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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

What advice would you give to freshman?

What advice would you give to freshman?

Meilie Diaz, Knights Speak Team January 6, 2023

Freshmen Dulce Ramirez (left) and Margaret Field (right) do schoolwork during lunch. Both students had final exams approaching and took extra time to catch up on schoolwork before the end of the trimester.

Seniors and freshmen compare first-trimester experiences

Eleanor Cook and Naysa Quinones December 1, 2022

"Start strong because if you don’t start strong, you’re just going to end in a pickle,” said senior Gabrielle Buchanan. Now that the first trimester is coming to a close, many freshmen are concerned...

Loy Norrix SAT schedules released for next week's testing

Loy Norrix SAT schedules released for next week’s testing

James Hauke, Multimedia Editor April 7, 2022

Next week, the week of April 11, marks the start of SAT testing for the Loy Norrix 2021-22 school year. Norrix Social Studies teacher Rebecca Layton made comprehensive graphics for each classes respective...

In the trophy case outside drama teacher Dan Lafferty's classroom sits the first place Spartan Invitational award.  It's a tall one, with three shiny green pillars meeting at the top with a silver star.

Seniors win first place in Michigan State Forensics Invitational

Josephine Velo, Executive Director March 9, 2022

The Loy Norrix trophy cases are loaded, but soon another will be added following the Forensic team’s win on the Saturday of Feb. 19. Loy Norrix seniors Liam Braun and Elias Nagel-Bennett competed...

Junior Curtis Chapman eats his lunch in the Loy Norrix cafeteria. Many students like Chapman
wish to go off campus to get something to eat.

Off campus lunch: a potential chance to get away from the craze

Alec Ward, Staff Writer November 30, 2021

You see it in the cafeteria every day, three times a day; hundreds of students crowding the room, all close to each other, most not wearing masks to eat their lunch. The sight and thought of this is cause...

Ethan Ramirez, a junior and Claire Goodwin-Kelly, a senior, were showing their freshman students around Loy Norrix High School during freshman orientation on August 29, 2021.

Link Crew is back in-person this year

Unique Payton, Staff Writer November 17, 2021

“The purpose of Link Crew is to welcome the incoming freshman class into the building and support them through their transition to high school,” said John Kreider, a former Link Crew advisor. Nathaniel...

Samuel Bistrek, Karina Gutierrez, Naysa Quinones, Claire Goodwin-Kelly, Olyvia Ward, James Rocco, Kylie Kilgo, and Cecilia Salazar (left to right) show their support at the Men's Varsity Soccer game against Portage Central.

Seniors explain their experience jumping back into school after a pandemic

Kylie Kilgo, Staff Writer October 30, 2021

It is a bright and early morning for the students of the Kalamazoo Public School District as they return to school from being virtual for over a year and a half. As nerves rise for our young freshman,...

 Two year old Ella Boyea takes a family photo with her parents during the holiday season, a happy memory of all of them together before the divorce.

Living in two places at once: Norrix seniors struggle with navigating between two households

Naysa Quinones, Sports Editor October 29, 2021

It’s a late Sunday night and the moment she has been dreading all week has finally come. Loy Norrix senior Ella Boyea tiredly gets up from her bed, gathering her things and packing her bags so she’s...

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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community