All spring athletes sing the Knights anthem at the Spring Pep Rally at the gym. “It makes spring teams feel reunited since we don’t have a Pep Rally usually,” said senior Megan Lohner.
Loy Norrix teacher Atiba Ward and his Sports Management class organized the first Spring Pep Rally on Wednesday, May 4. At the beginning, Ward wanted his class to organize a 5K run around the track, but senior Jake Link and junior Christian Baker came up with the idea of a Pep Rally instead.
“We wanted to create a Spring Pep Rally so spring athletes could be recognized,” said Baker.
Both students set up all the games, materials, music and gathered some teachers.
“We had a pretty hard time to find teachers that were willing to participate in games, and it made the organization even more stressful,” said Baker.
They had to figure everything out two days before the Pep Rally and were helped by Assistant Principal Kelly Hinga and Ward for supervision.
“What is special about this Pep Rally is that students organized everything on their own, and Mrs. Hinga and I only supervised,” said Ward.
However, they had a pretty easy time convincing school administrators and were ready on time.
The Pep rally started with the recognition of the spring athletes and was followed by games. Classes played tug-of-war and the juniors beat the seniors.
“It is really cool that juniors beat seniors because it is not usual so I was excited and happy,” said junior Sacha Williams.
They had also organized a mummy game and an air-balloon game, which was new. Then teachers Tim Geerlings, Paige O’Shea and Jennifer Watson did a little choreography and students had a really good time.
“Watching them dancing and doing weird movements was pretty funny,” said sophomore Abigail Dantes.
The Link Crew staff ended the first Spring Pep Rally with the popular running man challenge and it was a big success.
“Me and my friends had a lot of fun at the first spring Pep Rally, and I really believe they should do it again next year,” said senior Julia Morera.
The whole team really appreciated that the school administrators accepted the project and are happy to say that it was a success.
“Everything worked out perfectly at the end, even better than what we expected,” said Baker.