Loy Norrix Executive Board begins fundraiser for senior activities

Credit: Trisha Fires

Senior fundraiser directions

Vertical Raise

Gigi Fox, Web Editor

With COVID-19 cutting the class of 2022’s in-person high school career short, there was little time or opportunity for fundraising. The senior class is in charge of putting on the junior/senior prom, the senior luncheon and the senior class trip.

The senior executive board is putting on a vertical fundraiser that will last 21 days. Each senior is encouraged to create an account at vraise.org with the code 5594769, then complete the three step process: send the link to as many emails as you can, send the link as a text message to as many numbers as you can and then share the link to social media.

Family, friends and supporters are encouraged to donate what you can to support your Loy Norrix graduate. You can donate at Vertical Raise