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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Senior Jose Garcia pulls out an SMC brochure from his string bag. Like Garcia, students were given string bags containing contact sheets and brochures as they entered campus.

Upward Bound helps students prepare for college and explore future career paths

Axel Herrera-Villalobos, Opinion Editor February 25, 2025

For many first-generation [first in their family to attend college] and low-income students, the path to college can feel overwhelming due to limited access to college resources, academic support and financial...

Freshman Carter Pickett works on finishing his study guide for his journalism class. He
knows if he finishes it and consistently studies it the final exam will be a piece of cake.

Students and teachers talk about how the pandemic affected their motivation and how it persists to this day

Juan Ortiz-Ponce, Guest Writer March 17, 2023

It’s a typical day in a high school classroom. More than half the students are distracted, on their phones with no motivation to do their work. These students also wonder why they have such low grades. The...

Do you believe in the supernatural?

Teens describe their supernatural experiences and how it incorporates with their lifestyle or beliefs

Ophelia Flynn, Guest Writer March 16, 2023

As children, people are often curious about the unknown, from ghosts and ghouls to the existence of demons and aliens. A lot of people have attempted to seek out the truth of these mysteries and there...

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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community
Juan Ortiz-Ponce