Teachers get behind on snow days but enjoy the time to catch up on work and rest
Credit: Eduardo Ricardo
Social studies teacher Richard Rashad catches up on grading he missed. He has fallen a little behind but is working his way up to catch up to his original planned day.
January 13, 2023
Every student loves to have snow days. We all hear the same reasons why. No work, no school and most said sleeping in. Although students have lots of love for snow days, how do the Loy Norrix staff feel?
Snow days are something every student looks forward to during the school year. Students just want a break from everything at least for a day. For teachers, it’s a different story because it can cause them more work in the long run. It puts their lessons and grading on pause.
“It would cost to plan and re-plan my lessons. Will also cost to grade and regrade,” said social studies teacher Richard Rashad.
How do teachers deal with this problem?
“I would put a notice to let students know to enjoy their break but let them know the change of deadline,” Rashad continued. “I will remind them of the assignments, so when we come back it’s like nothing ever happened.”
The teachers’ plans just get put on hold and pushed back and it can create a mess.
Everyone wants to know what happens with the planned lesson.
“Let’s say tomorrow I might have five classes for a study hour. Then the next day five classes for a different reason. Now I have to communicate with the teachers on how to fit everything back again. Just rearrange things again,” said librarian John Kreider. “
I would probably just talk to both teachers and see which one it [rescheduling] would affect more. I could push them both back a day. Maybe the one that was scheduled just fit them in another time”
Another big question: what do teachers do on snow days?
“I would sleep in then take the day to get stuff done in the house, take care of things to catch up on. Snow days help a lot to catch up,”said Rashad.
Others like to relax and enjoy time to themselves.
“Read. Sometimes go outside. I like to cook: just chill,” said Kreider.
Students find out about these snow days in the news or either through school text messages. Sometimes our mothers wake us up yelling “no school.” Teachers have their ways as well.
“Usually an alert system that lots of people use. District alerts that go out. The news lets you know as well. The KPS homepage gives you lots of info,” said Rashad.
Most teachers find out the same way students do. Others, like the LN librarian, have their own unique way.
“So, I always know about them in advance. I won’t reveal my secrets. For 10 years I have been closely looking at district weather events. So I could predict them with 100 percent accuracy,” said Kreider.
Most students never work. Students usually just sleep in and relax as any other person would.
Plenty of teachers spend their day grading and finding resources for lesson plans. These days they also spend time communicating with students,
“Lots and lots of communicating,” said Rashad.
We all have our own favorite things to do on snow days. Some like to sleep in and relax. Others like to get things done.
“I think you should at least take a quarter of a day for your mental health. Another quarter to catch up on anything. Maybe that be with school or even catching up with your own family,” said Rashad.
“I think the best thing to do is text my family and friends and gloat,” said Kreider. “Just let them know I got a snow day and they didn’t.”