Behind the scenes: Oklahoma!
Amelia Wood, Assistant Multimedia Editor
January 26, 2024
Credit: Josephine Velo
Spot light operators are an important part of every performance, and Kaitlyn Charles helped shine a light on Oklahoma. Students operating the spot lights sit in the ceiling above the stage.
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About the Contributors

Amelia Wood, Assistant Multimedia Editor
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Howdy, I am the assistant multimedia editor for Knight Life. I am a senior and this is my first year in Knight Life. I joined knight life because it sounded like a fun environment and I want to create mayhem

Josephine Velo, Executive Director
I'm a senior and this is my 3rd year on Knight Life. As Executive Director, I work on utilizing multiple forms of media in our stories to enhance their quality and catch the reader's attention, and help manage the class and make sure everyone feels supported. I've enjoyed combining my love for photography, video and writing on the newspaper.
In my free time I like to read, write, listen to music, and do yoga.