Morning Announcements
Over the course of the past two weeks your Loy Norrix esports teams have enjoyed an undefeated record, and this week was no different. The Overwatch team dispatched both opponents by identical 2 games to 0 score lines. This leaves them with a record of 14 and 1 loss across all competitions, including an undefeated record in the state of Michigan. The Super Smash Brothers team was similarly dominant, defeating all opponents and finishing up the regular season with 10 wins and 1 loss as a team. Both teams have qualified for the upcoming playoffs on December 7th at Northwood University where they will compete with teams from across the state for the chance to win the first ever state championship in each game. Well done Knights!
Want to make your mark on Loy Norrix? Join Green School at our paver stone painting party on Thursday, November 14th. For only $5 you can paint a stone for the path in the future A-wing courtyard! These stones will stay in the courtyard for years to come as a lasting reminder of your time at Loy Norrix. Our supply of stones is limited, so make sure to act fast and bring your $5 payment to Mr. David’s room, B-14 before November 14th!
Senior year is expensive and we know it’s hard. That’s why we're offering all senior students who have not taken their senior photos to sign up to get your senior photo taken for free by a Yearbook photographer on Thursday, November 21 from 2:30-4 pm. Come down to K5W during your lunch to sign up by Tuesday, November 19. We can't wait to see your smiling faces!
Do you have some school supplies that you no longer use and would be willing to give up in order to help someone else? Consider sending your donations to DECA in K5-C. We're helping people in need by sending school supplies over to Guatemala. About 2 million kids in Guatemala do not attend school, due to high school expenses. We're attempting to and get as many backpacks, notebooks and other school supplies as possible. Bring your donations in ASAP, thank you!
Any boys interested in swimming this upcoming season please join our remind group chat by texting LNSD2019 to 81010
Attention freshmen! Your first high school final exams are approaching. Please join Link Crew for Snack & Study on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday the 18th, 19th, and 20th. Freshmen are invited to study, have a snack, and get help with school work in the cafeteria after school until 3:30.
We are just 2 weeks away from our annual shopping trip to Michigan City and Chicago. There are just 6 seats left. If this is something you would like to do please find the permission slip on Mrs. May's door next to the C-wing computer lab. A signed permission slip and $50 reserves your seat.
Do you enjoy skiing? If so, Timber Ridge has dropped off ski pass forms for students and parents. If you are interested please come pick a form up from the athletic office and return the form along with your payment before Nov 26th.
Attention dual enrolled students it's time to register for Winter 2020 classes. Dual enrollment paperwork is due to the counseling office on December 1st. If you have any questions please see Mrs. DeHaan in the counseling office.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
SSR is 4th hour today.
Attention students going on the Food Drive Field trip today: Please meet right after school by Mrs. May's door.
Want to make your mark on Loy Norrix? Join Green School at our paver stone painting party on Thursday, November 14th. For only $5 you can paint a stone for the path in the future A-wing courtyard! These stones will stay in the courtyard for years to come as a lasting reminder of your time at Loy Norrix. Our supply of stones is limited, so make sure to act fast and bring your $5 payment to Mr. David’s room, B-14 before November 14th!
Do you have some school supplies that you no longer use and would be willing to give up in order to help someone else? Consider sending your donations to DECA in K5-C. We're helping people in need by sending school supplies over to Guatemala. About 2 million kids in Guatemala do not attend school, due to high school expenses. We're attempting to and get as many backpacks, notebooks and other school supplies as possible. Bring your donations in ASAP. Thank you!
Cross country end of the season awards will be held tonight at 7pm in the cafeteria. Please bring a desert to pass.
There will be wrestling conditioning Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-5:00. If interested in wrestling we will have a signup sheet in the athletic office. Please stop by sometime this week and sign up
Softball offseason conditioning challenge will meet in the weight room every Tuesday and Thursday after school. Bring a friend, get stronger and win prizes! See Coach Johnson in C12 for more information.
Do you enjoy skiing? If so, Timber Ridge has dropped off ski pass forms for students and parents. If you are interested please come pick a form up from the athletic office and return the form along with your payment before Nov 26th.
Attention dual enrolled students it's time to register for Winter 2020 classes. Dual enrollment paperwork is due to the counseling office on December 1st. If you have any questions please see Mrs. DeHaan in the counseling office.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Today is the day for the Holiday/Prom Dress/Suit Give Away in all three lunches and after school. Come go shopping for the perfect dress or suit, shoes, shirts, and pants in the 4 corners conference room in the main hallway. Lets hope you find something you will wear to the Holiday Dance or to the Prom next Spring; and yes, everything is free~
Travel club will hold an enrollment meeting today, Wednesday, November 6th at 7pm in room A-12 for trips to Paris or Scandinavia. Please bring your parent and learn about scholarships and fundraising. See Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 or Mrs. Lewis in C-15.
Attention Key Club members: We will meet today in room K10 at 2:30.
Cross country end of the season awards will be held tomorrow, Thursday at 7pm in the cafeteria. Please bring a desert to pass.
There will be wrestling conditioning Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-5:00. If interested in wrestling we will have a signup sheet in the athletic office. Please stop by sometime this week and sign up.
Softball offseason conditioning challenge will meet in the weight room every Tuesday and Thursday after school. Bring a friend, get stronger and win prizes! See Coach Johnson in C12 for more information.
Do you enjoy skiing? If so, Timber Ridge has dropped off ski pass forms for students and parents. If you are interested please come pick a form up from the athletic office and return the form along with your payment before Nov 26th.
Attention dual enrolled students it's time to register for Winter 2020 classes. Dual enrollment paperwork is due to the counseling office on December 1st. If you have any questions please see Mrs. DeHaan in the counseling office.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
SSR is 4th hour today
Peek in the windows and see the beautiful dresses and suits that Mrs. Carrow's class organized for the Dress and Suit Give Away Event on Wednesday, November 6th during all 3 lunches and afterschool. There are all sizes, shoes, suits, ties, dress pants and shirts and the price is great- Free!
Attention Key Club members. Next meeting is in room K10 tomorrow, Wednesday at 2:30.
Cross country end of the season awards will be held this Thursday at 7pm in the cafeteria. Please bring a desert to pass.
On Wednesday during all three lunches come to the 4 corners conference room and find a formal dress or a suit, this event will also occur after school that day!
Interested in playing softball? Softball offseason conditioning challenge will meet in the weight room every Tuesday and Thursday after school. Bring a friend, get stronger and win prizes! See Coach Johnson in C12 for more information.
Do you enjoy skiing? If so, Timber Ridge has dropped off ski pass forms for students and parents. If you are interested please come pick a form up from the athletic office and return the form along with your payment before Nov 26th.
There are just 2 more pickups for the 2019 Annual Clothing drive this coming Friday and the following Wed.
There are just 5 seats remaining for the annual shopping trip to Michigan City and then on to Chicago. If you want to reserve a seat on the charter bus see Mrs. May with a signed permission slip and $50.
Monday, November 4th, 2019
The state finals for cross country took place at the fastest oval in Michigan, MIS, this past Saturday. On the winding course in and out of the race track, Joe Meyers and Ella Schnell competed on the muddy course. Ella started out as far back as 62nd but moved up during the race to as high as 39th. She crossed the line in 50th place in the state which is 5 places better than she was ranked before the race. Joe was out in front in the first quarter mile before settling into 7th for a majority of the race. Ultimately, he finished 21st which was 4 places better than projected. It also gave him all state honors! Way to go Ella and Joe.
Cross country end of the season awards will be held this Thursday at 7pm in the cafeteria. Please bring a desert to pass.
On Wednesday during all three lunches come to the 4 corners conference room and find a formal dress or a suit, this event will also occur after school that day!
Interested in playing softball? Softball offseason conditioning challenge will meet in the weight room every Tuesday and Thursday after school. Bring a friend, get stronger and win prizes! See Coach Johnson in C12 for more information.
Deca is having a meeting Tuesday Morning meeting at 7:10. If you are a Business and want to attend a Sports Management Conference and Piston game See Mr. Ward.
Do you enjoy skiing? If so, Timber Ridge has dropped off ski pass forms for students and parents. If you are interested please come pick a form up from the athletic office and return the form along with your payment before Nov 26th.
There are just 2 more pickups for the 2019 Annual Clothing drive this coming Friday and the following Wed. So far as a school we have collected 3,887 items and hope to reach last years total of 5,000 items. The top 5 class contributors are as follows: 1. Rofle's classes 2. Peterson/May's classes 3. Carrow's classes 4. James Johnson'sclasses and 5. Greeley's classes any clean and gently used items are happily accepted.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
SSR is 3rd hour today.
AAC will be open today, Thursday.
Come join the Loy Norrix Choir in the auditorium on Friday & Saturday, November 1 & 2 at 7pm for EmpowHER, a cabaret featuring songs written and made famous by women. You'll hear music from artists such as Beyonce, Whitney Houston, Lady Gaga, Carole King, and many others! The concert will also feature a performance by The Velvelettes, Kalamazoo''s own Motown girl group! Featuring Mixed Chorus, Master Singers, featured dancers, and a number of solo and small group acts, there's something for everyone in this show! Desserts at intermission are included in your ticket price! Tickets are $5 for students, staff, and senior citizens, and $10 for adults. Tickets will be available at the door or online at
The 1st meeting of the Book Quiz Bowl is today, Thursday, October 31st in C-13 after school.
Boo! What are YOU doing on Halloween before going trick or treating? Join the Lambda Nu Improv Team at their first show on Thursday, October 31st at 6pm in room J12. Tickets are only $5 and that includes a sweet treat! We hope to see you there! Spooky times!
Class of 2021 looking for a way to earn your prom ticket to our Prom in 2021? Evergreen wreaths and garlands are a great way to earn your ticket. Prepaid orders are due back to Mrs. May by Monday, November 4th! Executive Board members remember to bring yours to our meeting on the 4th! ^^
Save the date for the Holiday and Prom Dress and shoes give away. There will be suits, dress pants and dress shirts as well on Wednesday, November 6th in all three lunches and after school. Everything is free so come see if there is anything you desire.
Interested in playing softball? Softball offseason conditioning challenge will meet in the weight room every Tuesday and Thursday after school. Bring a friend, get stronger and win prizes! See Coach Johnson in C12 for more information.
Do you enjoy skiing? If so, Timber Ridge has dropped off ski pass forms for students and parents. If you are interested please come pick a form up from the athletic office and return the form along with your payment before Nov 26th.
This year the class of 2021 has 39 Executive Board members. Our officers are: Ben Sierra Torres as President Shelby Richardson as Vice President Teagan Ott as Treasurer Breyon Richards as Secretary Melissa Preston as Media.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Open gym tonight for Men’s Basketball 7 to 8:30.
AAC will not be open today, we will meet again tomorrow, Thursday.
There will be no Chess Club today, due to departmental meetings.
The Loy Norrix Interact Club will have a follow up meeting today at 2:00 in the cafeteria, this meeting is open to everybody.
Come join the Loy Norrix Choir in the auditorium on Friday & Saturday, November 1 & 2 at 7pm for EmpowHER, a cabaret featuring songs written and made famous by women. You'll hear music from artists such as Beyonce, Whitney Houston, Lady Gaga, Carole King, and many others! The concert will also feature a performance by The Velvelettes, Kalamazoo''s own Motown girl group!
Featuring Mixed Chorus, Master Singers, featured dancers, and a number of solo and small group acts, there's something for everyone in this show! Desserts at intermission are included in your ticket price! Tickets are $5 for students, staff, and senior citizens, and $10 for adults. Tickets will be available at the door or online at
The 1st meeting of the Book Quiz Bowl will be tomorrow, Thursday, October 31st in C-13 after school.
Boo! What are YOU doing on Halloween before going trick or treating? Join the Lambda Nu Improv Team at their first show on Thursday, October 31st at 6pm in room J12. Tickets are only $5 and that includes a sweet treat! We hope to see you there! Spooky times!
Class of 2021 looking for a way to earn your prom ticket to our Prom in 2021? Evergreen wreaths and garlands are a great way to earn your ticket. Prepaid orders are due back to Mrs. May by Monday, November 4th! Executive Board members remember to bring yours to our meeting on the 4th!
Save the date for the Holiday and Prom Dress and shoes give away. There will be suits, dress pants and dress shirts as well on Wednesday, November 6th in all three lunches and after school. Everything is free so come see if there is anything you desire.
Interested in playing softball? Softball offseason conditioning challenge will meet in the weight room every Tuesday and Thursday after school. Bring a friend, get stronger and win prizes! See Coach Johnson in C12 for more information.
There are just 10 seats left on the shopping trip to Michigan City and Chicago. If you are a student that hasn't brought in both parts- money for bus and signed permission slip your seat will only be continued to be held when both parts are turned in to Mrs. May.
Do you enjoy skiing? If so, Timber Ridge has dropped off ski pass forms for students and parents. If you are interested please come pick a form up from the athletic office and return the form along with your payment before Nov 26th.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
SSR is 3rd hour today.
All students attending the MSU/LCC visit this morning please report to the bottom of the tower steps.
Remember the Rock Climbing Club will be holding an informational meeting today in room M13 with Mr. Labadie immediately after school
AAC will meet today, Tuesday and Thursday of this week due to staff meetings.
Attention students that are involved in the 3rd 90 program. Please see Ms. Nelson or Mrs. Young. Our first site visit is today, October 29th.
Interested in playing softball? Softball offseason conditioning challenge will meet in the weight room every Tuesday and Thursday after school for 4 weeks. Bring a friend, get stronger and win prizes! See Coach Johnson in C12 for more information.
Any students interested in Jazz Band, there will be an informational meeting today, October 29th at 2:30 in the Band Room (J10). See Mr. Mirakovits for more details.
The Loy Norrix Interact Club will have a follow up meeting tomorrow, Wednesday at 2:00 in the cafeteria, this meeting is open any student.
Come join the Loy Norrix Choir in the auditorium on Friday & Saturday, November 1 & 2 at 7pm for EmpowHER, a cabaret featuring songs written and made famous by women. You'll hear music from artists such as Beyonce, Whitney Houston, Lady Gaga, Carole King, and many others! The concert will also feature a performance by The Velvelettes, Kalamazoo''s own Motown girl group! Featuring Mixed Chorus, Master Singers, featured dancers, and a number of solo and small group acts, there's something for everyone in this show! Desserts at intermission are included in your ticket price!
Tickets are $5 for students, staff, and senior citizens, and $10 for adults. Tickets will be available at the door or online at
Michigan Tech will be in the 4 Corners today @ 1:30pm - Sign up through your emails from Miss Nesbitt
The 1st meeting of the Book Quiz Bowl will be this Thursday, Oct 31st in C-13 after school.
Boo! What are YOU doing on Halloween before going trick or treating? Join the Lambda Nu Improv Team at their first show on Thursday, October 31st at 6pm in room J12. Tickets are only $5 and that includes a sweet treat! We hope to see you there! Spooky times!
Class of 2021 looking for a way to earn your prom ticket to our Prom in 2021? Evergreen wreaths and garlands are a great way to earn your ticket. Prepaid orders are due back to Mrs. May by Monday, November 4th! Executive Board members remember to bring yours to our meeting on the 4th!
Save the date for the Holiday and Prom Dress and shoes give away. There will be suits, dress pants and dress shirts as well on Wed November 6th in all three lunches and afterschool. Everything is free so come see if there is anything you desire.
Monday, October 28, 2019
They did it! For the first time in a decade Loy Norrix is taking a boy and a girl to the state finals for cross country. Ella Schnell will be going by virtue of her 7th place finish at the regional meet Saturday. Joe Meyers will also be competing at the Michigan International Speedway due to being our regional champion. Both runners finished one place better than projected and fought hard throughout the race. Ella and Joe improved their position over the last mile of the 5k race to earn their regional standing. As a team, the boys finished 12th and girls 9th out of 15 complete teams. Notable performances were also put in by Gavin Roznac dropping nearly 2 minutes on his best time, and LIlly Daniels and Kinsey Skjold for dropping almost a minute off their season bests and overall bests respectively. Overall, it was a great finish to a wonderful season.
Last week your esports teams were both in action. First up were the Overwatch team, going against a tough opponent from Xavier High School in New York City, the Cavalry's toughest opponent to date. Each match was intense, with swings going both ways as neither team gave an inch without a tough fight. Both games went into overtime, but the Cavalry's opponents were too much to overcome. The Super Smash Brothers Ultimate team was also in action on Thursday against Midland High School, la rematch of the Knights' only loss to date. The Knights crushed them, including senior Gabe Vroman avenging his previous loss to Midland with a 3-0 sweep of his game. The Overwatch team will again be in action this Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00 against a tough Charlotte High School team on Tuesday and a tougher challenge Wednesday from Lebanon High School in Lebanon, PA. To watch the matches, go to and search for Loy Norrix. Good luck Knights!
There will be Men’s open gym tonight at 700 all student athletes are welcome to attend
AAC will only be offered Tuesday and Thursday of this week due to staff meetings.
Interested in playing softball? Softball offseason conditioning challenge will meet in the weight room every Tuesday and Thursday after school for 4 weeks. Bring a friend, get stronger and win prizes! See Coach Johnson in C12 for more information.
Any students interested in Jazz Band, there will be an informational meeting this Tuesday, October 29th at 2:30 in the Band Room (J10). See Mr. Mirakovits for more details.
The 1st meeting of the 9th-10th , 11th and 12th grade Book Quiz Bowl Meetings will be this Thursday, Oct 31st in C-13.
Boo! What are YOU doing on Halloween before going trick or treating? Join the Lambda Nu Improv Team at their first show on Thursday, October 31st at 6pm in room J12. Tickets are only $5 and that includes a sweet treat! We hope to see you there! Spooky times!
Attention students that are involved in the 3rd 90 program. Please see Ms. Nelson or Mrs. Young if you have not picked up your permission slips yet. Our first site visit is this week on October 29th.
Save the date for the Holiday and Prom Dress and shoes give away. There will be suits, dress pants and dress shirts as well. on Wed November 6th in all three lunches and afterschool. Everything is free so come see if there is anything you desire.
There are just 21 seats left for the shopping trip to Chicago. A signed permission slip and $50 will reserve your seat on the B And W Charter Bus.
Timber ridge ski pass forms are in the athletic office. If interested stop by and grab one. |
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Attention Students: Voting for Homecoming Court begins today at 10am and ends Friday at 10am. Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors can vote for 1 of 2 candidates in each of their class virtues. All Students will vote for 1 Queen and 1 King Candidate. If you want to see the candidates before you vote, you can see them at the Pep Assembly today. Voting is at You will also find QR Codes around the building by lunch time today. The QR Code will take you directly to the site. It’s so easy! Take the time to vote! If you have any questions or difficulty please come by the Athletic Office.
SSR is 2nd hour today.
Attention choir students going on the Fall Choral Festival rehearsal field trip today, please remember to meet in the choir room at the start of second hour.
Interested in playing softball? Softball offseason conditioning challenge will meet in the weight room every Tuesday and Thursday after school for 4 weeks. Bring a friend, get stronger and win prizes! See Coach Johnson in C12 for more information.
There will be a clothing drive pick up today during 3rd hour. If you need community service hours stay after school today to Mrs. May's room and help to sort these items.
Last day to sign up for Key Club is today, October 24th. The Key Club is an international club that focuses on leadership, character, and service to our community. See Ms. Nelson with any questions.
Attention students that are involved in the 3rd 90 program. Please see Ms. Nelson or Mrs. Young if you have not picked up your permission slips yet. Our first site visit is next week on October 29th.
This Saturday at Sangren Hall on WMU's campus from 8-5, The Great Lakes Peacejam is hosting the 2019 Climate Crisis Slam and Peacejam Youth Leadership Summit Conference. This is open to Peacejammers and non-Peacejammers that are concerned about our Climate Crisis! Take a packet from Mrs. May's door and if you decide to come bring it with you to Sangren on Saturday Morning.
Today we will be having our first pep rally of the school year! We want to make sure it's a great experience for everyone. Teachers, you were sent a PowerPoint presentation from Ms. Young that you've been asked to show the first 10 minutes of 4th hour. Please review the PowerPoint presentation with your students. The presentation identifies the Loy Norrix expectations for behavior and fun at a pep rally.
Additionally, an announcement will be made for Freshman teachers to escort their students to the gymnasium approximately the last 15 minutes of 4th hour.
Freshman teachers, please make sure to ESCORT your students. Teachers who have Freshmen with upper class students will need to release ONLY Freshman students at that time. The remainder of classes will be released to the pep rally via the PA.
Teachers please escort your classes to the pep rally when called.