Students with ADHD face many challenges during the school day

Credit: Owen Quayle

Sophomore Austin Shannon focuses on his schoolwork. Shannon who has ADHD states that he works better after lunch.

McKenzie Nuyen, Staff Writer

Sophomore Austin Shannon has difficulty focusing on certain things during the school day which makes it very hard to keep track of things.

“I wish I didn’t have ADHD because it causes a lot of problems,” said Shannon. “[I] was going to check the time and then turned into staring at the phone for a long period of time.”

According to the article,“School changes- helping children with ADHD”, “Children with ADHD might experience more obstacles in their path to success than the average student.”

Students without ADHD might not realize how activities might affect students struggling with the disability, which could potentially cause conflicts. People with ADHD want to be included and more involved, and those without the disability should think about situations in which they could help those that do have it. For example, someone with ADHD could be struggling with an assignment and a person who doesn’t have it could help.

“I want other people who don’t have ADHD to understand what students with ADHD go through,” said Shannon.

Sophomore Connor Nuyen has a very hard time staying on task in school due to his ADHD.

“Normally when other people with ADHD, not just myself, get distracted easily, we can take medication,” said Nuyen. “Basically I just don’t normally act a certain way until it really settles in.”

According to the article, “ADHD Medication Options: Stimulants, Nonstimulants & More” by Larry Silver, there are two categorized medications: stimulants and non-stimulants. Some types of stimulants are amphetamines and methylphenidate like Concerta and Adderall. Some types of non-stimulant medications are Kapvay and Qelbree.

Impulsivity and hyperactivity respond well to stimulants, but these medications are controlled substances that work quickly but can lead to psychological and physical dependence. Safer options are non-stimulant medications, but these take a longer time to kick in.

Another thing that helps Nuyen with his ADHD is just going somewhere quiet while working on an assignment.

“I go to the library because that’s where the least noise is,” said Nuyen.

Just because a person has ADHD doesn’t mean they are always the one that needs help. They can assist others with their questions as well.

“I ask people around and not around my table for help, and they come to me when they need my help as well,” said Nuyen.

Nuyen gets really stressed out when it comes to classwork. He needs some extra time alone.

“Basically just take a break and do something else until the ADHD relaxes,” said Nuyen.

Senior David Henry has trouble staying focused in school due to his ADHD while teachers are giving a lesson. When Henry is trying to listen to the teacher talk, there are a few things that help him get through the class period like writing things down to stay on track.

“The teacher is talking and you’re somewhere else,” said Henry.

Henry gets home from school and gets straight into homework, but he has a very hard time focusing.

“I don’t really focus when doing homework. Most of the homework is reading something and then applying it,” said Henry.

Nowadays, people are being diagnosed with ADHD more than they used to and people are more understanding of how to act around someone who has it, making it not a huge deal.

According to “45 ADHD Statistics:How Many People Have ADHD?” by “Steven Zauderer, more than 9.4 percent of children (6.1 million) between the ages 2-17 in the United States have an ADHD diagnosis.”

“I think a lot more people have ADHD than people realize, but it’s not the end of the world if someone has it,” said Henry.

Just because people are diagnosed with ADHD, doesn’t mean they can’t live a good and successful life.

They may need extra help or tools to assist them with living, but they still have the option living life to its fullest.

“You can still get through life but you just have to use practical things to get through it,” said Henry.