Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Chess Club will be held today in room D10 during all three lunches. Anybody with a lunch pass may attend, and anyone who beats Mr. Bellware wins a custom-made chess board.
AAC will be open in limited rooms today due to conferences. Math will be available in B13. Please check with other rooms/teachers as they have not been confirmed open today.
Please return any overdue books to the library to avoid fines. Books more than 30 days overdue will be marked as lost and fines will be added to your account. See Ms. Coash in the library with questions.
The Sword and Board club will meet this Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in room C16. We are looking for more people for Magic the Gathering and Pokemon TCG to play the remainder of the trimester. If you play either of these, please consider stopping by! All other gamers and games are still invited to join.
Esports Club members, there will be a short meeting today in Mr. Wood's room, C19, to discuss another in-school event, the upcoming playoffs and plans for next year. The meeting will start at 2:30 p.m. and last for around 30 minutes. Contact Mr. Wood if you have any questions.
If you are interested in applying for AP Art during the upcoming school year, please see Mr. Stevens in room A12 to set up a meeting to review your artwork. A portfolio review is required to apply.
Who’s ready to play Ultimate Frisbee this spring? Ultimate is a fun, fast-paced team sport that has elements of soccer, football, and basketball combined. Kalamazoo United Youth Ultimate invites everyone to join our high school team this spring. We are a mixed team, open for all Kalamazoo Public Schools high schoolers of all genders. If you would like to learn more about the program, we invite you to come to the information session in Mr. Hernandez’s classroom, A16, on Apr. 18 immediately after school.
The Kalamazoo Promise Signing Day event is approaching. All seniors are invited to attend the event downtown at the Arcadia Festival Site on May 10. There will be live music, karaoke, a lip sync battle, raffles, food trucks, carnival games and more. Please make sure if you are Promise eligible, your Promise Application and Scholarship Acceptance Form are submitted before the day of the event. Please reach out to Coach Moore for more information.
If you are a current sophomore or junior, we want you to apply for next year’s Link Crew! Link Crew is our freshman transition program, where we come together as a team to support next year’s freshmen as they transition successfully to high school. Link Crew is all about learning new leadership skills, helping others, and having a lot of fun. If you want to make a difference at Loy Norrix, pick up an application in the main office or the library. Be sure to read the application carefully and note the mandatory dates at the bottom. Applications are due Friday, Apr. 26 by 2:30 p.m. in the main office or library. See Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Milton or Ms. Fires if you have any questions.