How COVID has affected a Kalamazoo healthcare worker

Tierra Carson

Rosa Castro has been working at Bronson Hospital for eight and a half years, and this past year will be one that she never forgets. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Castro has had to adjust the way she works and the hospital had to adjust the way they run things.

“Many things have changed since the pandemic, but here’s a few things.” Castro said, ” When COVID first hit, depending what unit the patient was admitted to, no visitors were allowed unless it’s labor and delivery, and no kids are allowed in the hospital unless they are a patient.”

Before COVID, workers families could come to the hospital to eat with the workers, but that can no longer happen.

Castro said the COVID vaccine is not required for workers, however the hospital did recommend that they get it. Castro decided not to get it.

Castro explained how COVID didn’t really affect her position as a unit clerk in the hospital.

“Luckily it didn’t affect my position, but I know a few people that got laid off,” Castro said.

According to Morning Consult, “11% of healthcare workers have been laid off or lost their job” due to the COVID outbreak.

“It’s been a very hard year for all of us, but we are a strong country. We will get through COVID. Stay safe and Positive. We got this,” said Castro.