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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Senior Nora Duffy performs a duet with their AP European History teacher, Matthew Porco as a part of the class's final project.

AP classes provide benefits outside of college credits

Nina Holm, Guest Writer June 4, 2024

Though the 13 AP classes offered at Loy Norrix are very different, both in content and demographics, the electrifying atmosphere of a classroom the day before an AP exam is universal. Students pass flashcards...

Students gathered around at the end of class during 4th hour AP Psychology  taught by Sean Bergan.

AP classes lack diversity, causing fewer POC to enroll

Ari’el Abbott, Twitter Editor January 6, 2022

I look back on my first encounter with an advanced class with a strong lack of diversity. I remember walking into my first AP class and already being nervous, but I shake the feelings out and take...

Diverse Section of Letters to the Editor

Diverse Section of Letters to the Editor

December 1, 2017

Dear Editor, I read “An Insight Into Loy Norrix Stage Crew” and I thought it was a good way to see the help that is needed, while also giving the reader a closer look at the audience doesn’t seen...

Stressful Schedules: Regretful Students Realize That they May Not be up for the Challenge of Accelerated Classes

Stressful Schedules: Regretful Students Realize That they May Not be up for the Challenge of Accelerated Classes

Audreanna Dunton, Assistant Business Manager October 20, 2017
Tiana Boyd, Junior, takes notes in AP Biology.
Schools Need to be Realistic Regarding AP Classes

Schools Need to be Realistic Regarding AP Classes

Gaia Bogan October 19, 2017

Pushing kids into the deep end of a swimming pool was once a socially acceptable method of teaching them how to swim. Today, this ‘sink or swim’ point of view is obsolete in most circles, so why does...

Kalamazoo Public Schools Lengthen Foreign Language & Math Classes In Hopes of Boosting Student Achievement

Kalamazoo Public Schools Lengthen Foreign Language & Math Classes In Hopes of Boosting Student Achievement

Nora Hilgart-Griff May 19, 2017

On December 16, 2016, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Services Cindy Green presented several recommendations to the School Board for changes in the current Kalamazoo Public Schools (KPS)...

The Beginning Of The End

The Beginning Of The End

hannahstempky October 10, 2014

As senior Sam Gulliver sits in the library with his hand pressing against his head, he stares at all of his work, contemplating what to even begin with.  This workload consists of assignments from KAMSC,...

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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community
AP classes