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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Librarian John Krieder re-shelves books after they are returned. This is part of Krieder's tasks as the Norrix librarian.

Norrix’s Farnsworth Library is a safe space and rare commodity

Madison McNeil, Guest Writer March 7, 2023

When walking into Loy Norrix library you are greeted by the calming atmosphere of other students quietly typing on chromebooks and reading and a friendly staff. It truly feels like a place you can sit...

Social studies teacher Richard Rashad catches up on grading he missed. He has fallen a little behind but is working his way up to catch up to his original planned day.

Teachers get behind on snow days but enjoy the time to catch up on work and rest

Eduardo Ricardo, Guest Writer January 13, 2023

Every student loves to have snow days. We all hear the same reasons why. No work, no school and most said sleeping in. Although students have lots of love for snow days, how do the Loy Norrix staff feel? Snow...

Senior Reign Semelbauer speaks for the Gender Sexuality Alliance on the gender spectrum as fellow club members prepare for the group poem.

“Through the Views” presentation gives student organizations a chance to speak on issues they care about

Hannah Locke, Editor in Chief June 7, 2022

On May 13, six of Loy Norrix’s student organizations came together for “Through the Views,” a presentation organized by librarian John Krieder. The event took place right after school and showcased...

French teacher Rachel Larner talks to her French 2A class. She works to offer a safe space and normalizes discussions on pronouns in French and English.

It’s not political, it’s respect: advice on discussing pronouns with students

Flora Harper, News & Opinion Editor December 10, 2021

As changing pronouns becomes more and more mainstream, it can be difficult for teachers to navigate. The most important thing is to show students that they are respected and welcome. Rachel Larner,...

Ethan Ramirez, a junior and Claire Goodwin-Kelly, a senior, were showing their freshman students around Loy Norrix High School during freshman orientation on August 29, 2021.

Link Crew is back in-person this year

Unique Payton, Staff Writer November 17, 2021

“The purpose of Link Crew is to welcome the incoming freshman class into the building and support them through their transition to high school,” said John Kreider, a former Link Crew advisor. Nathaniel...

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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community
John Krieder