Students and staff reflect on what they missed due to COVID-19
Credit: Kai Neve-Jones
Family/Friends/Socializing is what students and staff said they missed most, followed closely by school and extracurriculars.
May 26, 2021
COVID has affected everyone. Everyone has lost something, whether that be family, traveling opportunities, time at school, or events with friends. Now that vaccines are being rolled out, we have more chances to get back to the things we miss.
One thing a lot of people miss is visiting family.
Junior Libby McFarlen said, “[I lost] the ability to hug my grandparents for close to the entire year until they could get the vaccine. I had to social distance and wear my masks around them because they are so high risk and we couldn’t take any chances.” Libby has just recently been able to hug her grandparents for the first time in months.
Some missed exciting events. Junior Grace Tuley missed a KAMSC event, the Sci-Fi Film Festival.
Tuley described this event saying, “It’s basically a lock-in where people bring food and games and stuff, but mostly we all just yell at and laugh at bad science fiction movies in all the ways we aren’t allowed to in theaters and such. This is the second year it’s been canceled, which is obviously half of the ones I’d get to go to because they’re annual and I’m only in high school for four years. It really bums me out.”
Tuley was able to go to a bookstore and took time to actually browse around instead of just going in and out as soon as possible like in all two of her other trips in the past year.
Tuley said, “As soon as homework and stuff starts to die down, which honestly probably won’t be until school’s out at this point, I plan on hanging out with friends a lot.”
Seniors lost events this year too. Laurel Wolfe, along with other seniors, is going to miss the Candlelight Ceremony, senior trip, pep rallies, standing in the front of the bleachers, prom, formal, graduation, the blood drive, and grad bash.
Teachers are really missing out on the beauty of seeing students learn new concepts.
Rostam b. Ahmad Daud said,“[I have missed] seeing that ‘ah ha’ moment when a student finally gets a concept they have been struggling with.”
While we all have lost a lot, we have exciting things to look forward to now that some of us are getting vaccinated.