who have never attended. Please see Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 for more information to apply for summer 2022.
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
AAC is open for tutoring Monday through Thursday from 230 to 330 pm. Come let us help you get caught up on your grades.
Attention all students interested in playing golf this Spring. Please attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, February 1st at 2:30 with Coach Peterson in the TV room, just outside the Library's main entrance.
GSA will now meet on TUESDAYS after school in the library! Because we're TOO cute, TOO chaotic, and there are TOO many awesome and important clubs on other days. Join GSA in the library after school on TUESDAYS, that is today.
Are you interested in discussing and learning about political issues and getting involved in the community? The Loy Norrix Young Democrats are focused on amplifying youth voices and putting them into action. Come to C-13 after school on Tuesday if you'd like to be involved. P.S. we also have free snacks!
Are you ready to laugh? To cry? To see amazing talent perform before your very eyes? Loy Norrix Performing Arts invites students, staff, and everyone in the Loy Norrix family to see our hilarious and dazzling musical "Something Rotten." Come support your fellow students as they sing, dance, and poke fun at Shakespeare himself. The show opens Friday, February 4th and runs for two weekends. Tickets can be purchased online or at the door.
Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1 so that you can audition.
CTE and EFA applications are open for 10th and 11th graders! Check your email for instructions from your counselor on how to apply. Information can also be found in the counseling google classroom (clgxcpn). The deadline to apply is February 18.
Seniors! The deadline to buy senior ads or baby pictures for the 2022 Accolade Yearbook is Sunday, February 6! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See Ms. English with any questions.
If you are interested in attending Blue Fine Arts Camp for the art program, Ms. Van Lieu has 2 $400 scholarships for students who have never attended. Please see Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 for more information to apply for summer 2022.
Monday, January 31, 2022
Here are the LN Knights bowling results from the weekend:
Once again the girls team had to bowl shorthanded, so it was very difficult to get the win. The boy’s team was bowling Portage Northern who is currently leading. It was a hard-fought battle. As it went back and forth. We fought right up to the end but the pins just did not fall our way. We were handed only our 2nd loss this season. But for now we have to settle for being tied for 2nd place.
AAC is open for tutoring Monday through Thursday from 230 to 330 pm. Come let us help you get caught up on your grades. AAC will be closed today, Monday, due to a staff meeting.
GSA will now meet on TUESDAYS after school in the library! Because we're TOO cute, TOO chaotic, and there are TOO many awesome and important clubs on other days. Join GSA in the library after school on TUESDAYS
Are you ready to laugh? To cry? To see amazing talent perform before your very eyes? Loy Norrix Performing Arts invites students, staff, and everyone in the Loy Norrix family to see our hilarious and dazzling musical "Something Rotten." Come support your fellow students as they sing, dance, and poke fun at Shakespeare himself. The show opens Friday, February 4th and runs for two weekends. Tickets can be purchased online or at the door.
The Loy Norrix Audio Visual club will be holding a meeting right after school today, Monday, January 31st in Ms. Pankop's room, K6. The club is continuing to film and edit the class of 2022's senior video that will be shown at graduation! If you would like to help, all are welcome to join!
Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1 so that you can audition.
Attention all students interested in playing golf this Spring. Please attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, February 1st at 2:30 with Coach Peterson in the TV room, just outside the Library's main entrance.
CTE and EFA applications are open for 10th and 11th graders! Check your email for instructions from your counselor on how to apply. Information can also be found in the counseling google classroom (clgxcpn). The deadline to apply is February 18.
Seniors! The deadline to buy senior ads or baby pictures for the 2022 Accolade Yearbook is Sunday, February 6! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See Ms. English with any questions.
If you are interested in attending Blue Fine Arts Camp for the art program, Ms. Van Lieu has 2 $400 scholarships for students who have never attended. Please see Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 for more information to apply for summer 2022.
Travelers for any Worldstrides trips need to get their passport copies to any of your leaders asap. There will be a group meeting soon for a Taste of Europe. What could that mean? We are ready to fly to Italy or France in summer 2022 and there is a lot to prepare. See Ms. Van Lieu A-12, Mrs. Lewis C-15, Mr. Hernandez A-16.
Attention Norrix Students, Key Club is hosting a clothing drive for the homeless population. We are looking for coats and jackets to help keep KPS students warm for the rest of the winter. If you have any jackets/coats please bring them in anytime during the first two weeks of February. The 5th hour class that brings in the most donations will win a pizza party. Contact Ms Nelson in D13 or Aanje Greymountain with any further questions.
Friday, January 28, 2022
GSA will now meet on TUESDAYS after school in the library! Because we're TOO cute, TOO chaotic, and there are TOO many awesome and important clubs on other days. Join GSA in the library after school on TUESDAYS
Are you ready to laugh? To cry? To see amazing talent perform before your very eyes? Loy Norrix Performing Arts invites students, staff, and everyone in the Loy Norrix family to see our hilarious and dazzling musical "Something Rotten." Come support your fellow students as they sing, dance, and poke fun at Shakespeare himself. The show opens Friday, February 4th and runs for two weekends. Tickets can be purchased online or at the door.
Need help improving your grade the second half of the trimester? Tutoring is available Monday through Thursday from 230-330. Check with your teachers for the AAC room schedule.
The Loy Norrix Audio Visual club will be holding a meeting right after school Monday, January 31st in Ms. Pankop's room, K6. The club is continuing to film and edit the class of 2022's senior video that will be shown at graduation! If you would like to help, all are welcome to join!
Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1 so that you can audition.
Attention all students interested in playing golf this Spring. Please attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, February 1st at 2:30 with Coach Peterson in the TV room, just outside the Library's main entrance.
CTE and EFA applications are open for 10th and 11th graders! Check your email for instructions from your counselor on how to apply. Information can also be found in the counseling google classroom (clgxcpn). The deadline to apply is February 18.
Seniors! The deadline to buy senior ads or baby pictures for the 2022 Accolade Yearbook is Sunday, February 6! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See Ms. English with any questions.
If you are interested in attending Blue Fine Arts Camp for the art program, Ms. Van Lieu has 2 $400 scholarships for students who have never attended. Please see Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 for more information to apply for summer 2022.
Travelers for any Worldstrides trips need to get their passport copies to any of your leaders asap. There will be a group meeting soon for a Taste of Europe. What could that mean?? We are ready to fly to Italy or France in summer 2022 and there is a lot to prepare. See Ms. Van Lieu A-12, Mrs. Lewis C-15, Mr. Hernandez A-16.
Loy Norrix Knights swimming and diving teams faced the Bridgman Bees tonight. Our focus was execute, and we had a lot of athletes do just that. Knights win!
Loy Norrix 122
Bridgman Co-Op 63
Event Winners
200 Medley Relay
Hurley, Teal, Kays, Wassink
200 Freestyle
James Harn
50 Freestyle
Roman Wassink
Boys 1 Meter Diving
Thomas Bannon
100 Freestyle
Tony Parlato
500 Freestyle
Liam Rutherford
200 Freestyle Relay
Wassink, Bernick, Hurley, Brent
100 Backstroke
James Harn
400 Freestyle
Parlato, Brent, Harn, Kays
The Knights are 5-1 on the season. They host Portage Central next Thursday.