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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Morning Announcements

Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Loy Norrix Black Student Union will have its first meeting today, Thursday, January 27th from 2:30-3:30 in Ms Evans Room, K11. If you want to make your voice heard in terms of student representation at Norrix and have a good time building a sense of community, come join us. Allies are welcome as well. There will also be snacks available. Follow the Loy Norrix Black Student Union or contact Ms Evans with any questions. GSA will meet TODAY after school in the library. We will be discussing intersectionality, and how to advocate for ourselves and each other. You're welcome to join us, hope to see you there! Are you ready to laugh? To cry? To see amazing talent perform before your very eyes? Loy Norrix Performing Arts invites students, staff, and everyone in the Loy Norrix family to see our hilarious and dazzling musical "Something Rotten." Come support your fellow students as they sing, dance, and poke fun at Shakespeare himself. The show opens Friday, February 4th and runs for two weekends. Tickets can be purchased online or at the door. Need help improving your grade the second half of the trimester? Tutoring is available Monday through Thursday from 230-330. Check with your teachers for the AAC room schedule., room D13 will be open Thurs for Science, and room C16 will be open Thurs for study hall. All other rooms will be closed due to conferences.". Attention all lacrosse players. Lacrosse conditionings are canceled this week. We will resume practice next week starting Monday Jan 31st at 7-8:30pm. Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1 so that you can audition. Attention all students interested in playing golf this Spring. Please attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, February 1st at 2:30 with Coach Peterson in the TV room, just outside the Library's main entrance. CTE and EFA applications are open for 10th and 11th graders! Check your email for instructions from your counselor on how to apply. Information can also be found in the counseling google classroom (clgxcpn). The deadline to apply is February 18. Seniors! The deadline to buy senior ads or baby pictures for the 2022 Accolade Yearbook is Sunday, February 6! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See Ms. English with any questions. If you are interested in attending Blue Fine Arts Camp for the art program, Ms. Van Lieu has 2 $400 scholarships for students who have never attended. Please see Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 for more information to apply for summer 2022.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Need help improving your grade the second half of the trimester? Tutoring is available Monday through Thursday from 230-330. Check with your teachers for the AAC room schedule. rooms B13 will be open Wed for Math, room D13 will be open Thurs for Science, and room C16 will be open Thurs for study hall. All other rooms will be closed on Wed and Thurs due to conferences.". Attention all lacrosse players. Lacrosse conditionings are canceled this week. We will resume practice next week starting Monday Jan 31st at 7-8:30pm. Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1 so that you can audition. Sword and Board will meet today, Wednesday from 230-330 in room C16. All tabletop gamers and games are invited to join. Attention all students interested in playing golf this Spring. Please attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, Feb 1st at 2:30 with Coach Peterson in the TV room, just outside the Library's main entrance. CTE and EFA applications are now open! Guests from KRESA will be presenting to 10th grade history classes this week. Please check your email for instructions from your counselor on how to apply. Information can also be found in the counseling google classroom (clgxcpn). The deadline to apply is February 18. Seniors! The deadline to buy senior ads or baby pictures for the 2022 Accolade Yearbook is Sunday, February 6! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See Ms. English with any questions. The Loy Norrix Black Student Union will have its first meeting tomorrow, Thursday, January 27th from 2:30-3:30 in Ms Evans Room, K11. If you want to make your voice heard in terms of student representation at Norrix and have a good time building a sense of community, come join us. Allies are welcome as well. There will also be snacks available. Follow the the Loy Norrix Black Student Union or contact Ms Evans with any questions. The Travel Club wants you to know that two spots have opened up on the trip of a lifetime to England and France this July. Join us as we learn about the world around us! If you would like to stroll the halls of Versaille, tour the Louvre, see the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace and have afternoon tea like the Queen, contact Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 or Mrs. Lewis in C-15 for information on how to reserve your spot today! As author Mary Ann Radmacher said, “I am not the same having seen the moon shine from the other side of the world.” The Loy Loy Norrix Knights traveled across town for a showdown with the Kalamazoo Central Giants. Both teams competed and brought out the best in each other. We had a lot of people step up and help lead us to a victory! Loy Norrix 108 KC 78 Event Winners 200 Individual Medley James Harn 1 Meter Diving Zander Ligman 500 Freestyle Liam Rutherford 200 Freestyle Relay VanHouten, Bosak, Kays, Wassink 100 Backstroke James Harn 100 Breaststroke Evan Teal Knights take on the Bridgman Bees on Thursday. Go Knights!

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Here are the Loy Norrix Bowling results: The girls did not have enough girls to make a full team so it was hard to mount a defense. but they fought hard.The boys team bowled against Battle Creek Lakeview. They had only lost 1 match up to now. We quickly dominated in the baker games. We even set a new high score of 251. The 1st regular game did not go our way and we let them back in the match. The last, and deciding game went back and forth, but we needed the game, so we fought and got our spares. BC missed a crucial spare to give us the 16-14 win by less than 20 pins. Well fought victory Boys. Need help improving your grade in the second half of the trimester? Tutoring is available Monday through Thursday from 230-330. Check with your teachers for the AAC room schedule. rooms B13 will be open Wed for Math, room D13 will be open Thursday for Science, and room C16 will be open Thursday for study hall. All other rooms will be closed on Wed and Thurs due to conferences.". Attention all lacrosse players. Lacrosse conditionings are canceled this week. We will resume practice next week starting Monday Jan 31st at 7-8:30pm. Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1 so that you can audition. The Loy Norrix Audio Visual club will be holding a meeting after school today, January 25th, in Ms. Pankop's room, K6! The club's next focus will be filming and editing the senior video that will be shown at graduation! Come on down if you want to help! Sword and Board will meet Wed from 230-330 in room C16. All tabletop gamers and games are invited to join. "Are you interested in discussing and learning about political issues and getting involved in the community? The Loy Norrix Young Democrats are focused on amplifying youth voices and putting them into action. Come to C-13 after school on Tuesday if you'd like to be involved. P.S. we also have free snacks!" Seniors! The deadline to buy senior ads or baby pictures for the 2022 Accolade Yearbook is Sunday, February 6! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See Ms. English with any questions. The Loy Norrix Black Student Union will have its first meeting this Thursday, January 27th from 2:30-3:30 in Ms Evans Room, K11. If you want to make your voice heard in terms of student representation at Norrix and have a good time building a sense of community, come join us. Allies are welcome as well. There will also be snacks available. Follow the Loy Norrix Black Student Union or contact Ms Evans with any questions.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Need help improving your grade the second half of the trimester? Tutoring is available Monday through Thursday from 230-330. Check with your teachers for the AAC room schedule. AAC will not be open on Wednesday and Thursday of this week due to Parent Teacher Conferences. Attention all lacrosse players. Lacrosse conditionings are canceled this week. We will resume practice next week starting Monday Jan 31st at 7-8:30pm. Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1 so that you can audition. Seniors! The deadline to buy senior ads or baby pictures for the 2022 Accolade Yearbook is Sunday, February 6! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See Ms. English with any questions. Over the weekend, you Cyberknights took part in our first ever semifinals for the National Youth Cyber Education Program Cyberpatriot. The competition was fierce for the top Gold tier team only scoring 141 points out of a possible 300. Your Cyberknights rocked a solid 90 points placing 2nd for Michigan teams, beating our county competitor Gull Lake. Nationally, they ranked 33rd out of 184 teams. The final scores are not set as we are awaiting the scoring of another potential 100 points. However, given the fact they have only been practicing an hour or two a week since September, with a team of only four competitors, instead of the standard 6, and going against teams that have potentially been doing this since Middle school, everyone should be proud of what your Cyberknights have been able to achieve in such a short time. Registration for Cyberpatriot 15 starts this April with the first exhibition round starting in May. If you like solving challenging puzzles, protecting yourself from cyber criminals, and exploring one of the fastest growing high demand job fields, you may want to consider joining the Cybersecurity club meeting after school Tuesdays and Thursdays in M1. Or sign up for the Information Technology (IT) CTE course right here at Loy Norrix.

Friday, January 21, 2021

Students if you have a Metro Bus Pass that was issued in the beginning of the school year they have expired as of January 14, 2022. Make sure to get your new Metro Bus Pass from Ms Tessin in the C Wing office during your lunch or between classes. Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1 so that you can audition. Great meet tonight as the Knights hosted the Battle Creek Central Bearcats. Teams competed and battled hard, and Loy Norrix took the win! Loy Norrix with 114 Battle Creek Central 67 The Event Winners are: Wassink, Teal, Harn, VanHouten in the 200 Medley Relay Dominick Fooy in the 200 Freestyle Keng Wee in the 200 IM Andrew VanHouten in the 50 Freestyle Alexander Ligman in the 1 Meter Diving Keng Wee in the 100 Butterfly Roman Wassink in the 100 Freestyle Dominick Fooy in the 500 Freestyle James Harn in the 100 Backstroke Evan Teal in the 100 Breaststroke The Knights are 3-1 on the season

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Huge Shoutout to the men’s basketball program! They traveled to Charlotte last night and completed the 3 game sweep. Rufus Brasher had a big 17 for the freshman. JV had multiple scorers in double figures in a dominant 30 point win. Sophomore Cedric Huntley lead the way for the Varsity with some key defensive plays and a team leading 14 points. Go KNIGHTS. The class of 2002 Executive board will be meeting in the library after school today. We will be meeting in the smaller room off to the side of the library due to there being another meeting in the library. Students if you have a Metro Bus Pass that was issued in the beginning of the school year they have expired as of January 14, 2022. Make sure to get your new Metro Bus Pass from Ms Tessin in the C Wing office during your lunch or between classes. Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1 so that you can audition. Baseball will continue having weight training on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30-6 in the weight room. We also have an open gym every Sunday from 10-Noon. See Coach Rickli in the CWing with any questions.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Chess Club meets today from 2:20-3:30 in computer lab D-10. Anybody may attend, and anyone who beats Mr. Bellware wins a customized chessboard. The Women Empowerment Club will meet today, Wednesday, January 19th in room A-10 please come, all is welcome! The YES Club will meet today in Room D-4 directly after school until 4:00. Students if you have a Metro Bus Pass that was issued in the beginning of the school year they have expired as of January 14, 2022. Make sure to get your new Metro Bus Pass from Ms Tessin in the C Wing office during your lunch or between classes. Seniors, are you interested in being one of our student speakers at our graduation ceremony this year? If so, please sign up with Mr. Kitzman in room B-18 by March 1 so that you can audition.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Both the boys and girls Bowling teams continued their winning streak by virtue of a Forfeit. Congratulations to Anthony Fotis for his award score of 279. 11 out of 12 strikes The Martin Luther King career expo will be rescheduled. Please listen to the morning announcements for rescheduled event details. Thanks for your support. Baseball will continue having weight training on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30-6 in the weight room. We also have an open gym every Sunday from 10-Noon. See Coach Rickli in the CWing with any questions.

Friday, January 14, 2022

The Martin Luther King career expo will be rescheduled. Please listen to the morning for rescheduled event details. Thanks for your support. Seniors, listen up! The final vote for senior superlative mock elections is open now through 11:59 p.m. on Sunday! Check your emails for access to the form. Votes must be received by Sunday night to be counted! Baseball will continue having weight training on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30-6 in the weight room. We also have an open gym every Sunday from 10-Noon. See Coach Rickli in the CWing with any questions. Knights had their first competition of 2022, hosting the Coldwater Cardinals. We had athletes fill in spots that was new for them but they stepped up. We ended the night with a Loy Norrix victory! Knights 123 Cardinals 51 Event Winners 200 Medley Relay Harn, Teal, Wee, Parlato 200 Free Tony Parlato Diving Thomas Bannon 100 Fly Keng Wee 100 Free Andrew VanHouten 500 Free Efrem Masterson 200 Free Relay Wassink, Parlato, VanHouten, Bernick 100 Backstroke Zaiden Hodson 100 Breast Evan Teal

Thursday, January 13, 2022

If you are interested in joining the Loy Norrix Forensics team this year, there will be an informational meeting today, Thursday, after school in Mr. Lafferty's room J11. There will be a Green School Meeting after school today in room B14. We welcome everyone and love seeing new faces. Hope to see you there! Baseball will continue having weight training on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30-6 in the weight room. We also have an open gym every Sunday from 10-Noon. See Coach Rickli in the CWing with any questions. AAC will be open today from 230-330pm. Seniors, listen up! The Accolade Yearbook is holding the senior superlative mock elections right now! Check your email for a Google Form to put in your nominations for categories like best dressed, most senioritis, and most athletic. Nominations closed at midnight last night, final voting will occur on Friday! Attention teachers: If you happen to have any hygiene products still in your classroom from before winter break please bring them to the library or email Ms. Landis to have them picked up. Thank you.
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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community
Morning Announcements