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Saturday, March 29, 2025

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Custodian John Deavies stands proud in front of his workplace of twenty-one years. Despite Deavies extensive career at Loy Norrix, few knew who he was.

Custodian of 21 years enjoys the simple things in life

Cory Roberts, Guest Writer December 3, 2024
In any group setting, many look around at the people beside them. They share a glance, possibly a smile, and then look the other way or look down. Within seconds, all is forgotten, both parties go about their day, and most of the time never see each other again. However, if you’ve participated in a...
Cherished Spanish teacher leaves Norrix after 11 years of connecting with students

Cherished Spanish teacher leaves Norrix after 11 years of connecting with students

Ender Ross, Executive Web Editor June 12, 2023

Spanish is one of the most important languages to learn in the whole of the United States – second only to English – but this year shall be the last for one of our most beloved Spanish teachers. After...

Anne "Bowser" Lewis guides students towards better decisions. Lewis has worked at Norrix for 25 years.

Anne “Bowser” Lewis reflects upon 26 years of teaching

Ender Ross, Executive Web Editor April 11, 2023

“I decided to be a teacher to change one person's life, and I gave myself this super low bar because to do that for one human being is an exponential gift that continues on,” said Anne Lewis. “I...

Art teacher Cindy VanLieu gives her students' finished pieces back as the year winds down. VanLieu is clearing things out as she gets ready to retire at the end of this year.

Cindy VanLieu to retire after 25 years at Norrix, but still keeps traveling to new places

Unique Payton June 9, 2022

Cindy Vanlieu has been working as an art teacher for 51 years at 4 different schools. She has always loved art for herself and became a professional artist when she was 23 years old. VanLieu loves interacting...

Mrs. May has been at Norrix for 39 years and her contributions are priceless. After she retires, she plans to move to Colorado to be closer to her daughter's family. She has already made calls about starting a Peace Jam at the local high school.

Sveri May: a Loy Norrix life and legacy

Hannah Locke, Editor in Chief June 10, 2021

A lot can happen in 39 years, Sveri May is a testament to that. Current Loy Norrix teacher, Mrs. May, attended Loy Norrix High School for her sophomore and senior years-- she spent her junior year in Stockholm,...

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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community