Morning Announcements
There will be no Chess Club today.
There will be a green school meeting Thursday after school in B-14. We will begin construction on a walking path in the A-wing courtyard. Come and join the fun, all are welcome!
Seniors it is Michigan College Month! Today, October 9th - @ 9:15pm Grand Valley will be in the 4 Corners and Eastern @ 1pm
October 10th - @ 9am Kellogg Community College will be in the 4 Corners @ 9am
October 11th - Western Michigan University will be in the Auditorium @ 1pm
Travel Club will have an enrollment meeting for new travelers on Thursday, October 10th at 7 pm in Room A-12. This meeting will be for both the Paris and Scandinavia trips. Discounts and scholarships are available for early enrollees. Pick up enrollment packets all around school or at A-12 and C-15. Questions see Ms. Van Lieu or Mrs. Lewis.
Attention Seniors: all committees for the class of 2020 will meet Friday, October 11th in room A12 at 2:30. We will be setting up our calendars of deadlines. Select a senior Tshirt. Set up the senior video. View prom sites. This is very important for officers to attend. See Ms Van Lieu with questions.
Interested in playing softball? Our first softball offseason conditioning challenge begins on Tuesday October 22. Meet in the weight room every Tuesday and Thursday after school for 4 weeks. Bring a friend, get stronger and win prizes! See Coach Johnson in C12 for more information
Attention Students: On Monday, October 14th, from 6:00-7:30, KVCC will be hosting their annual College Night. The Loy Norrix Counselors will be at the event! This is a great opportunity to talk to representatives from a number of Michigan colleges. Please feel free to use your metro card. If you have transportation concerns, please see your counselor.
The Loy Norrix Counselors will be hosting a Financial Aid Night on Wednesday, October 16th during conferences.Representatives will be here to assist you and your parents with the FAFSA. Come join us in the library.
Are you a senior interested in attending Kalamazoo College for math or science? What about attending WMU’s School of Nursing? The Heyl Scholarship pays not only for tuition and fees in these programs, but also pays for your books and living expenses, including study abroad! If you are interested in applying, please talk to your math or science teacher, or stop by Mrs. Witt-Thomas’s room, C-19 to sign up for an informational meeting next month.
If you are a class of 2021 Executive Board member save the time and date for our next Board meeting - Before school in the TV room or afterschool in C-14 Monday, Oct 14th
Attention seniors! Senior photos and quotes are due to the Yearbook by December 1st! Email them to [email protected] or bring to room K3. A high quality JPEG photo is needed and quotes must be 100 characters or fewer and school appropriate. See Ms. English in K3 with any questions.
Are you interested in knowing more about Global Climate Change? If so take a registration form from Mrs. May's door by the C-wing computer lab. This is open to Peacejammers and non-Peacejam students. The event will be held at WMU on Saturday, Oct 26th.
We are just 37 school days away from the annual Shopping trip to Michigan City and Chicago.
If you would like to join this group see Mrs. May to get a permission slip. A signed permission slip and payment reserves your seat. There are only 54 seats so don't delay.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Picture Day is tomorrow, October 8th! Look your best!
Have you ever wondered what an AP class is like and if it is something you should sign up to take? Of course you have! New this year you will have the opportunity to take a peek into what happens in an AP class during an APeek day. An APeek day will allow you to sit in for a brief time on an AP class of interest to you. Students may come to the counseling office to sign up to participate in one of our APeek days throughout the year. Don't be scared just come take a peek into the world of AP.
Attention KAMSC & ATYP students. If you are taking an AP class please stop by the counseling office & speak with Mrs. DeHaan regarding registration for your AP test.
Attention Students: On Monday, October 14th, from 6:00-7:30, KVCC will be hosting their annual College Night. The Loy Norrix Counselors will be at the event! This is a great opportunity to talk to representatives from a number of Michigan colleges. Please feel free to use your metro card. If you have transportation concerns, please see your counselor.
Seniors Grab a pen and paper and take notes, We've got lots planned for Michigan College Month!
The University of Michigan will here today, October 7th @ 1pm in the Auditorium
October 8th - @ 9a K College will be in the 4 Corners - also Saginaw Valley @ 1pm
October 9th - @ 9:15pm Grand Valley will be in the 4 Corners and Eastern @ 1pm
October 10th - @ 9am Kellogg Community College will be in the 4 Corners @ 9am
October 11th - Western Michigan University will be in the Auditorium @ 1pm
UKNIGHT will begin Tuesday, October 15th in D-11 at 2:30. This is a great club for meeting new people, playing games, and having crazy fun!
There will be a Senior Class meeting for all committees; executive, prom and video on Friday October 11th in room A-12 promptly at 2:30pm. Officers need to attend. We will be organizing our calendar for the entire school year. See Ms. Van Lieu for questions.
Travel Club will have an enrollment meeting for new travelers on Thursday October 10 at 7 pm in Room A-12. This meeting will be for both the Paris and Scandinavia trips. Discounts and scholarships are available for early enrollees. Pick up enrollment packets all around school or at A-12 and C-15. Questions see Ms. Van Lieu or Mrs. Lewis.
Freshman class executive committee members meet with Ms. Van Lieu in A-12
at 7:15 on Tuesday October 8. If you turned in an application you have been approved for the committee. We will be designing a class tee shirt.
There are just 15 days before the annual Peacejam Pumpkin Painting Party. What is it- a chance to listen to Halloween music, eat an apple, have some orange drink and paint a pumpkin. When you finish you will decide what local agency you will give it to and then receive an extra credit coupon and a fast food coupon! It will be Tuesday, Oct 22nd right afterschool in the cafeteria
We have just 3 spots left on our 2020 Peacejam trip to Kenya! If you want more info see Mrs. May or Mrs. Johnson Sharpe.
Friday, October 4, 2019
After a strong showing yesterday, Loy Norrix Esports remains undefeated in all games and competitions for the season. The Super Smash Brothers Ultimate team has swept all of their opponents, with victories against Jackson Northwest and Perry High School with solid play coming from Gabe Vroman, Keng Wee, Adam Ismaili-Alaoui, and freshman Loden Krieger. The Overwatch team was also in action, sweeping to 2-0 wins on both Wednesday and Thursday against their opposition from St. Paul the 6th High School in Fairfax, VA and Charlotte High School in Charlotte, MI. Strong play was delivered by seniors Jackson Kiino-Terburg, Cameron Green, and Joe Bannon; juniors Yancy Quinn-Cabrera and Sophie Decker; sophomores Elliot Russell and Evan Eldred; and freshman Foster Neve-Jones. Congratulations to everyone! If you're interested in competing for Loy Norrix Esports, come see Mr. Greeley in room B-13.
Have you ever wondered what an AP class is like and if it is something you should sign up to take? Of course you have! New this year you will have the opportunity to take a peek into what happens in an AP class during an APeek day. An APeek day will allow you to sit in for a brief time on an AP class of interest to you. Students may come to the counseling office to sign up to participate in one of our APeek days throughout the year. Don't be scared just come take a peek into the world of AP.
Attention KAMSC & ATYP students. If you are taking an AP class please stop by the counseling office & speak with Mrs. DeHaan regarding registration for your AP test.
Attention Seniors: Reminder that KVCC will be in the Cafeteria today at 12:30pm
Attention Sophomores: Today is the last day to turn in your WMed Pipeline application, you can turn it into Miss Nesbitt's Mailbox
If you are interested in participating in the Science Olympiad this year please see Ms. Nelson in Room K10 today, October 4th. If there are not enough students interested, we will not run the program this year.
Students interested in joining the First Robotics Team please sign up today in Ms. Nelson's room k10
Have you ever wondered about your Future? What profession will you pick? Well the business club Deca can help with that struggle as well as gaining confidence, friends, professional experience and career exploration. Come learn more at our informational meeting today, Friday from 2:30-3:30 .
Are you a senior interested in attending Kalamazoo College for math or science? What about attending WMU’s School of Nursing? The Heyl Scholarship pays not only for tuition and fees in these programs, but also pays for your books and living expenses, including study abroad! If you are interested in applying, please talk to your math or science teacher, or stop by Mrs. Witt-Thomas’s room, C-19 to sign up for an informational meeting next month.
Seniors: Check your KPS email for messages from Miss Nesbitt, your Promise Pathway Coach. She has online sign-up forms for colleges and more!
Attention Students: On Monday, October 14th, from 6:00-7:30, KVCC will be hosting their annual College Night. The Loy Norrix Counselors will be at the event! This is a great opportunity to talk to representatives from a number of Michigan colleges. Please feel free to use your metro card. If you have transportation concerns, please see your counselor.
Seniors Grab a pen and paper and take notes, We've got lots planned for Michigan College Month!
The University of Michigan will here Monday, October 7th @ 1pm in the Auditorium
October 8th - @ 9a K College will be in the 4 Corners - also Saginaw Valley @ 1pm
October 9th - @ 9:15pm Grand Valley will be in the 4 Corners and Eastern @ 1pm
October 10th - @ 9am Kellogg Community College will be in the 4 Corners @ 9am
October 11th - Western Michigan University will be in the Auditorium @ 1pm
UKNIGHT will begin Tuesday Oct 15 in D-11 at 2:30. This is a great club for meeting new people, playing games, and having crazy fun!
If you are a junior and want to earn a free prom ticket to our 2021 Prom at City Scape downtown on May 1, 2021 Mrs. May has Little Caesar’s Pizza and Evergreen order forms for you.
Seniors looking for scholarships, check out the counseling google classroom! The class name is: Scholarship Information, and the class code is: idck9q5
Thursday, October 3, 2019
SSR is 4th hour today
Do you like to sing? Are you interested but can't fit choir into your schedule, or just looking to sing even more outside of school? Well look no further than the Loy Norrix All-Knighters! Loy Norrix's very own a cappella group meets on Thursdays, from 2:30 -4, and we invite you to come and see what we're all about at an open rehearsal this week. All are welcome! See a member or Ms. Pelligrino for more information.
Have you ever wondered what an AP class is like and if it is something you should sign up to take? Of course you have! New this year you will have the opportunity to take a peek into what happens in an AP class during an APeek day. An APeek day will allow you to sit in for a brief time on an AP class of interest to you. Students may come to the counseling office to sign up to participate in one of our APeek days throughout the year. Don't be scared just come take a peek into the world of AP.
Attention KAMSC & ATYP students. If you are taking an AP class please stop by the counseling office & speak with Mrs. DeHaan regarding registration for your AP test.
Ms Learner will be running the After School Grad Point lab in room K5W today. If you have any questions, please stop by the Counseling Office.
There will be a green school meeting today after school in room B-14. See you there!
There will be a Loy Norrix young democrats meeting tomorrow, Friday morning at 7:05 in B23, Mr. Haeussler’s room.
There are just 7 more open spots on the Peacejam trip to Kenya in the summer of 2020. If you need help getting registered please see Mrs. May or Mrs. Johnson Sharpe for assistance. Don't delay as the price will increase on Oct 4th
If you are interested in participating in the Science Olympiad this year please see Ms. Nelson in Room K10 by tomorrow, October 4th. If there are not enough students interested, we will not run the program this year.
Students interested in joining the First Robotics Team please sign up by this Friday in Ms. Nelson's room k10
Have you ever wondered about your Future? What profession will you pick? Well the business club Deca can help with that struggle as well as gaining confidence, friends, professional experience and career exploration. Come learn more at our informational meeting on Friday from 2:30-3:30
Are you a senior interested in attending Kalamazoo College for math or science? What about attending WMU’s School of Nursing? The Heyl Scholarship pays not only for tuition and fees in these programs, but also pays for your books and living expenses, including study abroad! If you are interested in applying, please talk to your math or science teacher, or stop by Mrs. Witt-Thomas’s room, C-19 to sign up for an informational meeting next month.
Seniors: Check your KPS email for messages from Miss Nesbitt, your Promise Pathway Coach. She has online sign-up forms for colleges and more!
Attention Students: On Monday, October 14th, from 6:00-7:30, KVCC will be hosting their annual College Night. The Loy Norrix Counselors will be at the event! This is a great opportunity to talk to representatives from a number of Michigan colleges. Please feel free to use your metro card. If you have transportation concerns, please see your counselor.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
The cross country teams raced in the last Jamboree of the season with great results. As a team the girls finished 4pts behind 3rd and boys only finished 2pts back from 1st. 21 out of 24 runners finished better than their ranking. Olivia Polderman ran her lifetime best in spite of the hot and humid conditions. Joe Meyers and Ella Schnell finished first in their respective races taking the overall divisional titles. The teams race again on Saturday at the Portage Invitational at Portage West Middle School. Anyone interested in running in the open race should show up by 8am.
Chess Club meets today from 2:20-3:30 in Computer Lab D-10. Anyone may attend, and anybody who beats Mr. Bellware wins a customized chess board.
Have you ever wondered what an AP class is like and if it is something you should sign up to take? Of course you have! New this year you will have the opportunity to take a peek into what happens in an AP class during an APeek day. An APeek day will allow you to sit in for a brief time on an AP class of interest to you. Students may come to the counseling office to sign up to participate in one of our APeek days throughout the year. Don't be scared just come take a peek into the world of AP.
Attention KAMSC & ATYP students. If you are taking an AP class please stop by the counseling office & speak with Mrs. DeHaan regarding registration for your AP test.
Ms Learner will be running the After School Grad Point lab in room K5W today and Thursday. You must communicate with your counselor before attending so that they can register you for this credit retrieval program. If you have any questions, please stop by the Counseling Office.
Travel Club will have a parent/student informational meeting today, October 2nd for anyone interested in going to Paris or Scandinavia. There is a discount of $300 that ends on October 3rd so be sure to attend and get all your enrollment paperwork in before you lose this. There are enrollment packets all over school. Contact Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 for questions.
There will be a green school meeting Thursday after school in room B-14. See you there!
Do you like to sing? Are you interested but can't fit choir into your schedule, or just looking to sing even more outside of school? Well look no further than the Loy Norrix All-Knighters! Loy Norrix's very own a cappella group meets on Thursdays, from 2:30 -4, and we invite you to come and see what we're all about at an open rehearsal this week. All are welcome! See a member or Ms. Pelligrino for more information.
There are just 7 more open spots on the Peacejam trip to Kenya in the summer of 2020. If you need help getting registered please see Mrs. May or Mrs. Johnson Sharpe for assistance. Don't delay as the price will increase on Oct 4th
If you are interested in participating in the Science Olympiad this year please see Ms. Nelson in Room K10 by Friday, October 4th. If there are not enough students interested, we will not run the program this year.
Students interested in joining the First Robotics Team please sign up by this Friday in Ms. Nelson's room k10
Are you a senior interested in attending Kalamazoo College for math or science? What about attending WMU’s School of Nursing? The Heyl Scholarship pays not only for tuition and fees in these programs, but also pays for your books and living expenses, including study abroad! If you are interested in applying, please talk to your math or science teacher, or stop by Mrs. Witt-Thomas’s room, C-19 to sign up for an informational meeting next month.
Have you ever wondered what an AP class is like and if it is something you should sign up to take? Of course you have! New this year you will have the opportunity to take a peek into what happens in an AP class during an APeek day. An APeek day will allow you to sit in for a brief time on an AP class of interest to you. Students may come to the counseling office to sign up to participate in one of our APeek days throughout the year. Don't be scared just come take a peek into the world of AP.
Seniors: Check your KPS email for messages from Miss Nesbitt, your Promise Pathway Coach. She has online sign-up forms for colleges and more!
Attention Students: On Monday, October 14th, from 6:00-7:30, KVCC will be hosting their annual College Night. The Loy Norrix Counselors will be at the event! This is a great opportunity to talk to representatives from a number of Michigan colleges. Please feel free to use your metro card. If you have transportation concerns, please see your counselor.
If you are a junior and want to earn a free prom ticket to our 2021 Prom at City Scape downtown on May 1, 2021 Mrs. May has Little Caesar’s Pizza and Evergreen order forms for you.
Seniors looking for scholarships, check out the counseling google classroom! The class name is: Scholarship Information, and the class code is: idck9q5
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Your Loy Norrix Marching Knights traveled to Otsego High School this past Saturday to participate in their first Marching Band Competition of the season. Not only did they have a terrific performance, but they broke the 80 point barrier, out of 100! Their final score of 81.8 is far higher than anyone anticipated, and right on the heels of programs that have decades of competitive experience. This is the first competition the band has participated in since at least 2003. We're so proud of our Loy Norrix Marching Knights!
SSR is 4th hour today
Attention mens basketball: Weight Lifting will be after school today at 2:30 and open gym will be at 7.
Yoga Club will meet today, October 1st from 2:45-4:00 in Rm. J-11. Come relax and de-stress with us. We have the yoga mats, so just wear comfy clothing. We hope to see you there!
Ms Learner will be running the After School Grad Point lab in room K5W today, Wednesday and Thursday this week. You must communicate with your counselor before attending so that they can register you for this credit retrieval program. If you have any questions, please stop by the Counseling Office.
Travel Club will have a parent/student informational meeting tomorrow, October 2nd for anyone interested in going to Paris or Scandinavia. There is a discount of $300 that ends on October 3rd so be sure to attend and get all your enrollment paperwork in before you lose this. There are enrollment packets all over school. Contact Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 for questions.
Green School will meet this Thursday to continue working in the A-Wing courtyard
Do you like to sing? Are you interested but can't fit choir into your schedule, or just looking to sing even more outside of school? Well look no further than the Loy Norrix All-Knighters! Loy Norrix's very own a cappella group meets on Thursdays, from 2:30 -4, and we invite you to come and see what we're all about at an open rehearsal this week. All are welcome! See a member or Ms. Pelligrino for more information.
Adrian College will be in the 4 Corners tomorrow morning at 9. Sign up through Miss Nesbitt at the Promise Room in the Library, Seniors can check your email for the Google Forms sign up. KVCC will be visiting this Friday at 12:30 in the Cafeteria - students will be able to apply to the college on-site. October is Michigan College Month - and our weekly college bowl question is, "What is Adrian College Student Population?" Submit your answer to the blue box in the Main Office. Also, Today is opening day FAFSA applications See your guidance counselors or Miss Nesbitt for more information!
If you are interested in participating in the Science Olympiad this year please see Ms. Nelson in Room K10 by Friday, October 4th. If there are not enough students interested, we will not run the program this year.
Seniors! Baby pictures and senior ads for the Yearbook are on sale now! Prices range from $10 for a baby picture to $125 for a full page ad. Prices will increase on October 1st, so buy now! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See flyers or Ms. English for more pricing information.
Attention students interested in being part of the First Robotics Competition team: please see Ms. Nelson in room K10 as soon as possible. We are looking for a diverse, motivated team for the competition. Try something new!!!
Are you a senior interested in attending Kalamazoo College for math or science? What about attending WMU’s School of Nursing? The Heyl Scholarship pays not only for tuition and fees in these programs, but also pays for your books and living expenses, including study abroad! If you are interested in applying, please talk to your math or science teacher, or stop by Mrs. Witt-Thomas’s room, C-19 to sign up for an informational meeting next month.
Seniors: Check your KPS email for messages from Miss Nesbitt, your Promise Pathway Coach. She has online sign-up forms for colleges and more!
Attention Students: On Monday, October 14th, from 6:00-7:30, KVCC will be hosting their annual College Night. The Loy Norrix Counselors will be at the event! This is a great opportunity to talk to representatives from a number of Michigan colleges. Please feel free to use your metro card. If you have transportation concerns, please see your counselor.
If you are a junior and want to earn a free prom ticket to our 2021 Prom at City Scape downtown on May 1, 2021 Mrs. May has Little Caesar’s Pizza and Evergreen order forms for you.
Seniors looking for scholarships, check out the counseling google classroom! The class name is: Scholarship Information, and the class code is: idck9q5
Monday, September 30, 2019
The Men’s Tennis Team competed in the SMAC Championship on Saturday. Congratulations to Connor Rafferty on winning 2 matches and Dominick Frost on also getting a victory! The team will compete again on Thursday, October 10 at the MHSAA Regional Tournament.
Calling all musical crew members! If you have already turned in your crew form to Mrs. Carrow- please meet on Monday, September 30th in J11 from 2:30 - 3:30! If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Carrow.
Yoga Club will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, October 1st from 2:45-4:00 in Rm. J-11. Come relax and de-stress with us. We have the yoga mats, so just wear comfy clothing. We hope to see you there!
Travel Club will have a parent/student info meeting on Wednesday October 2 for anyone interested in going to Paris or Scandinavia. There is a discount of $300 that ends on October 3 so be sure to attend and get all your enrollment paperwork in before you lose this. There are enrollment packets all over school. Contact Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 for questions.
Green School will meet this Thursday to continue working in the A-Wing courtyard
If you are interested in participating in the Science Olympiad this year please see Ms. Nelson in Room K10 by Friday, October 4th. If there are not enough students interested, we will not run the program this year.
Seniors! Baby pictures and senior ads for the Yearbook are on sale now! Prices range from $10 for a baby picture to $125 for a full page ad. Prices will increase on October 1st, so buy now! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See flyers or Ms. English for more pricing information.
Attention students interested in being part of the First Robotics Competition team: please see Ms. Nelson in room K10 as soon as possible. We are looking for a diverse, motivated team for the competition. Try something new!!!
Are you a senior interested in attending Kalamazoo College for math or science? What about attending WMU’s School of Nursing? The Heyl Scholarship pays not only for tuition and fees in these programs, but also pays for your books and living expenses, including study abroad! If you are interested in applying, please talk to your math or science teacher, or stop by Mrs. Witt-Thomas’s room, C-19 to sign up for an informational meeting next month.
Seniors: Check your KPS email for messages from Miss Nesbitt, your Promise Pathway Coach. She has online sign-up forms for colleges and more!
Attention Students: On Monday, October 14th, from 6:00-7:30, KVCC will be hosting their annual College Night. The Loy Norrix Counselors will be at the event! This is a great opportunity to talk to representatives from a number of Michigan colleges. Please feel free to use your metro card. If you have transportation concerns, please see your counselor.
If you are a junior and want to earn a free prom ticket to our 2021 Prom at City Scape downtown on May 1, 2021 Mrs. May has Little Caesar’s Pizza and Evergreen order forms for you.
Seniors looking for scholarships, check out the counseling google classroom! The class name is: Scholarship Information, and the class code is: idck9q5
Friday, September 27, 2019
Please join GSA in celebrating Ally week today, Friday. There will be a photo booth in the cafeteria at lunch for students to take photos and spread the word about ally week. There will be a party after school in room D14, Ms. Sanic's room by the library. We want to thank all the great Allies to the LGBTQ community, so come celebrate with an Ally party! Everyone is welcome!
Attention Students: if you have not returned your application for the #CAP Youth Program that was introduced to you in the cafeteria 2 weeks ago by the AKA Sorority, please return them to Ms. Naz in the B-wing or Ms. Middleton in the Counseling office by today . Don’t miss this great opportunity!
Attention Seniors: Hope College will be at the 4 Corners, today @ 1pm. Check your email from Miss Nesbitt to sign up. All other grades, sign up through the form outside of her office door. Her office is located in the library’s Maya Angelou’s Room. Join the Hope on-site visit to learn about “the power of the Arts.”
2021 Executive Board members- plan on a before school meeting on Monday, Sept 30th to pick up a schedule for the rest of the trimester of our meetings in the TV/ Mr. Peterson's room
Have you ever wondered about your Future? What profession will I pick? Well the business club Deca can help with that struggle as well as gaining confidence , friends, professional experience and career exploration. Come learn more at our informational meeting today, Friday, September 27th from 2:30 to 3:30.
Today, September 27th, the Loy Norrix Esports club will be hosting its first Super Smash Brothers Ultimate tournament of the school year. It will take place right after school in the library. It's free to enter and is open to all Loy Norrix students. Come out, have some fun, and win some awesome prizes! For all questions, please see Mr. Greeley in room B-13. We hope to see you there!
The third 90 Program will still accept applications through today, September 27th. Hand in to Mrs. Young in M14 or Ms. Nelson in K10.
Join us in the Gryphon Place Suicide Prevention Walk tomorrow, Saturday, September 28th from 9-12. This fundraiser is the major fundraiser for Gryphon Place that helps pay for the 211 operations, representatives in schools, support groups and trainings. Feel free to sign up on the Gryphon Place website under team Eli Verne and the Knights or see Ms. Layton in K12 if you have any questions
Calling all musical crew members! If you have already turned in your crew form to Mrs. Carrow- please meet on Monday, September 30th in J11 from 2:30 - 3:30! If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Carrow.
Yoga Club will take place next Tuesday, October 1st from 2:45-4:00 in Rm. J-11. Come relax and de-stress with us. We have the yoga mats, so just wear comfy clothing. We hope to see you there!
Green School will meet again next Thursday to continue working in the A-Wing courtyard
If you are interested in participating in the Science Olympiad this year please see Ms. Nelson in Room K10 by Friday, October 4th. If there are not enough students interested, we will not run the program this year.
Seniors! Baby pictures and senior ads for the Yearbook are on sale now! Prices range from $10 for a baby picture to $125 for a full page ad. Prices will increase on October 1st, so buy now! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See flyers or Ms. English for more pricing information.
Attention students interested in being part of the First Robotics Competition team: please see Ms. Nelson in room K10 as soon as possible. We are looking for a diverse, motivated team for the competition. Try something new!!!
Are you a senior interested in attending Kalamazoo College for math or science? What about attending WMU’s School of Nursing? The Heyl Scholarship pays not only for tuition and fees in these programs, but also pays for your books and living expenses, including study abroad! If you are interested in applying, please talk to your math or science teacher, or stop by Mrs. Witt-Thomas’s room, C-19 to sign up for an informational meeting next month.
Seniors: Check your KPS email for messages from Miss Nesbitt, your Promise Pathway Coach. She has online sign-up forms for colleges and more!
Attention Students: On Monday, October 14th, from 6:00-7:30, KVCC will be hosting their annual College Night. The Loy Norrix Counselors will be at the event! This is a great opportunity to talk to representatives from a number of Michigan colleges. Please feel free to use your metro card. If you have transportation concerns, please see your counselor.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
SSR is 3rd hour today.
Chess Club meets today in Computer Lab d-10 from 2:20-3:30. Anybody may attend, and anyone who beats Mr. Bellware wins a customized chess board.
AAC will meet today in C21.
Please join GSA in celebrating Ally week tomorrow, Friday. There will be a photo booth in the cafeteria at lunch for students to take photos and spread the word about ally week. There will be a party after school in room D14, Ms. Sanic's room by the library. We want to thank all the great Allies to the LGBTQ community, so come celebrate with an Ally party! Everyone is welcome!
Men’s Basketball Open Gym Tonight 7-8:30 Tonight, Thursday, September 26th. Please see Coach McDonald with any questions!
Attention Students: if you have not returned your application for the #CAP Youth Program that was introduced to you in the cafeteria 2 weeks ago by the AKA Sorority, please return them to Ms. Naz in the B-wing or Ms Middleton in the Counseling office by Friday this week. Dont miss this great opportunity!
Our 1st pickup for the clothing drive will be tomorrow during 3rd period. Please bring in your gently used, outgrown, not wanted clothing items of any size to the class of your choice! A continental breakfast will be waiting for the top two classes that bring in the most!
There will be NO Green School today. We will meet again next Thursday to continue working in the A-Wing courtyard. Again, there will be no Green School meeting this Thursday
Attention Seniors: Hope College will be at the 4 Corners, Friday @ 1pm. Check your email from Miss Nesbitt to sign up. All other grades, sign up through the form outside of her office door. Her office is located in the library’s Maya Angelou’s Room. Join the Hope on-site visit to learn about “the power of the Arts.”
Attention class of 2021 executive board members: Due to the mosquito issue- the class of 2021 bonfire will be postponed from Friday's date until a date in October Also, if you are planning to visit the two potential prom sites- we will meet TOMORROW afterschool by Mrs. May's door.
Ms. Learner will be running the After School Grad Point lab in room K5W today this from 2:30-4:30. You must communicate with your counselor before attending so that they can register you for this credit retrieval program. If you have any questions, please stop by the Counseling Office.
The Travel club of 2020 will have an information meeting about Paris and Scandinavia tonight, September 26th at 7pm in room A-12. Bring you parents and learn about the trip of a lifetime. Enrollment packets are all over school, pick one up and see Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 or Mrs. Lewis in C-15.
Have you ever wondered about your Future? What profession will I pick? Well the business club Deca can help with that struggle as well as gaining confidence , friends, professional experience and career exploration. Come learn more at our informational meeting on Friday, September 27th from 2:30 to 3:30.
This year's Peacejam Slam is on Oct 26th at WMU and the theme is Global Climate Change. The registration can be found on Mrs. May's door next to the C-wing computer lab or come to a peacejam meeting Every Thursday morning at 7am to 7:28
This Friday, September 27th, the Loy Norrix Esports club will be hosting its first Super Smash Brothers Ultimate tournament of the school year. It will take place right after school in the library. It's free to enter and is open to all Loy Norrix students. Come out, have some fun, and win some awesome prizes! For all questions, please see Mr. Greeley in room B-13. We hope to see you there!
The third 90 Program will still accept applications until Friday September 27th. Hand in to Mrs. Young in M14 or Ms. Nelson in K10.
Join us in the Gryphon Place Suicide Prevention Walk on Saturday, September 28th from 9-12. This fundraiser is the major fundraiser for Gryphon Place that helps pay for the 211 operations, representatives in schools, support groups and trainings. Feel free to sign up on the Gryphon Place website under team Eli Verne and the Knights or see Ms. Layton in K12 if you have any questions
Calling all musical crew members! If you have already turned in your crew form to Mrs. Carrow- please meet on Monday, September 30th in J11 from 2:30 - 3:30! If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Carrow.
Seniors looking for scholarships, check out the counseling google classroom! The class name is: Scholarship Information, and the class code is: idck9q5
Seniors! Baby pictures and senior ads for the Yearbook are on sale now! Prices range from $10 for a baby picture to $125 for a full page ad. Prices will increase on October 1st, so buy now! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See flyers or Ms. English for more pricing information.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Chess Club meets today in Computer Lab d-10 from 2:20-3:30. Anybody may attend, and anyone who beats Mr. Bellware wins a customized chess board.
AAC will not meet today, AAC will meet again tomorrow, Thursday.
Please join GSA in celebrating Ally week Friday. There will be a photo booth in the cafeteria at lunch for students to take photos and spread the word about ally week. There will be a party after school in room D14, Ms. Sanic's room by the library. We want to thank all the great Allies to the LGBTQ community, so come celebrate with an Ally party! Everyone is welcome!
There will be 230 Basketball Weights and Conditioning in weight room today. Open gym will be moved to Thursday due to Home Volleyball Game. Make sure you go out and show your support!!!! Any questions please see Coach McDonald!
Attention Students: if you have not returned your application for the #CAP Youth Program that was introduced to you in the cafeteria 2 weeks ago by the AKA Sorority, please return them to Ms. Naz in the B-wing or Ms Middleton in the Counseling office by Friday this week. Dont miss this great opportunity!
There will be NO Green School this Thursday. We will meet again next Thursday to continue working in the A-Wing courtyard. Again, there will be NO Green School meeting this Thursday
Attention Seniors: Hope College will be at the 4 Corners, Friday @ 1pm. Check your email from Miss Nesbitt to sign up. All other grades, sign up through the form outside of her office door. Her office is located in the library’s Maya Angelou’s Room. Join the Hope on-site visit to learn about “the power of the Arts.”
Attention class of 2021 executive board members: Due to the mosquito issue- the class of 2021 bonfire will be postponed from Friday's date until a date in October Also, if you are planning to visit the two potential prom sites- we will meet TOMORROW afterschool by Mrs. May's door.
Ms. Learner will be running the After School Grad Point lab in room K5W Thursday this week from 2:30-4:30. You must communicate with your counselor before attending so that they can register you for this credit retrieval program. If you have any questions, please stop by the Counseling Office.
The Travel club of 2020 will have an information meeting about Paris and Scandinavia Thursday, September 26th at 7pm in room A-12. Bring you parents and learn about the trip of a lifetime. Enrollment packets are all over school, pick one up and see Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 or Mrs. Lewis in C-15.
Have you ever wondered about your Future? What profession will I pick? Well the business club Deca can help with that struggle as well as gaining confidence , friends, professional experience and career exploration. Come learn more at our informational meeting on Friday, September 27th from 2:30 to 3:30.
This year's Peacejam Slam is on Oct 26th at WMU and the theme is Global Climate Change. The registration can be found on Mrs. May's door next to the C-wing computer lab or come to a peacejam meeting Every Thursday morning at 7am to 7:28
This Friday, September 27th, the Loy Norrix Esports club will be hosting its first Super Smash Brothers Ultimate tournament of the school year. It will take place right after school in the library. It's free to enter and is open to all Loy Norrix students. Come out, have some fun, and win some awesome prizes! For all questions, please see Mr. Greeley in room B-13. We hope to see you there!
The third 90 Program will still accept applications until Friday September 27th. Hand in to Mrs. Young in M14 or Ms. Nelson in K10.
Join us in the Gryphon Place Suicide Prevention Walk on Saturday, September 28th from 9-12. This fundraiser is the major fundraiser for Gryphon Place that helps pay for the 211 operations, representatives in schools, support groups and trainings. Feel free to sign up on the Gryphon Place website under team Eli Verne and the Knights or see Ms. Layton in K12 if you have any questions
Calling all musical crew members! If you have already turned in your crew form to Mrs. Carrow- please meet on Monday, September 30th in J11 from 2:30 - 3:30! If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Carrow.
Seniors looking for scholarships, check out the counseling google classroom! The class name is: Scholarship Information, and the class code is: idck9q5
Seniors! Baby pictures and senior ads for the Yearbook are on sale now! Prices range from $10 for a baby picture to $125 for a full page ad. Prices will increase on October 1st, so buy now! Order online at or bring cash or check to room K3. See flyers or Ms. English for more pricing information.