The goose is loose: Students rally for a change of their mascot
Credit: Zach Eldred
A knight battles a horde of geese.
October 29, 2021
The football game against Kalamazoo Central is tied at 14 points with 5 seconds left in the 4th quarter. With determination in his eyes, the quarterback for Loy Norrix throws the football to the endzone to a wide-open receiver right as the clock hits 0 for a game winner. Everyone goes wild and over the cheers you can hear the announcer yell, “Touchdown Loy Norrix Geese!”
Some Loy Norrix students want to change the school mascot to a goose because the students feel as if the knight doesn’t represent the school. A goose, however, would represent our school that is surrounded by wildlife. Many people know about the geese that run on the track and hang out at Milham Park.
To change the mascot however we need to get into the reasons why a knight should no longer be our mascot for Loy Norrix.
“It doesn’t represent the school because a lot of people in this school aren’t good people and knights are,” said junior Jeff Terrian.
In a small poll of 60 students who attend Loy Norrix, 58% of students said they were in favor of changing the mascot to a goose.
However, some oppose this significant switch.
“It has a lot of history and many generations of students have had the same mascot, and I am proud of our mascot,” Christopher Aguinaga, the principal of Loy Norrix said, ”No one knows who is underneath the armor.”
Some students, mainly upperclassmen and faculty and staff have concerns over how well students and staff could be proud of calling themselves geese instead of knights. They worry that having a goose as the mascot wouldn’t be intimidating to other schools’ sports teams. Some may claim that geese just don’t have the same effect as a mascot for the school to rally behind as knights do because geese are too goofy, making Loy Norrix a laughing stock.
Students and staff think that the geese are just funny and are confused about the new proposal and the intention behind it. Students in favor of the goose praise it for the sake of change or comedy.
To change the school mascot, most of the time students would need a petition with a majority of the students’ signatures supporting the change being proposed, in this case a goose.
Overall, the idea of changing a mascot is a slim lead, and if there is any change to be done it will have to be done in a formal way with petitions or surveys. The goose as a mascot is controversial, with people feeling strongly one way or another.
clinton d • Nov 11, 2021 at 12:47 pm
this is slander you have never seen geese with kids those geese are so brave and do not quit trying to harm you if you get within 10 feet of them
Emmitt • Feb 17, 2022 at 12:59 pm
Good evening good sir after a long consideration for what you have said I believe my point is geese are good geese are great geese are a cause to celebrate.