Hobbies allow students to express themselves and school clubs help encourage that
Credit: Alice Damashek
Isabella Figueroa working on her project for advanced art for portfolio prep class. With two days left before its due, Isabella adds finishing touches.
March 27, 2023
Would you rather do homework or watch TV? If you’re like Kaylissa Phillips, you would probably choose the latter.
“In my free time I usually like to read manga, watch anime, or draw,” said Phillips.
Manga is a style of Japanese comic books and also graphic novels and is very popular among teens these days. Artwork like manga is a common way for people to express their creativity.
Many students will choose to doodle in a corner of their math homework, or even on the desk. This is their way of occupying themselves when class is boring. Hobbies overall tend to provide an outlet when it comes to being stressed or bored.
A lot of people have different interests and some people’s interests may surprise you!
“My interests are probably reading, listening to music, volleyball, art and watching
movies,” said freshman Samiya Wright.
Having a place to express your interests is important, you can find a place like this by talking to classmates and seeing what you have in common.
“I never expected to find people with shared interests, but I met a wonderful group of friends who share many of the same interests,” said Wright.
Norrix offers many clubs for people who may share the same interests and hobbies as you: Archery Club, Young Democrats, Book Club, the Gender and Sexuality Alliance, DECA and many more.
If clubs are not your cup of tea, Norrix also offers elective classes like orchestra, art, jewelry making, drama and more.
“Being in art class in 8th grade helped me learn what kind of art styles I liked and what I did not. I was even able to try some art styles I never heard of before,” said Wright. “It was a way for me to connect with a more artistic side of myself.”
According to the Utah State University extension Website, hobbies can help improve mental health by keeping you occupied. You can also feel more accomplished by doing a hobby.
“My hobbies have helped me to improve my mental health,” said freshman Muti Kadaluka.
It’s important to try new things in life when you’re young. It’s refreshing to have so many different options to choose from when it comes to electives and clubs, and it’s a great way to explore your interests and find people who like the same things that you do.
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rose hill • Sep 8, 2023 at 1:50 pm