Monday, September 30, 2019
The Men’s Tennis Team competed in the SMAC Championship on Saturday. Congratulations to Connor Rafferty on winning 2 matches and Dominick Frost on also getting a victory! The team will compete again on Thursday, October 10 at the MHSAA Regional Tournament.
Calling all musical crew members! If you have already turned in your crew form to Mrs. Carrow- please meet on Monday, September 30th in J11 from 2:30 - 3:30! If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Carrow.
Yoga Club will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, October 1st from 2:45-4:00 in Rm. J-11. Come relax and de-stress with us. We have the yoga mats, so just wear comfy clothing. We hope to see you there!
Travel Club will have a parent/student info meeting on Wednesday October 2 for anyone interested in going to Paris or Scandinavia. There is a discount of $300 that ends on October 3 so be sure to attend and get all your enrollment paperwork in before you lose this. There are enrollment packets all over school. Contact Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 for questions.
Green School will meet this Thursday to continue working in the A-Wing courtyard
If you are interested in participating in the Science Olympiad this year please see Ms. Nelson in Room K10 by Friday, October 4th. If there are not enough students interested, we will not run the program this year.
Seniors! Baby pictures and senior ads for the Yearbook are on sale now! Prices range from $10 for a baby picture to $125 for a full page ad. Prices will increase on October 1st, so buy now! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See flyers or Ms. English for more pricing information.
Attention students interested in being part of the First Robotics Competition team: please see Ms. Nelson in room K10 as soon as possible. We are looking for a diverse, motivated team for the competition. Try something new!!!
Are you a senior interested in attending Kalamazoo College for math or science? What about attending WMU’s School of Nursing? The Heyl Scholarship pays not only for tuition and fees in these programs, but also pays for your books and living expenses, including study abroad! If you are interested in applying, please talk to your math or science teacher, or stop by Mrs. Witt-Thomas’s room, C-19 to sign up for an informational meeting next month.
Seniors: Check your KPS email for messages from Miss Nesbitt, your Promise Pathway Coach. She has online sign-up forms for colleges and more!
Attention Students: On Monday, October 14th, from 6:00-7:30, KVCC will be hosting their annual College Night. The Loy Norrix Counselors will be at the event! This is a great opportunity to talk to representatives from a number of Michigan colleges. Please feel free to use your metro card. If you have transportation concerns, please see your counselor.
If you are a junior and want to earn a free prom ticket to our 2021 Prom at City Scape downtown on May 1, 2021 Mrs. May has Little Caesar’s Pizza and Evergreen order forms for you.
Seniors looking for scholarships, check out the counseling google classroom! The class name is: Scholarship Information, and the class code is: idck9q5