Morning Announcements
Are you taking the Algebra 1 9A credit recovery exam? If so it is scheduled today, December 17th from 2:30 to 4 in B-23. See your algebra teacher or Mr. Haeussler with any questions.
Attention all Interact club members: Don't forget our Interact students and parents get together dinner this evening December 17th at 6pm. If you have not registered, make sure you register with Abby the secretary for headcount. You can also please notify your Advisor Mr Yomi as well. It's going to be a blast having you and you parents around for dinner with other Rotarians. All expenses fully paid for by Rotary Club International.
SWORD is after school today in Mr. Hernandez's room, A-16.
Attention freshmen: Link Crew is hosting a Holiday Jam party for freshmen only tomorrow, Wednesday, December 18th, right after school in the cafeteria. There will be music, movies, prizes, cookie decorating and more. Grab your friends and come have a good time before break fully starts.
Attention Students - please check your email every morning! If you receive a lunch or after school detention, it will be communicated by email the day before, to give you time to make arrangements to be there. Eventually, we will be phasing out the daily slips delivered to you during 2nd hour. Emails are sent to students and robocalls are made to parents the night before. Failure to check these communications and failure to show to scheduled detentions will result in an escalation of consequences.
Do you need community service hours or just want to go Christmas Caroling- meet Mrs. May by her door next to the C-wing computer lab this Thursday, Dec 19th right after school. We will be going to Clare Bridge nursing home and will return by 4:15.
Come to the GSA Holiday Party on Friday from 2:30 - 3:30 in the library!
Senior and Freshman tee shirts are on sale this week. Please bring your orders to A-12 at any time during the day with the correct change. Cash only no checks. We need a minimum of 50 orders to make the shirts. Do not delay and miss out on some really unique designs. See Ms. Van Lieu in A-12. Order forms are posted throughout the school.
Attention all students. Thursday, December 19th the PBIS team will be hosting the 1st Acedemic Celebration of the year during 4th and 5th period. In order to attend, you must have met the following criteria from 1st trimester: No Referrals and one of the following: 3.5 G.P.A. or Perfect attendance To see if you qualify you must pick up your wristband in the cafeteria during any lunch period on Thursday the 19th. Only students who get a wristband will be allowed to attend the celebration. Students will be dismissed from class at the start of 4th period. So, don’t forget to check the list in the cafeteria on Thursday December 19th!
Attention dual enrolled students! If you are planning on dual enrolling next semester & have not handed in your paperwork please turn it in to Mrs. DeHaan in the counseling office ASAP.
Do you think you could be the next Bugha? Loy Norrix is going to be competing in Fortnite this coming winter and we need players. The competition will feature teams of 2, so grab a friend and come to Mr. Greeley's room, B-13, at lunch, before school, or after school to sign up. It's totally free to play and participate and we'd like as many teams as possible. The deadline is this Friday, December 20th so don't delay!
Attention seniors! The deadline to submit senior photos and quotes has been extended until December 31. This is the final deadline! Submit a high-quality JPEG photo to [email protected] . Quotes must be 100 characters or fewer and school appropriate.
It's Yearbook Month! Yearbooks are on sale now for only $60, and senior ads are on sale for a reduced price until December 31st! Order online at with order number 12613 or bring cash or check to K3. See our flyers or Ms. English in K3 with any questions and for more information about senior ad pricing.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Attention freshmen: Link Crew is hosting a Holiday Jam party for freshmen only this Wednesday, December 18, right after school in the cafeteria. There will be music, movies, prizes, cookie decorating and more. Grab your friends and come have a good time before break fully starts.
Are you taking the Algebra 1A credit recovery exam? If so, it is scheduled for Tuesday, December 17, from 2:30 to 4 in B23. See your algebra teacher or Mr. Haeussler with any questions.
Wow, many classes are getting into the swing of the food drive. With that being said the last pick up will be tomorrow or Tuesday, December 17! You can make a difference in the lives around you, bring in non-perishable food items to one of your classes!
Do you need some community service hours? Today after school school come to Mrs. May's door next to the C-wing computer lab and help to take food drive items to the B-wing and help to make the Food Drive baskets!
Do you need community service hours or just want to go Christmas Caroling? Meet Mrs. May by her door next to the C-wing computer lab this Thursday, December 19, right after school. We will be going to Clare Bridge nursing home and will return by 4:15.
Senior and freshman tee shirts are on sale this week only. Bring your CASH (no checks) to A12 or to the table in the cafeteria. There are order forms around school. You may also bring your order to Ms. Van Lieu in A12 any time during the day.
Attention seniors! The deadline to submit senior photos and quotes has been extended until December 31. This is the final deadline! Submit a high-quality JPEG photo to [email protected]. Quotes must be 100 characters or fewer and school appropriate.
Are you looking for volunteer hours? The YWCA is looking for volunteers for an event in January. Stop by their table in the cafeteria today during all three lunches to sign up.
Attention all students. Thursday, December 19, the PBIS team will be hosting the 1st Academic Celebration of the year during 4th and 5th period. In order to attend, you must have met the following criteria from 1st trimester:
No Referrals and one of the following: 3.5 GPA or perfect attendance.
To see if you qualify you must pick up your wristband in the cafeteria during any lunch period on Thursday, December 19. Only students who get a wristband will be allowed to attend the celebration. Students will be dismissed from class at the start of 4th period, so don’t forget to check the list in the cafeteria on Thursday, December 19!
Do you think you could be the next Bugha? Loy Norrix is going to be competing in Fortnite this coming winter and we need players. The competition will feature teams of two, so grab a friend and come to Mr. Greeley's room, B13, at lunch, before school, or after school to sign up. It's totally free to play and participate and we'd like as many teams as possible. The deadline is this Friday, December 20, so don't delay!
Friday, December 13, 2019
Attention students - please check your email every morning! If you receive a lunch or after school detention, it will be communicated by email the day before, to give you time to make arrangements to be there. Eventually, we will be phasing out the daily slips delivered to you during 2nd hour. Emails are sent to students and robocalls are made to parents the night before. Failure to check these communications and failure to show to scheduled detentions will result in an escalation of consequences.
Attention dual enrolled students! If you are planning on dual enrolling next semester & have not handed in your paperwork, please turn it in to Mrs. DeHaan in the counseling office ASAP.
Senior Class 2020 tee shirts for sale now, pick up an order form in A12. All tee shirts are prepaid. Tee shirts are $10 and hoodies are $25.
Are you a freshman? Did you receive a flyer in the mail about Algebra 1A credit recovery?
The Algebra 1A credit recovery exam is scheduled Tuesday, December 17, and there will be tutoring available after school Monday through Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30, this week and next week, in Mr. Haeussler's room, B23, to help you prepare. Talk to your algebra teacher or Mr. Haeussler with any questions.
Want to send someone special in your life a Candy Cane Gram next week? Choose the favor of the candy cane and write them a special note on a special card. It will be delivered next week!
They are just $1.00 and can be purchased at breakfast and in all three lunches.
It's Yearbook Month! Yearbooks are on sale now for only $60, and senior ads are on sale for a reduced price until December 31! Order online at with order number 12613 or bring cash or check to K3. See our flyers or Ms. English in K3 with any questions and for more information about senior ad pricing.
Attention seniors! The deadline to submit senior photos and quotes has been extended until December 31. This is the final deadline! Submit a high-quality JPEG photo to [email protected]. Quotes must be 100 characters or fewer and school appropriate.
Are you looking for volunteer hours? The YWCA is looking for volunteers for an event in January. Stop by their table in the cafeteria today during all three lunches to sign up.
We will be instituting Saturday School starting after winter break. Students may be assigned to Saturday School for repeated violations and other infractions. If you have been repeatedly asked to remove your hood, you will be assigned detention or Saturday School depending on the frequency of your violations. If it’s a habit to pull your hoodie up, break the habit - don’t wear a hoodie. Thank you for helping us with this safety issue that we have discussed multiple times.
Seniors, have you heard about Southwestern Community College? This college is located an hour away from Kalamazoo, and it is located in Dowagiac, MI. This college offers on campus apartments and a 2 plus 2 program with Ferris State. Loy Norrix will be visiting Southwestern Community College on January 16. Please see Mrs. Soisson in K5E for permission slips and any questions.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
SSR is 2nd hour today.
Are you considering taking an AP class next year? Try out a class today, Thursday on A-Peak day to see what AP classes may be a good fit for you! Sign-up in the counseling office.
There will be a Green School meeting today in room B14 after school. See you there!
The Senior Class executive board and officers need to meet today, Thursday, at 2:30 in room A12. All officers must report. See Ms. VanLieu with any questions.
Attention Students - please check your email every morning! If you receive a lunch or after school detention, it will be communicated by email the day before, to give you time to make arrangements to be there. Eventually, we will be phasing out the daily slips delivered to you during 2nd hour. Emails are sent to students and robocalls are made to parents the night before. Failure to check these communications and failure to show to scheduled detentions will result in an escalation of consequences.
Knight Life News is your source for daily stories, morning announcements, and an up-to-date calendar of school events. Go to or search Loy Norrix in the Student News Source app and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Attention dual enrolled students! If you are planning on dual enrolling next semester & have not handed in your paperwork please turn it in to Mrs. DeHaan in the counseling office ASAP.
Senior Class 2020 tee shirts for sale now, pick up an order form in A12. All tee shirts are prepaid. Tee shirts are $10 and hoodies are $25.
There will be no Uknight on December 17th.
AAC is from 2:30-3:30pm and runs Monday through Thursday most weeks. If you have work you need help with and want a quiet place to work, come join us in C21.
Want to send someone special in your life a Candy Cane Gram next week? Choose the favor of the candy cane and write them a special note on a special card. It will be delivered next week! They are just $1 and can be purchased at breakfast and in all three lunches.
It's Yearbook Month! Yearbooks are on sale now for only $60, and senior ads are on sale for a reduced price until December 31! Order online at with order number 12613 or bring cash or check to K3. See our flyers or Ms. English in K3 with any questions and for more information about senior ad pricing.
Attention seniors! The deadline to submit senior photos and quotes has been extended until December 31. This is the final deadline! Submit a high-quality JPEG photo to [email protected]. Quotes must be 100 characters or fewer and school appropriate.
Help DECA raise school supplies for Guatemala. Place any notebooks, pencil holders and used backpacks in the blue boxes that have been placed in the downstairs K-wing, Library and in the C-wing. Backpacks will be passed out to the children in Guatemala to help lower the cost of school and give them a shot at an education.
Your Loy Norrix Overwatch team was also in action this weekend at Northwood. They steamrolled the competition at states to win the title. They then followed that win with an even more impressive win in the national east regional semifinals on Sunday. Led by stellar shot calling from senior captain Jackson Kiino-Terburg, the team swept through the competition with the results never in doubt. While Yancy Quinn-Cabrera and Cameron Green made the flashy plays, Sophie Decker, Elliot Russell and Evan Eldred turned in flawless performances to create space and time for Yancy and Cam to do their thing. Key contributions were also made by Foster Neve-Jones and James Hauke. Please congratulate these players if you see them. Loy Norrix was the only school to bring home two trophies from this weekend's state competition. Great job everyone!
To say thank you for bringing in items for the food drive there will be incentives given before we leave for our winter break for the top donating students. They are gift cards for: Sky Zone, Cafe Meli, LaCantina's, Noodles and Company, Texas Roadhouse and more. We have a pick up today and Monday, December 16. The top 3 donating classes are as follows: Allen/May with 397, Peterson/May with 301 and Porco with 174 for a total of 1,562 items. That leaves 4,438 more items needed. Thanks for making a difference in the lives of our Norrix students and their families.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Attention Students - please check your email every morning! If you receive a lunch or after school detention, it will be communicated by email the day before, to give you time to make arrangements to be there. Eventually, we will be phasing out the daily slips delivered to you during 2nd hour. Emails are sent to students and robocalls are made to parents the night before. Failure to check these communications and failure to show to scheduled detentions will result in an escalation of consequences.
Knight Life News is your source for daily stories, morning announcements, and an up-to-date calendar of school events. Go to or search Loy Norrix in the Student News Source app and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
The Senior Class video photographers need to meet with Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 during their lunches or immediately after school on December 11th. Bring your class lists with you, photos and video clips.
Seniors remember to check your emails from Miss Nesbitt. Today, Wednesday Flowserve will be here to share with you about their paid internships and job opportunities.
Attention dual enrolled students! If you are planning on dual enrolling next semester & have not handed in your paperwork please turn it in to Mrs. DeHaan in the counseling office ASAP.
There will be no Chess Club today.
Attention Interact club members: Do not forget your Volunteer service at Hobby Lobby Bell Ringing today, at JC Penny Lower Level at 4pm. Also, there will not be an Interact meeting today.
Senior Class 2020 tee shirts for sale now, Pick up an order form in A-12. All tee shirts are prepaid.. Tee shirts are $10 and hoodies are $25. ^^ There will be no Uknight on December 17th.
Are you considering taking an AP class next year? Try out a class tomorrow,Thursday on A-Peak day to see what AP classes may be a good fit for you! Sign-up in the counseling office.
AAC is from 2:30-3:30pm and runs Monday through Thursdays most weeks. If you have work you need help with and want a quiet place to work, come join us in C21.
The Senior Class executive board and officers need to meet Thursday at 2:30 in room A-12. All officers must report. See Ms. VanLieu with any questions.
Are you a freshman? Did you receive a flyer in the mail about algebra 1A credit recovery? The Algebra 1A credit recovery exam is scheduled Tuesday, December 17th, and there will be tutoring available Monday through Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30, this week and next week in Mr. Haeussler's room, B-23, to help you prepare. Talk to your algebra teacher or Mr. Haeussler with any questions.
Freshman Class 2023 executive board needs to meet with Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 before school on December 12th at 7:00 am. We will be organizing the Winterfest Dance on January 24.
It's Yearbook Month! Yearbooks are on sale now for only $60, and senior ads are on sale for a reduced price until December 31! Order online at with order number 12613 or bring cash or check to K3. See our flyers or Ms. English in K3 with any questions and for more information about senior ad pricing.
Attention seniors! The deadline to submit senior photos and quotes has been extended until December 31. This is the final deadline! Submit a high-quality JPEG photo to [email protected] . Quotes must be 100 characters or fewer and school appropriate.
Help Deca raise school supplies for Guatemala. Place any notebooks, pencil holders and used backpacks in the blue boxes that have been placed in the downstairs K-wing, Library and in the C wing. Backpacks will be passed out to the children in Guatemala to help lower the cost of school, and give them a shot at an education.
Are you looking for volunteer hours? The YWCA is looking for volunteers for an event in January. Stop by their table in the cafeteria today during all three lunches to sign up.
We will be instituting Saturday School starting after winter break. Students may be assigned to Saturday School for repeated violations and other infractions. If you have been repeatedly asked to remove your hood, you will be assigned detention or Saturday School depending on the frequency of your violations. If it’s a habit to pull your hoodie up, break the habit - don’t wear a hoodie. Thank you for helping us with this safety issue that we have discussed multiple times.
Seniors, have you heard about Southwestern Community College? This college is located an hour away from Kalamazoo, and it is located in Dowagiac, MI. This college offers on campus apartments and a 2 plus 2 program with Ferris State. Loy Norrix will be visiting Southwestern community college on January 16th. Please see Mrs. Soisson in K5E for permission slips and any questions.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Over the weekend, your Loy Norrix Super Smash Brothers Ultimate team was in action at Northwood University to compete for a state title. After a shocking first round loss, the team fought through the loser's bracket to secure a third place finish. Led by stellar play from Adam Ismaili-Alaoui, the team played resiliently all day. With key contributions from Keng Wee and Loden Krieger, senior captain Gabe Vroman was faced with a win-or-go home situation and came through in the clutch time after time to secure the 3rd place finish out of more than 25 teams. If you see them, be sure to congratulate these players on their amazing accomplishment!
SSR is 2nd hour.
Attention Tea Club members: The next meeting will be held in Mrs. Stetten's classroom in C23 today, Tuesday, December 10th.
Attention Interact club members: Do not forget your Volunteer service at Hobby Lobby Bell Ringing today, Tuesday at 4pm and at JC Penny Lower Level on Wednesday at 4pm. Also, there will not be an Interact meeting on Wednesday.
Senior Class 2020 tee shirts for sale now, Pick up an order form in A-12. All tee shirts are prepaid.. Tee shirts are $10 and hoodies are $25.
The next Key Club International meeting will be held today, Tuesday, December 10th in Ms. Nelson's room k10. Please attend.
Are you considering taking an AP class next year? Try out a class thisThursday on A-Peak day to see what AP classes may be a good fit for you! Sign-up in the counseling office.
AAC officially starts back up today, from 2:30-3:30pm and runs Monday through Thursdays most weeks. If you have work you need help with and want a quiet place to work, come join us in C21.
Attention dual enrolled students! If you are planning on dual enrolling next semester & have not handed in your paperwork please turn it in to Mrs. DeHaan in the counseling office ASAP.
Are you a freshman? Did you receive a flyer in the mail about algebra 1A credit recovery? The Algebra 1A credit recovery exam is scheduled Tuesday, December 17th, and there will be tutoring available Monday through Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30, this week and next week in Mr. Haeussler's room, B-23, to help you prepare. Talk to your algebra teacher or Mr. Haeussler with any questions.
The Senior Class video photographers need to meet with Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 during their lunches or immediately after school on December 11th. Bring your class lists with you, photos and video clips.
The Senior Class executive board and officers need to meet Thursday at 2:30 in room A-12. All officers must report. See Ms. VanLieu with any questions.
Freshman Class 2023 executive board needs to meet with Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 before school on December 12th at 7:00 am. We will be organizing the Winterfest Dance on January 24.
It's Yearbook Month! Yearbooks are on sale now for only $60, and senior ads are on sale for a reduced price until December 31! Order online at with order number 12613 or bring cash or check to K3. See our flyers or Ms. English in K3 with any questions and for more information about senior ad pricing.
Seniors remember to check your emails from Miss Nesbitt. This Wednesday Flowserve will be here to share with you about their paid internships and job opportunities.
Attention seniors! The deadline to submit senior photos and quotes has been extended until December 31. This is the final deadline! Submit a high-quality JPEG photo to [email protected] . Quotes must be 100 characters or fewer and school appropriate.
Help DECA raise school supplies for Guatemala. Place any notebooks, pencil holders and used backpacks in the blue boxes that have been placed in the downstairs K-wing, Library and in the C wing. Backpacks will be passed out to the children in Guatemala to help lower the cost of school, and give them a shot at an education.
Are you looking for volunteer hours? The YWCA is looking for volunteers for an event in January. Stop by their table in the cafeteria today during all three lunches to sign up.
Your Loy Norrix Overwatch team was also in action this weekend at Northwood. They steamrolled the competition at states to win the title. They then followed that win with an even more impressive win in the national east regional semifinals on Sunday. Led by stellar shotcalling from senior captain Jackson Kiino-Terburg, the team swept through the competition with the results never in doubt. While Yancy Quinn-Cabrera and Cameron Green made the flashy plays, Sophie Decker, Elliot Russell and Evan Eldred turned in flawless performances to create space and time for Yancy and Cam to do their thing. Key contributions were also made by Foster Neve-Jones and James Hauke. Please congratulate these players if you see them. Loy Norrix was the only school to bring home two trophies from this weekend's state competition. Great job everyone!
Monday, December 9, 2019
Over the weekend, your Loy Norrix Super Smash Brothers Ultimate team was in action at Northwood University to compete for a state title. After a shocking first round loss, the team fought through the loser's bracket to secure a third place finish. Led by stellar play from Adam Ismaili-Alaoui, the team played resiliently all day. With key contributions from Keng Wee and Loden Krieger, senior captain Gabe Vroman was faced with a win-or-go home situation and came through in the clutch time after time to secure the 3rd place finish out of more than 25 teams. If you see them, be sure to congratulate these players on their amazing accomplishment!
Senior Class 2020 tee shirts will go on sale December 9, Pick up an order form in A-12. All tee-shirts are prepaid. Tee shirts are $10 and hoodies are $25.
The next Key Club International meeting will be held tomorrow Tuesday, December 10th in Ms. Nelson's room k10. Please attend.
Are you considering taking an AP class next year? Try out a class this Thursday on A-Peak day to see what AP classes may be a good fit for you! Sign-up in the counseling office.
AAC officially starts back up tomorrow, Dec 10th, from 230-330pm and runs Monday through Thursdays most weeks. If you have work you need help with and want a quiet place to work, come join us in C21.
Attention Tea Club members: The next meeting will be held in Mrs. Stetten's classroom in C23 this week Tuesday, December 10th.
Are you a freshman? Did you receive a flyer in the mail about algebra 1A credit recovery? The Algebra 1A credit recovery exam is scheduled Tuesday, December 17th, and there will be tutoring available Monday through Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30, this week and next week in Mr. Haeussler's room, B23, to help you prepare. Talk to your algebra teacher or Mr. Haeussler with any questions.
The Senior Class video photographers need to meet with Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 during their lunches or immediately after school on December 11th. Bring your class lists with you, photos and video clips.
The Senior Class executive board and officers need to meet on Wednesday December 11th.
Freshman Class 2023 executive board needs to meet with Ms. Van Lieu in A12 before school on December 12 at 7:00 am. We will be organizing the Winterfest Dance on January 24.
It's Yearbook Month! Yearbooks are on sale now for only $60, and senior ads are on sale for a reduced price until December 31! Order online at with order number 12613 or bring cash or check to K3. See our flyers or Ms. English in K3 with any questions and for more information about senior ad pricing.
Attention seniors! The deadline to submit senior photos and quotes has been extended until December 31. This is the final deadline! Submit a high-quality JPEG photo to [email protected] . Quotes must be 100 characters or fewer and school appropriate.
Help Deca raise school supplies for Guatemala. Place any notebooks, pencil holders and used backpacks in the blue boxes that have been placed in the downstairs K wing, Library and in the C wing. Backpacks will be passed out to the children in Guatemala to help lower the cost of school, and give them a shot at an education.
Are you looking for volunteer hours? The YWCA is looking for volunteers for an event in January. Stop by their table in the cafeteria today during all three lunches to sign up.
Your Loy Norrix Overwatch team was also in action this weekend at Northwood. They steamrolled the competition at states to win the title. They then followed that win with an even more impressive win in the national east regional semifinals on Sunday. Led by stellar shotcalling from senior captain Jackson Kiino-Terburg, the team swept through the competition with the results never in doubt. While Yancy Quinn-Cabrera and Cameron Green made the flashy plays, Sophie Decker, Elliot Russell and Evan Eldred turned in flawless performances to create space and time for Yancy and Cam to do their thing. Key contributions were also made by Foster Neve-Jones and James Hauke. Please congratulate these players if you see them. Loy Norrix was the only school to bring home two trophies from this weekend's state competition. Great job everyone!
Seniors, have you heard about Southwestern Community College? This college is located an hour away from Kalamazoo, and it is located in Dowagiac, MI. This college offers on campus apartments and a 2 plus 2 program with Ferris State. Loy Norrix will be visiting Southwestern community college on January 16th. Please see Mrs. Soisson in K5E for permission slips and any questions.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Today is the last day to get a $10 ticket to the Winter Formal at Breakfast and in all 3 lunches. If you pay a ticket at the door it will be $20. Come join all the others for an elegant, fun dance: The Knight of Northern Lights.
Do you need community service hours? Come to Mrs. May's door at the end of the day and help sort and organize food for the food drive.
The next Key Club International meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 10th, in Ms. Nelson's room K10. Please attend.
Are you considering taking an AP class next year? Try out a class next Thursday on A-Peak day to see what AP classes may be a good fit for you! Sign-up in the counseling office.
Class of 2021 Executive Board members please meet Mrs. May by her office door (next to the C-wing computer lab) right after school to decorate for the Winter Formal.
The 2019 annual Food Drive has started! Our first pick up from each classroom will be each Tuesday and Thursday during 4th period. The final day is Monday, December 16th. Please bring in non-perishable items to the classroom of your choice, any class period. Choose your classroom and know you will be making a difference in the lives of many!
Are you a freshman? Did you receive a flyer in the mail about algebra 1A credit recovery? The Algebra 1A credit recovery exam is scheduled Tuesday, December 17th, and there will be tutoring available after school Monday through Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30 this week and next week in Mr. Haeussler's room, B23, to help you prepare. Talk to your algebra teacher or Mr. Haeussler with any questions.
The Senior Class video photographers need to meet with Ms. Van Lieu in A12 during their lunches or immediately after school on December 11th. Bring your class lists, photos and video clips with you.
The Senior Class executive board and officers need to meet on Wednesday December 11th.
Senior Class 2020 tee shirts will go on sale December 9th. Pick up an order form in A12. All tee shirts are prepaid. Tee shirts are $10 and hoodies are $25.
Freshman Class 2023 executive board needs to meet with Ms. Van Lieu in A12 before school on December 12th at 7:00 am. We will be organizing the Winterfest Dance on January 24th.
It's Yearbook Month! Yearbooks are on sale now for only $60, and senior ads are on sale for a reduced price until December 31st! Order online at with order number 12613 or bring cash or check to K3. See our flyers or Ms. English in K3 with any questions and for more information about senior ad pricing.
Attention seniors! The deadline to submit senior photos and quotes has been extended until December 31st. This is the final deadline! Submit a high-quality JPEG photo to [email protected] . Quotes must be 100 characters or fewer and school appropriate.
Help DECA raise school supplies for Guatemala. Place any notebooks, pencil holders and used backpacks in the blue boxes that have been placed in the downstairs K-wing, Library and in the C-wing. Backpacks will be passed out to the children in Guatemala to help lower the cost of school and give them a shot at an education.
Attention Tea Club members: The next meeting will be held in Mrs. Stetten's classroom in C23 next week Tuesday, December 10th.
Are you looking for volunteer hours? The YWCA is looking for volunteers for an event in January. Stop by their table in the cafeteria today during all three lunches to sign up.
We have just 3 more pickups for the Food Drive which is on Monday, December 16th. We have great incentives for the top 10 students donating the most and breakfast for the top 3 classes. So far we have 623 items and need 5,377 more. The top 5 classes are Mr. Johnson with 5 items, Mrs. Rolfe with 21 items, Mr. Porco 85 items, Peterson/May with 130 items, and currently in first place is Allen/May with 179 items.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Last night, your Loy Norrix Overwatch team won their first playoff match this year against Achievement Charter Academy from Daytona, FL. Despite stiff competition, a Loy Norrix victory was never in doubt in any of the games. The win moves LN to the top 16 teams in the nationwide tournament of more than 100. The Overwatch team will also be in action this Saturday at the Michigan statewide tournament. Their first match begins at 10:30 AM on Saturday and you can watch by tuning into . We hope to have as many viewers as possible as the team attempts to win the first-ever Michigan state title in Overwatch. Tune in to support the squad.
SSR is 1st hour today.
Attention all 3rd 90 students. Please remember to attend the mandatory meeting today after school. Please see Ms. Nelson or Ms. Young for details.
Are you considering taking an AP class next year? Try out a class next Thursday on A-Peak day to see what AP classes may be a good fit for you! Sign-up in the counseling office.
Just two more days to get your Winter Formal tickets to "the Knight of Northern Lights." Tickets can be purchased for $10 at breakfast or in all 3 lunches or from Mrs May. They will be $20 at the door.. We will have refreshments, music to dance, a raffle for the black bear wrapped around a holiday tree and an ornament to take with you at the end of the formal. This is not a blue jean dance so dress up a bit. See you there Saturday from 8-11 PM.
The 2019 annual Food Drive has started! Our first pick up from each classroom will be each Tuesday and Thursday during 4th period. The final day is Monday, December 16th. Please bring in non-perishable items to the classroom of your choice, any class period. Choose your classroom and know you will be making a difference in the lives of many!
Are you a freshman? Did you receive a flyer in the mail about Algebra 1A credit recovery? The Algebra 1A credit recovery exam is scheduled Tuesday, December 17, and there will be tutoring available after school Monday through Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30, this week and next week in Mr. Haeussler's room, B-23, to help you prepare. Talk to your algebra teacher or Mr. Haeussler with any questions.
There will be no AAC this week.
It's Yearbook Month! Yearbooks are on sale now for only $60, and senior ads are on sale for a reduced price until December 31! Order online at with order number 12613 or bring cash or check to K3. See our flyers or Ms. English in K3 with any questions and for more information about senior ad pricing.
Attention seniors! The deadline to submit senior photos and quotes has been extended until December 31. This is the final deadline! Submit a high-quality JPEG photo to [email protected] . Quotes must be 100 characters or fewer and school appropriate.
Help DECA raise school supplies for Guatemala. Place any notebooks, pencil holders and used backpacks in the blue boxes that have been placed in the downstairs K-wing, Library and in the C wing. Backpacks will be passed out to the children in Guatemala to help lower the cost of school and give them a shot at an education.
Attention Tea Club members: The next meeting will be held in Mrs. Stetten's classroom in C23 next week Tuesday, December 10th.
Are you looking for volunteer hours? The YWCA is looking for volunteers for an event in January. Stop by their table in the cafeteria today during all three lunches to sign up.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Are you considering taking an AP class next year? Try out a class next Thursday on A-Peak day to see what AP classes may be a good fit for you! Sign-up in the counseling office.
There will be an Interact club meeting today at 2:30pm in the cafeteria. Interested members are welcome to attend.
Just 3 more days to get your Winter Formal tickets to "Knights of Northern Lights." Tickets can be purchased for $10 at breakfast or in all 3 lunches or from Mrs May. They will be $20 at the door. We will have refreshments, music to dance, a raffle for the black bear wrapped around a holiday tree and an ornament to take with you at the end of the formal. This is not a blue jean dance so dress up a bit. See you there Saturday from 8-11.
Attention all 3rd 90 students. Please remember to attend the mandatory meeting this week on Thursday after school. Please see Ms. Nelson or Ms. Young for details.
Guess who's coming to dinner? It could be you! Come audition for the winter production today, Wednesday, from 2:30-4:00. We are looking for a talented and diverse cast. Please see the posters in the hallway or Mrs. Carrow in J11 with any questions! We hope to see you there!
Do you need community service hours or just want to come Christmas Caroling today after school? We will meet at Mrs. May's door next to the C-wing computer lab this Wednesday. We will leave at 2:35 and return back to school at 4:30.
Start the month of December off right by cheering on your Kalamazoo United Hockey team against Portage Central today, December 4th. The puck drops at 5:15 on the blue rink at Wings West. Admission is $5.00.
The 2019 annual Food Drive has started! Our first pick up from each classroom will be each Tuesday and Thursday during 4th period. The final day is Monday, December 16th. Please bring in non-perishable items to the classroom of your choice, any class period. Choose your classroom and know you will be making a difference in the lives of many!
Are you a freshman? Did you receive a flyer in the mail about Algebra 1A credit recovery? The Algebra 1A credit recovery exam is scheduled Tuesday, December 17, and there will be tutoring available after school Monday through Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30, this week and next week in Mr. Haeussler's room, B-23, to help you prepare. Talk to your algebra teacher or Mr. Haeussler with any questions.
There will be no AAC this week.
It's Yearbook Month! Yearbooks are on sale now for only $60, and senior ads are on sale for a reduced price until December 31! Order online at with order number 12613 or bring cash or check to K3. See our flyers or Ms. English in K3 with any questions and for more information about senior ad pricing.
Attention seniors! The deadline to submit senior photos and quotes has been extended until December 31. This is the final deadline! Submit a high-quality JPEG photo to [email protected] . Quotes must be 100 characters or fewer and school appropriate.
Help DECA raise school supplies for Guatemala. Place any notebooks, pencil holders and used backpacks in the blue boxes that have been placed in the downstairs K-wing, Library and in the C wing. Backpacks will be passed out to the children in Guatemala to help lower the cost of school and give them a shot at an education.
Seniors, have you heard about Southwestern Community College? This college is located an hour away from Kalamazoo, and it is located in Dowagiac, MI. This college offers on campus apartments and a 2 plus 2 program with Ferris State. Loy Norrix will be visiting Southwestern Community College on January 16th. Please see Mrs. Soisson in K5E for permission slips and any questions.