Morning Announcements
AAC will be open today from 2:30-3:30 in the following rooms; Math in M12W, Science in C19, Spanish in A18, and Study Hall in D10.
There will be no Archery Club today due to volleyball districts needing full access to both gyms.
Men's Basketball Tryouts: START Monday November 11th in the MAIN GYM
Monday Nov. 11th from 2:30 pm-4:30 pm
Tuesday Nov. 12th from 2:30 pm-4:30 pm
Wednesday Nov. 13th from 10:40 am-1:00 pm
Monday Nov. 11th from 5:00 pm-6:30 pm
Tuesday Nov. 12th from 5:00 pm-6:30 pm
Physical dated 4/15/24 or later, consent form signed, insurance fee paid, and form completed as soon as possible. Instructions on how to do this can be picked up in the Athletic Office
Come down to the auditorium Nov. 7th during 5th hour, to attend the senate's student forum! What is the forum you might ask? It is for our senate to ask and listen to the questions, concerns, and suggestions that the student body may have to make a better student life here at Loy Norrix.
Need a schedule change for 2nd tri? Counselors will be in the lunchroom on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week to help!
There will be a Parent/Athlete Informational Meeting for the Kalamazoo United Ski Team on Thursday, November 7th at 5:00 in the Loy Norrix Cafeteria. This is a change from the original date of Tuesday, November 5th. Anyone who is interested can attend.
There is a bulletin board with QR code by the 4 Corners for you to test yourself on how well you know the staff here at Loy Norrix. See how well you can do before and after school. Names will be revealed after exams and prizes will be awarded.
Sword and Board will meet on Thursday from 2:30-3:30 in room C16.
There are 3 remaining spots for the Ireland and Scotland trip for the summer of 2025. Bring your parents to the informational meeting Wednesday November 13 at 6:30 pm in room D-11. If you have the slightest interest in traveling, please come to the meeting so your questions can be answered! Financial assistance is still available! Contact Ms. Ward in D-11 or [email protected] for more information.
Competitive Cheerleading is back! Tryouts will be held November 11th and 12 from 3pm-5pm in the Auxiliary gym. Come join us and see if this is the sport for you. No experience needed.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
All cross country runners need to return their uniforms to Coach Schmidt in K16 as soon as possible. Also, anyone who hasn't declared going to NXR needs to confirm that as soon as possible. There are rooms still available.
Chess Club is Today during all three lunches in Room D10. Please get a purple pass from your teacher, pick up your lunch, and come to play.
The Loy Norrix Musical is running a fundraiser this Today at the Westnedge Qdoba. From 4-8 pm, 25% of sales at the Westnedge and White’s location will go to our show and help fund costumes, sets, and more. Make your dinner plans for this Wednesday at Qdoba between 4 and 8 and tell them you’re supporting Loy Norrix!
Archery Club is planning to meet today from 2:30-4:30. Any new members must come to C16 at 2:30. Returning members may skip this part and meet down in the Aux Gym at 2:45. Please check the Google Classroom using code "xx22efb" for more detailed information.
You can have up to a full page in the yearbook for your senior ad at our cheapest prices. A full page is only $150; a half page is $85; a quarter page is $45; an eighth of a page is $30, and a baby picture is only $15. The last day to get them at these prices are the 31st. After that, the prices rise.
Our National Honor Society is now accepting applications. If you are a junior or senior and have an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher, an application was sent to your KPS email. Applications must be printed out and submitted by Monday, November 18. See Mr. Allen in A19 or Mr. Porco in D9 if you have any questions.
The Family Health Center Dental Mobile Unit will be visiting Loy Norrix this Fall. If you are interested in seeing a dental hygienist see the Communities In Schools Staff in B-Wing for more information.
The Knights Health Center, offering medical and mental health services, is located in two temporary locations on the lower level of the M and D wings. They will be moving to a brand new and permanent space in D-7 (old faculty dining room) near the Tower stairs in the next few weeks. They will be providing health care for illnesses, injuries, sports physicals, well-child exams, STI tests, and pregnancy tests. Immunizations will also be offered by appointment. Mental health services are available for students who are feeling anxious, sad or depressed, stressed, or angry and who need someone to talk with. To use these services, pick up a consent form from the main office for your parent or guardian to fill out and bring it back to Ms. Hemphill in the main office. If you have health insurance, insurance will be billed directly and there are not any co-pays. If you don’t have insurance fees will be waived.
We are hosting our first ever Fright Night. We will have at Trunk or treat, a customs contest, food and games and even a Haunted house which is seven dollars. The event will be held at 5:00 --9:00 on Tonight, right here at Loy Norrix in the bus loop.
Sword and Board will meet Thursday in room C16 from 2:30-3:30.
Wrestling conditioning this week Monday-Thursday @ 6:00 in the Aux gym.
This is the Skibidi Loy Norrix newspaper coming to you live, we just wanted to remind you young rizzlers to follow the website and follow our Instagram KnightLifeNews for amazing stories, weekly posts and hilarious memes!
The Ski Race Season is upon us! Please join us for an informational meeting on Tuesday, November 5th at 5:00 in the Loy Norrix Cafeteria.
AAC will be open for tutoring today from 2:30-3:30 in the following rooms; Social Studies in C13, Math in M12W, English in A21, Science in C19, Spanish in K12, SAT Math Prep in B13, and Study Hall in D10.
Come down to the auditorium Nov. 7th during 5th hour, to attend the senate's student forum! What is the forum you might ask? It is for our senate to ask and listen to the questions, concerns, and suggestions that the student body may have to make a better student life here at Loy Norrix. This is Alyssandra Radford (?) from your student senate, introducing the senate’s first student forum. We hope to see you there and hear your questions!
Monday, October 28, 2024
The Family Health Center Dental Mobile Unit will be visiting Loy Norrix this Fall. If you are interested in seeing a dental hygienist see the Communities In Schools Staff in B-Wing for more information.
The Knights Health Center, offering medical and mental health services, is located in two temporary locations on the lower level of the M and D wings. They will be moving to a brand new and permanent space in D-7 (old faculty dining room) near the Tower stairs in the next few weeks. They will be providing health care for illnesses, injuries, sports physicals, well-child exams, STI tests, and pregnancy tests. Immunizations will also be offered by appointment. Mental health services are available for students who are feeling anxious, sad or depressed, stressed, or angry and who need someone to talk with. To use these services, pick up a consent form from the main office for your parent or guardian to fill out and bring it back to Ms. Hemphill in the main office. If you have health insurance, insurance will be billed directly and there are not any co-pays. If you don’t have insurance fees will be waived.
We are hosting our first ever Fright Night. We will have at Trunk or treat, a customs contest, food and games and even a Haunted house which is seven dollars. The event will be held at 5:00 --9:00 on October 30th. Right here at loy Norrix, In the bus loop.
Join the GSA, meeting Tuesdays from 2:30-3:30 in Mr. Ezekiel's room M12E. For more information talk to either Mr. Ezekiel or Ms. Pike (B20).
Sword and Board will meet Thursday in room C16 from 2:30-3:30.
Your Knights Cross Country Teams had their regional meet Friday after school. The boys and girls were 7th and 10th in the region respectively but there were some great individual performances. Sofia, Nico, and Jackson all qualified for State with Jackson finishing as Regional Champion. Sabine, Lauren, Josi, Holly, Zack, and Wyatt all had huge personal bests. Great job team!
Wrestling conditioning next week Monday - Thursday @ 6:00 in the Aux gym.
Thursday, October 24, 2024
The Family Health Center Dental Mobile Unit will be visiting Loy Norrix this Fall. If you are interested in seeing a dental hygienist see the Communities In Schools Staff in B-Wing for more information.
The membership drive for the Loy Norrix Key Club is coming to an end soon. If you are interested in becoming a Key Club member please turn in your membership profile (found outside of Ms. Nelson's door) and 17 dollars to Ms. Nelson by Friday, October 25th.
It's Rivalry Week! The 5-3 varsity football team will travel across town to face the 5-3 Kalamazoo central this Friday night for the SMAC East championship! The Winner of the game goes to the playoffs! Kickoff is at 7PM! Remember if you have 3 tardies to class you will be unable to attend!
Powder Puff practice will be held tonight after school in the practice fields.
Sword and Board will meet Today, Thursday from 2:30-3:30 in room C16. We are hoping to have a Magic the Gathering commander group this week, so any MTG players are encouraged to bring their cards and stop by. Ms Coash's campaign will not be running this week so players should plan accordingly.
AAC will be open for tutoring from 2:30-3:30 in the following rooms; Social Studies in K13, Math in D13, English in DeVries, Science in C10, ESL Support in K5W, Spanish in A18, and Study Hall in D10.
The Latinx Club will be meeting this Today after school from 2:30 to 3:30 in room A-18. We would also like to invite you; to take a look at our Day of the Dead altar! It is in a glass showcase near the Library in the main hallway.
The Knights Health Center, offering medical and mental health services, is located in two temporary locations on the lower level of the M and D wings. They will be moving to a brand new and permanent space in D-7 (old faculty dining room) near the Tower stairs in the next few weeks. They will be providing health care for illnesses, injuries, sports physicals, well-child exams, STI tests, and pregnancy tests. Immunizations will also be offered by appointment. Mental health services are available for students who are feeling anxious, sad or depressed, stressed, or angry and who need someone to talk with. To use these services, pick up a consent form from the main office for your parent or guardian to fill out and bring it back to Ms. Hemphill in the main office. If you have health insurance, insurance will be billed directly and there are not any co-pays. If you don’t have insurance fees will be waived.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
The Chromebook Help Desk will be closed today.
AAC will be open today for tutoring from 2:30-3:30 in the following rooms; Social Studies in C13, Math in M12W, English in A21, Science in C19, Spanish in K12, SAT Math Prep in B13, and Study Hall in D10.
Loy Norrix Swimming & Diving had a huge milestone yesterday by winning their 50th dual meet in a row. Knights have been undefeated for 4.5 seasons. Greats to the whole program and an extra shout-out to our senior class for becoming the second class ever to have a perfect season!
Loy Norrix will compete at SMAC championships in 2.5 weeks @ Battle Creek Central 11/08-11/09.
Tonight is senior night for women’s volleyball. Come support the team as they wrap up conference play against st. Joe. Jv/freshman start at 5:30 varsity starts at 6:30 fill the stands and be loud!
The Family Health Center Dental Mobile Unit will be visiting Loy Norrix this Fall. If you are interested in seeing a dental hygienist see the Communities In Schools Staff in B-Wing for more information.
The membership drive for the Loy Norrix Key Club is coming to an end soon. If you are interested in becoming a Key Club member please turn in your membership profile (found outside of Ms. Nelson's door) and 17 dollars to Ms. Nelson by Friday, October 25th. We will not be able to take new members after October 25th. Our next Key Club Meeting is Today, Tuesday, October 22nd at 2:30 in room C17.
Attention Philosophy Club! Due to conflicting schedules, we will not be meeting this week. Please check the Google Classroom for more updates.
It's Rivalry Week! The 5-3 varsity football team will travel across town to face the 5-3 Kalamazoo central this Friday night for the SMAC East championship! The Winner of the game goes to the playoffs! Kickoff is at 7PM! Remember if you have 3 tardies to class you will be unable to attend!
Chess Club is Wednesday during all three lunches in Room D10. Please get a purple pass from your teacher, pick up your lunch, and come to play.
Juniors, who are participating in Powder Puff, practices will be held from 5:30-6:30pm on Wednesday and Thursday nights THIS WEEK. Meet on the back practice fields.
Sword and Board will meet on Thursday from 2:30-3:30 in room C16. We are hoping to have a Magic the Gathering commander group this week, so any MTG players are encouraged to bring their cards and stop by. Ms Coash's campaign will not be running this week so players should plan accordingly.
Monday, October 21, 2024
The Family Health Center Dental Mobile Unit will be visiting Loy Norrix this Fall. If you are interested in seeing a dental hygienist see the Communities In Schools Staff in B-Wing for more information.
The membership drive for the Loy Norrix Key Club is coming to an end soon. If you are interested in becoming a Key Club member please turn in your membership profile (found outside of Ms. Nelson's door) and 17 dollars to Ms. Nelson by Friday, October 25th. We will not be able to take new members after October 25th. Our next Key Club Meeting is Tuesday, October 22nd at 230 in room C17. See you then!
Come to Philosophy Club on Tuesday's after school in Mrs. Weaver's room, K-17. We'll have engaging discussions, and there is popcorn!
It's Rivalry Week! The 5-3 varsity football team will travel across town to face the 5-3 Kalamazoo central this Friday night for the SMAC East championship! Kickoff is at 7PM! Remember if you have 3 tardies to class you will be unable to attend!
There will be no AAC today due to the half day.
The SMAC Conference Cross Country Meet was held last Saturday and your Knights showed out. Boys finished 4th, 3 points behind 3rd, and Girls finished 5th, well ahead of their 8th place projection. The JV boys and girls also did well finishing 2nd and 4th respectively in their races. 37 out of 52 runners had PRs or season best times! Michael and Graham went under 18 minutes, Elliott, Aiden, Jacob, and Austin all went under 20 minutes, Sille and Gabriela went under 26 minutes, and many others made big improvements.
Thursday, October 17, 2024
The Family Health Center Dental Mobile Unit will be visiting Loy Norrix this Fall. If you are interested in seeing a dental hygienist see the Communities In Schools Staff in B-Wing for more information.
This year’s Female Flag Football game will be played on October 28th. Junior and senior females interested in playing and football players interested in coaching must have a returned permission slip to the athletic office by October 21st. You can pick up a permission slip located on the athletic office door.
The Kalamazoo Promise will be hosting Senior Parent meetings next week. October 16th in Loy Norrix's Auditorium and October 17th in KC's cafeteria. You are invited to attend either meeting regardless of what school you attend. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Mr. Moore, your promise pathway coach.
Sword and Board will meet Today in room C16 from 230-330.
Sweetest Day is this Saturday and the Class of 2027, is here to help! On Friday, October 19th for just one day, during all three lunches, we will be selling a limited supply of sweet treats, so get them while you can. The prices range from $1.00 to $5.00. We will see you Friday…for your sweetheart.
FALL Athletes: If you currently have a 3.0 or higher and play a fall sport, check your email for more information regarding a treat you have earned.
The varsity Football team has its very last home game ever on the grass this Friday night vs Portage Northern High School! It's also Senior Knight! Kickoff is at 7pm and the student section theme is neon!
With Tuesday nights 4-2 win over Mattawan, the Knights move on to play the number one ranked team in the state, Portage Central. This Saturday at 11am, the Knights and the Mustangs play in the District Final at Portage Northern.
Good morning Junior Class of 2026! This afternoon after school we will be having a class meeting to discuss upcoming events, event planning, fundraising, and more. If you would like to join us, please come to Ms. Corstanges room (room A20) from 2:30 to 3:15. Hope to see you there!
AAC will be open today for tutoring from 2:30-3:30 in the following rooms: Math in D13, English in A16, Science in C10, ESL Support in K5W, Spanish in A18, and Study Hall in D10.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
The Family Health Center Dental Mobile Unit will be visiting Loy Norrix this Fall. If you are interested in seeing a dental hygienist see the Communities In Schools Staff in B-Wing for more information.
There are only 10 spots remaining on the Ireland and Scotland Adventure! See Ms. Ward in D-11 to receive a raffle ticket that you can bring to the meeting. The raffle will be during the informational meeting tomorrow, Oct 16th at 6:30 pm in D-11. If you went to the Oct 2nd meeting you do not have to attend. You must be present at an informational meeting with a parent or guardian to win!
Stay after school today, October 15 from 2:30-3:30 to paint a pumpkin. Show Ms. Ward or another designated staff member your painted pumpkin that you are donating and you will receive an extra credit coupon to be used in one of your classes. Pumpkins will be provided free of charge!
Do you have an interest in Science, Math, or Nursing? If yes, you should apply for the Heyl Scholarship to attend K College or WMU school of Nursing. The Heyl Scholarship is valued over 220k. It covers 4 years of tuition, room, book allowance, and in program advising and mentoring. Please see Ms. Nelson in room C17 or RSVP for the informational meeting that will be held on October 16th at K College and October 21st at WMU for school of Nursing. RSVP via QR codes located on posters throughout the school.
What's a better Halloween tradition than scary stories? Creative writing club will be hosting its Halloween Spooktacular on October 16th! Candy rewards will be given to those who can really make us quake in our boots. If you think you have the scare in you, come down to room C-23 on Wednesday, October 16th, from 2:30 to 3:30.
This year’s Female Flag Football game will be played on October 28th. Junior and senior females interested in playing and football players interested in coaching must have a returned permission slip to the athletic office by October 21st. You can pick up a permission slip located on the athletic office door.
The Kalamazoo Promise will be hosting Senior Parent meetings next week. October 16th in Loy Norrix's Auditorium and October 17th in KC's cafeteria. You are invited to attend either meeting regardless of what school you attend. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Mr. Moore, your promise pathway coach.
Attention Philosophy Club! Due to conflicting schedules, we will not be meeting this week. Please check the Google Classroom for more updates.
The Esports team has a home game Today! Join us in the Library at 4:00 to watch our Norrix Varsity Smash team take on Portage Northern. Any questions can be directed to Mr. Wood.
Sword and Board will meet Thursday in room C16 from 230-330.
Sweetest Day is this Saturday and the Class of 2027, is here to help! On Friday, October 19th for just one day, during all three lunches, we will be selling a limited supply of sweet treats, so get them while you can. The prices range from $1.00 to $5.00. We will see you Friday…for your sweetheart.
The Library will be closed today due to Horizon make-up testing.
FALL Athletes: If you currently have a 3.0 or higher and play a fall sport, check your email for more information regarding a treat you have earned.
The GSA will be meeting TODAY from 2:30-3:30 in Mr. Ezekiel's room M12E. For more information talk to either Mr. Ezekiel or Ms. Pike (B20).
Chess Club is Wednesday during all three lunches in Room D10. Please get a purple pass from your teacher, pick up your lunch, and come to play. Anybody may attend, and anyone who beats Mr. Bellware wins a custom-made chess board.
The varsity Football team has its very last home game ever on the grass this Friday night vs Portage Northern High School! It's also Senior Knight! So come out and support the Seniors as they make a push for the playoffs! Kickoff is at 7pm and the student section theme is neon!
Western Michigan University will be visiting Thursday October 17th at 8:00 am. You will need to sign up with Mr. Moore to attend any presentations.
Monday, October 14, 2024
The Family Health Center Dental Mobile Unit will be visiting Loy Norrix this Fall. If you are interested in seeing a dental hygienist see the Communities In Schools Staff in B-Wing for more information.
There are only 10 spots remaining on the Ireland and Scotland Adventure! See Ms. Ward in D-11 to receive a raffle ticket that you can bring to the meeting. Bring your raffle ticket filled out so you can win a great prize! The raffle will be during the informational meetings Oct. 2 and Oct 16 both meetings will be at 6:30 pm in D-11.
Stay after school Tuesday October 15 from 2:30-3:30 to paint a pumpkin. Show Ms. Ward or another designated staff member your painted pumpkin that you are donating and you will receive an extra credit coupon to be used in one of your classes. Pumpkins will be provided free of charge!
Do you have an interest in Science, Math, or Nursing? If yes, you should apply for the Heyl Scholarship to attend K College or WMU school of Nursing. The Heyl Scholarship is valued over 220k. It covers 4 years of tuition, room, book allowance, and in program advising and mentoring. Please see Ms. Nelson in room C17 or RSVP for the informational meeting that will be held on October 16th at K College and October 21st at WMU for school of Nursing. RSVP via QR codes located on posters throughout the school.
What's a better Halloween tradition than scary stories? Creative writing club will be hosting its Halloween Spooktacular on October 16th! Candy rewards will be given to those who can really make us quake in our boots. If you think you have the scare in you, come down to room C-23 on Wednesday, October 16th, from 2:30 to 3:30.
This year’s Female Flag Football game will be played on October 28th. Junior and senior females interested in playing and football players interested in coaching must have a returned permission slip to the athletic office by October 21st. You can pick up a permission slip located on the athletic office door.
Seniors! The Kalamazoo Promise will be hosting Senior Parent meetings next week. October 16th in Loy Norrix's Auditorium and October 17th in KC's cafeteria. You are invited to attend either meeting regardless of what school you attend. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Mr. Moore, your promise pathway coach.
Come to Philosophy Club on Tuesday's after school in Mrs. Weaver's room, K-17. We'll have engaging discussions, and there is popcorn!
Esports team has a home game this coming Tuesday! Join us in the Library at 4:00 to watch our Norrix Varsity Smash team take on Portage Northern. Any questions can be directed to Mr. Wood.
The Knight's Soccer teams started last week with a JV win over Paw Paw with an 8-0 mercy followed by the Varsity 4-1 win, in the last regular season games. Beginning District play, the Knights, on Portage Northern home turf, fought hard for a 2-1 win. On Tuesday, October 15th, the Loy Norrix side will play a third time against Mattawan in a 7 o'clock kickoff at Portage Northern's Huskie Field.
Congratulations to the varsity football team on their 31-11 win Over Gull Lake. The Knights will Play rival Kalamazoo Central for the Smac east championship next Friday October 25th! The Knights are back in action this Friday at home for SENIOR KNIGHT vs Portage northern! Student section theme is NEON!
AAC will be open today for tutoring from 2:30-3:30 in the following rooms; Social Studies in A19, Math in B13, Science in C19, Spanish in K12, and Study Hall in the Library. The Testing Room will be available in the AWing offices. Please contact Mrs Hensen if you need to make up a test today.
Sword and Board will meet Thursday in room C16 from 2:30-3:30.
Sweetest Day is this Saturday and the Class of 2027, is here to help! On Friday, October 19th for just one day, during all three lunches, we will be selling a limited supply of sweet treats, so get them while you can. The prices range from $1.00 to $5.00. We will see you Friday…for your sweetheart.
Thursday, October 10, 2024
It’s Senior Meeting time! This is a REQUIREMENT for ALL seniors!
The Family Health Center Dental Mobile Unit will be visiting Loy Norrix this Fall. If you are interested in seeing a dental hygienist see the Communities In Schools Staff in B-Wing for more information.
There are only 10 spots remaining on the Ireland and Scotland Adventure! See Ms. Ward in D-11 to receive a raffle ticket that you can bring to the meeting. Bring your raffle ticket filled out so you can win a great prize! The raffle will be during the informational meetings Oct. 2 and Oct 16 both meetings will be at 6:30 pm in D-11.
Stay after school Tuesday October 15 from 2:30-3:30 to paint a pumpkin. Show Ms. Ward or another designated staff member your painted pumpkin that you are donating and you will receive an extra credit coupon to be used in one of your classes. Pumpkins will be provided free of charge!
Do you have an interest in Science, Math, or Nursing? If yes, you should apply for the Heyl Scholarship to attend K College or WMU school of Nursing. The Heyl Scholarship is valued over 220k. It covers 4 years of tuition, room, book allowance, and in program advising and mentoring. Please see Ms. Nelson in room C17 or RSVP for the informational meeting that will be held on October 16th at K College and October 21st at WMU for school of Nursing. RSVP via QR codes located on posters throughout the school.
AAC will be open for tutoring today from 2:30-3:30 in the following rooms; Social Studies in K13, Math in D13, ELA in A16, Science in C10, ESL Support in K5W, Spanish in A18, and Study Hall in D10.
Sword and Board will meet Today in room C16 from 230-330. Ms Pike will not be available this week to run the Pokemon group.
Attention Anyone interested in Swimming or Diving this winter! There will be an Open Swim Today 2:30-3:30. Come to the pool, play some games, Meet Coach Kenbeek.
The Latinx Club will be meeting today after school from 2:30 to 3:30 in room A-18. Please email or see Mrs. Castillo in the Library if you have any questions at [email protected]
What's a better Halloween tradition than scary stories? That's why Creative writing club will be hosting its Halloween Spooktacular on October 16th! Come write your scariest stories, your most terrifying tales, and your most frightening fables. Candy rewards will be given to those who can really make us quake in our boots. If you think you have the scare in you, come down to room C-23 on Wednesday, October 16th, from 2:30 to 3:30.
This year’s Female Flag Football game will be played on October 28th. Junior and senior females interested in playing and football players interested in coaching must have a returned permission slip to the athletic office by October 21st. You can pick up a permission slip located on the athletic office door.
The volleyball team traveled to Battle Creek central last night where our freshman and varsity teams were victorious. The JV team lost a close game in 3 sets but are back in action tonight at Bridgeman. Good work to all of the athletes last night!
Seniors! The Kalamazoo Promise will be hosting Senior Parent meetings next week. October 16th in Loy Norrix's Auditorium and October 17th in KC's cafeteria. You are invited to attend either meeting regardless of what school you attend. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Mr. Moore, your promise pathway coach.
Michigan State will be visiting Monday October 14th at 8:00 am. You will need to sign up with Mr. Moore to attend any presentations.