Students and staff at Loy Norrix agree that fashion is about self-expression rather than following trends

Jordan Pritchett, Staff Writer

Many people do not think that a place with lights brighter than the sun itself and over a thousand students packed into it would have its own Met Gala happening on a daily basis, but that seems to be the case for quite a few students here at Loy Norrix, with many teachers included. 

Many students, typically underclassmen, try to find their “style” but they struggle due to following clothing trends and trying to fit into an aesthetic. 

According to the Encyclopedia, teens that have been attempting to fit into an aesthetic category end up with curbed self-expression, due to wanting to fit their physical identity into a specific idea. However, that doesn’t always have to be the case.

Some people might be like EFA dance teacher Heather Mitchell chooses personal style over what is popular at the moment. 

It doesn’t matter whether or not EFA dance teacher Heather Mitchell is teaching or not, since her outfits look good from every angle. She shows up to school every day ready to teach while still looking chic. (Credit: Jordan Pritchett)

“I’ve always dressed how I’ve wanted, and I was lucky enough to have parents that let me,” said a beaming Mitchell.  “Even if that meant wearing things like parts of Halloween costumes when it wasn’t Halloween.” 

Mitchell giggled remembering how she has always been the same when it comes to how she dresses, whether it be in her athletic wear or her more afro bohemian-style clothes, yet always things that she adored. 

Senior Vidamay Thomas thinks that people can’t be fashionable if they don’t know what fashion is.

Senior Vidamay Thomas knows that she looks great on every occasion, whether it be at school, or at the Air Zoo in her stylish prom attire. She might be on the quieter side, but her style speaks for itself. (Credit: Jordan Pritchett)

“It’s really not just about the clothes. Fashion is an art, and every single piece you wear is an addition to your personal creativity,” said Thomas.

Fashion is about how one expresses themself rather than wearing something because others are wearing it. 

“I would say that I dress for myself because every day I feel like dressing up, and even if others aren’t, I will because I want to,” Thomas said.

Even though some people might seem as though they always dress up, remember that the most important thing about fashion is making sure that everyone is comfortable in how they present themselves, no matter the occasion. 

“Do you, do your own thing. Mix and match and stay away from trends unless you’re making your own,” said Mitchell.

No matter how serious fashion may seem, it’s just another form of self-expression.