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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community

Knight Life

Morning Announcements

Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Morning Announcements

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Yesterday, the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association awarded the 2022 Accolade Yearbook staff 36 Individual Awards, including six first place awards, five second place awards, and seven third place awards! Current students Mara Vander Beek, Amelia Isacksen, Hala Alhasan, Connor Rafferty, Dylon Kelley, Jack Novotny, Arianna Lamper all won awards as well as multiple 2022 graduates. Get your hands on the next edition of this award winning yearbook by buying the 2023 book now! Available online at with order number 12613, or bring $65 cash or check to room K3! Attention Seniors:Gradbash tickets will be sold in the cafeteria today in all three lunches. AAC will be open today from 230-330 in the following rooms; ESL Support in K1, Spanish in K11, English in the back Library, and Study Hall in the main Library. We will not have Upward Bound Tutoring this week at Loy Norrix. There will be no Chess Club today due to Conferences. Sword and Board will meet Thursday this week in room C16 from 230-330. All tabletop gamers and games are invited to join. Green School will meet on Thursday in room B14 from 230-330. All are welcome, see you there! Attention all Sophomores and Juniors!. If you missed the first Link Crew info meeting, you can come today, April 26th, from 2:30-3:00pm in B23 to get more information. Applications can be found in the library and the main office, they are due Friday, April 28th by 2:30. See Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Milton, or Ms. Simpson if you have any questions. Attention students: You have a google form in your email for College Athlete Recognition Day. This form is due by the end of the Friday, April 28. The event will take place on Monday May 15th. You must make sure your form is turned in on time to participate. Attention to students interested in applying for AP Art for the 2023/24 school year, please stop by A-12 to meet with Mr. Stevens and set up an appointment for your portfolio review. Spring is here and the Junior/Senior PROM is in the air.... Get ready for "A KNIGHT FLIGHT to the STARS"- on Saturday, May 6th at the Air Zoo from 8-11 PM. Tickets can be purchased in the Main Office before school, between classes and after school for $40 "CASH ONLY" and $50 at the door. Out-of-district guests will have to need a permission form filled out by their school. Students may not bring guests from middle school or over the age of 20 This will definitely be a KNIGHT to REMEMBER---Dancing to the Stars and Beyond!
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Morning Announcements

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The library will not be available today due to a special event. Do not come to the library today. Thank you. Last night the men’s volleyball team went 2-1 in our conference quad with wins over Battle Creek central and Calhoun Christian and falling just short in the 3rd set to Kalamazoo Christian. After a couple of injuries in games 1 and 2, guys stepped in off the bench and played some positions they were not used to. The boys have a tournament at cornerstone university on Saturday and are back to conference play with a home quad here at Loy Norrix on Monday May 1st. Let’s fill the stands and show some support for our boys! The Women’s Tennis team is now 8-3 overall after defeating Portage Northern 6-2. The Women’s Track Team is now 2-1 overall after defeating Battle Creek Pennfield 128-33 last night. The Men’s Track Team is now 2-1 overall after defeating Battle Creek Pennfield 144-18 last night. The Men’s Golf Team WON the first SMAC East Jamboree of the season with a score of 170 winning by 5 strokes over KC and Gull Lake. The Women’s Soccer team lost 5-1 to #2 Gull Lake last night. The Loy Norrix Travel Club will be going to Greece next summer. If you would like to learn more about this great adventure, come to an informational meeting in the cafeteria on Tuesday, April 25th at 6:30 P.M. Information packets can be found in the tower and by the Counseling Office. We will not have Upward Bound Tutoring this week at Loy Norrix. Attention Seniors:Gradbash tickets will be sold in the cafeteria on Wednesdays in all three lunches. AAC will be open today from 230-330 in the following rooms; English and Chinese in K1, Math in B21, Science in C17, ESL Support in K5W, and Study Hall in C16. Snacks will be available for students who behave appropriately and complete their work. There will be no Chess Club this week on Wednesday due to Conferences. Sword and Board will meet Thursday this week in room C16 from 230-330. All tabletop gamers and games are invited to join. Green School will meet on Thursday in room B14 from 230-330. All are welcome, see you there! Attention all Sophomores and Juniors!. If you missed the first Link Crew info meeting, you can come on Wednesday, April 26th, from 2:30-3:00pm in B23 to get more information. Applications can be found in the library and the main office,they are due Friday, April 28th by 2:30. See Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Milton, or Ms. Simpson if you have any questions. Attention students: You have a google form in your email for College Athlete Recognition Day. This form is due by the end of the Friday, April 28. The event will take place on Monday May 15th. You must make sure your form is turned in on time to participate. Attention to students interested in applying for AP Art for the 2023/24 school year, please stop by A-12 to meet with Mr. Stevens and set up an appointment for your portfolio review. Spring is here and the Junior/Senior PROM is in the air.... Get ready for "A KNIGHT FLIGHT to the STARS"- on Saturday, May 6th at the Air Zoo from 8-11 PM. Tickets can be purchased in the Main Office before school, between classes and after school for $40 "CASH ONLY" and $50 at the door. Out-of-district guests will have to need a permission form filled out by their school. Students may not bring guests from middle school or over the age of 20 This will definitely be a KNIGHT to REMEMBER---Dancing to the Stars and Beyond! There are less than 200 yearbooks left for pre-order! Supplies are running out, so don't miss your chance to order! Order online at with order number 12613, or bring $65 cash or check to room K3 before or after school or during lunch! Yearbooks will be distributed in May.
Monday, April 24, 2023
Morning Announcements

Monday, April 24, 2023

AAC will be open today from 230-330 in the following rooms; English in the back Library, Math in M12W, Science in B15, Social Studies in K2, Spanish in A18, SAT Prep in B13, and Study Hall in the main Library. Snacks will be available for students who complete work in an AAC room. Attention all Sophomores and Juniors! We want you to apply for next year’s Link Crew! Link Crew is our freshman transition program, where we come together as a team to support next year’s freshmen as they transition successfully to high school. Link Crew is all about learning new leadership skills, helping others, and having a lot of fun. If you want to make a difference at Loy Norrix, pick up an application in the main office or the library. Be sure to read the application carefully and note the mandatory dates at the bottom. If you missed the first info meeting, you can come on Wednesday, April 26th, from 2:30-3:00pm in B23 to get more information. Applications are due Friday, April 28th by 2:30 in the main office or library. See Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Milton, or Ms. Simpson if you have any questions Attention students: You have a google form in your email for College Athlete Recognition Day. This form is due by the end of the Friday, April 28. The event will take place on Monday May 15th. You must make sure your form is turned in on time to participate. Attention to students interested in applying for AP Art for the 2023/24 school year, please stop by A-12 to meet with Mr. Stevens and set up an appointment for your portfolio review. Spring is here and the Junior/Senior PROM is in the air.... Get ready for "A KNIGHT FLIGHT to the STARS"- on Saturday, May 6th at the Air Zoo from 8-11 PM. Tickets can be purchased in the Main Office before school, between classes and after school for $40 "CASH ONLY" and $50 at the door. Out-of-district guests will have to need a permission form filled out by their school. Students may not bring guests from middle school or over the age of 20 This will definitely be a KNIGHT to REMEMBER---Dancing to the Stars and Beyond! There are less than 200 yearbooks left for pre-order! Supplies are running out, so don't miss your chance to order! Order online at with order number 12613, or bring $65 cash or check to room K3 before or after school or during lunch! Yearbooks will be distributed in May.
Morning Announcements

Friday, April 21, 2023

The Senior Trip to Cedar Point is sold out. Those who bought tickets please look for an information sheet in your school email box today or this weekend. Attention all Sophomores and Juniors! We want you to apply for next year’s Link Crew! Link Crew is our freshman transition program, where we come together as a team to support next year’s freshmen as they transition successfully to high school. Link Crew is all about learning new leadership skills, helping others, and having a lot of fun. If you want to make a difference at Loy Norrix, pick up an application in the main office or the library. Be sure to read the application carefully and note the mandatory dates at the bottom. If you missed the first info meeting, you can come on Wednesday, April 26th, from 2:30-3:00pm in B23 to get more information. Applications are due Friday, April 28th by 2:30 in the main office or library. See Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Milton, or Ms. Simpson if you have any questions Attention students: You have a google form in your email for College Athlete Recognition Day. This form is due by the end of the Friday, April 28. The event will take place on Monday May 15th. You must make sure your form is turned in on time to participate. Attention to students interested in applying for AP Art for the 2023/24 school year, please stop by A-12 to meet with Mr. Stevens and set up an appointment for your portfolio review. Spring is here and the Junior/Senior PROM is in the air.... Get ready for "A KNIGHT FLIGHT to the STARS"- on Saturday, May 6th at the Air Zoo from 8-11 PM. Tickets can be purchased in the Main Office before school, between classes and after school for $40 "CASH ONLY" and $50 at the door. Out-of-district guests will have to need a permission form filled out by their school. Students may not bring guests from middle school or over the age of 20 This will definitely be a KNIGHT to REMEMBER---Dancing to the Stars and Beyond! There are less than 200 yearbooks left for pre-order! Supplies are running out, so don't miss your chance to order! Order online at with order number 12613, or bring $65 cash or check to room K3 before or after school or during lunch! Yearbooks will be distributed in May.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Morning Announcements

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

AAC will be open today from 2:30-3:30 only in the library for study hall due to new teacher meetings. Sword and Board will today from 2:30-3:30 in room C16. All tabletop gamers and games are invited. There will be Chess Club today during all lunch shifts in computer lab D-10. If you would like to attend, please see Mr. Bellware before lunch on Wednesday in D-10 for your purple lunch passes. Anybody with a pass may attend, and anyone who beats Mr. Bellware wins a custom-made chess board. Do you have friends and classmates on the Loy Norrix forensics team? Are you curious what wonderful things they do at tournaments? Here's your chance to find out. Forensics Night is tomorrow, Thursday the 20th at 7:00pm in the Loy Norrix Auditorium. Come see members of the forensics team perform their dramatic and entertaining pieces. Admission is free! Green School Will meet Thursday after school from 2:30-3:30 in room B14. There is much to discuss and do! Hope to see you there! All are welcome! Are you interested in our government and how it functions? Maybe you just wanna wear a fancy suit to the capital. Either way, you should check out Loy Norrix's Youth in Government Informational Meeting! This Thursday, right after school, join us in Ms. Johnson's room D18 to learn about Youth in Government, everyone is welcomed Attention all Sophomores and Juniors! We want you to apply for next year’s Link Crew! Link Crew is our freshman transition program, where we come together as a team to support next year’s freshmen as they transition successfully to high school. Link Crew is all about learning new leadership skills, helping others, and having a lot of fun. If you want to make a difference at Loy Norrix, pick up an application in the main office or the library. Be sure to read the application carefully and note the mandatory dates at the bottom. If you missed the first info meeting, you can come on Wednesday, April 26th, from 2:30-3:00pm in B23 to get more information. Applications are due Friday, April 28th by 2:30 in the main office or library. See Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Milton, or Ms. Simpson if you have any questions Attention students: You have a google form in your email for College Athlete Recognition Day. This form is due by the end of the Friday, April 28. The event will take place on Monday May 15th. You must make sure your form is turned in on time to participate. Attention to students interested in applying for AP Art for the 2023/24 school year, please stop by A-12 to meet with Mr. Stevens and set up an appointment for your portfolio review. Whoa! There are only 200 yearbooks left for pre-order! Supplies are running out, so don't miss your chance to order! Order online at with order number 12613, or bring $65 cash or check to room K3 before or after school or during lunch! Yearbooks will be distributed in May. Spring is here and the Junior/Senior PROM is in the air.... Get ready for "A KNIGHT FLIGHT to the STARS"- on Saturday, May 6th at the Air Zoo from 8-11 PM. Tickets can be purchased in the Main Office before school, between classes and after school for $40 "CASH ONLY" and $50 at the door. Out-of-district guests will have to need a permission form filled out by their school. Students may not bring guests from middle school or over the age of 20 This will definitely be a KNIGHT to REMEMBER---Dancing to the Stars and Beyond!
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Morning Announcements

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Women's lacrosse competed in a tough game yesterday away at Muskegon. The team put up a good fight with Amelia Grover and MaryAnn Loncharte playing defense close to the net, and Ella Basse making several miraculous saves during 8 meter shots while in goal. Great job team. Attention Loy Norrix Key Club members. Our next meeting is today, Tuesday, April 18th in Ms. Nelson's room D13. See you then! Sword and Board will meet Wednesday this week from 230-330 in room C16. All tabletop gamers and games are invited. There will be Chess Club on Wednesday during all lunch shifts in computer lab D-10. If you would like to attend, please see Mr. Bellware before lunch on Wednesday in D-10 for your purple lunch passes. Anybody with a pass may attend, and anyone who beats Mr. Bellware wins a custom-made chess board. Do you have friends and classmates on the Loy Norrix forensics team? Are you curious what wonderful things they do at tournaments? Here's your chance to find out. Forensics Night is this Thursday the 20th at 7:00pm in the Loy Norrix Auditorium. Come see members of the forensics team perform their dramatic and entertaining pieces. Admission is free! Green School Will meet Thursday after school from 2:30-3:30 in room B14. There is much to discuss and do! Hope to see you there! All are welcome! Are you interested in our government and how it functions? Maybe you just wanna wear a fancy suit to the capital. Either way, you should check out Loy Norrix's Youth in Government Informational Meeting! This Thursday, right after school, join us in Ms. Johnson's room D18 to learn about Youth in Government, everyone is welcomed Attention all Sophomores and Juniors! We want you to apply for next year’s Link Crew! Link Crew is our freshman transition program, where we come together as a team to support next year’s freshmen as they transition successfully to high school. Link Crew is all about learning new leadership skills, helping others, and having a lot of fun. If you want to make a difference at Loy Norrix, pick up an application in the main office or the library. Be sure to read the application carefully and note the mandatory dates at the bottom. If you missed the first info meeting, you can come on Wednesday, April 26th, from 2:30-3:00pm in B23 to get more information. Applications are due Friday, April 28th by 2:30 in the main office or library. See Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Milton, or Ms. Simpson if you have any questions. Attention Juniors and Seniors: May 13th will be the last testing date this school year to apply for the Michigan Seal of Biliteracy Award. Applications to register for the test are due April 26th. Please see your counselor or Señora Holmes for more information. Spring is here and the Junior/Senior PROM is in the air.... Get ready for "A KNIGHT FLIGHT to the STARS"- on Saturday, May 6th at the Air Zoo from 8-11 PM. Tickets can be purchased in the Main Office before school, between classes and after school for $40 "CASH ONLY" and $50 at the door. Out-of-district guests will have to need a permission form filled out by their school. Students may not bring guests from middle school or over the age of 20 This will definitely be a KNIGHT to REMEMBER---Dancing to the Stars and Beyond! Attention students: You have a google form in your email for College Athlete Recognition Day. This form is due by the end of the Friday, April 28. The event will take place on Monday May 15th. You must make sure your form is turned in on time to participate. Attention to students interested in applying for AP Art for the 2023/24 school year, please stop by A-12 to meet with Mr. Stevens and set up an appointment for your portfolio review. Whoa! There are only 200 yearbooks left for pre-order! Supplies are running out, so don't miss your chance to order! Order online at with order number 12613, or bring $65 cash or check to room K3 before or after school or during lunch! Yearbooks will be distributed in May.
Monday, April 17, 2023
Morning Announcements

Monday, April 17, 2023

AAC will be open today from 230-330 in the following rooms; English in the back library, Math in M12W, Science in B15, Social Studies in K2, ESL support in K1, Spanish in A18, SAT Prep in B13, and Study Hall in the main library. Sword and Board will meet Wednesday this week from 230-330 in room C16. All tabletop gamers and games are invited. There will be Chess Club on Wednesday during all lunch shifts in computer lab D-10. If you would like to attend, please see Mr. Bellware before lunch on Wednesday in D-10 for your purple lunch passes. Anybody with a pass may attend, and anyone who beats Mr. Bellware wins a custom-made chess board. Do you have friends and classmates on the Loy Norrix forensics team? Are you curious what wonderful things they do at tournaments? Here's your chance to find out. Forensics Night is this Thursday the 20th at 7:00pm in the Loy Norrix Auditorium. Come see members of the forensics team perform their dramatic and entertaining pieces. Admission is free! Students: we're down to fewer than 225 yearbooks left to pre-order! That's right, we sold 75 yearbooks just last week! Don't miss your chance to buy one. Order online at with order number 12613, or bring $65 cash or check to room K3 before or after school or during lunch! Yearbooks will be distributed in May. Attention all Sophomores and Juniors! We want you to apply for next year’s Link Crew! Link Crew is our freshman transition program, where we come together as a team to support next year’s freshmen as they transition successfully to high school. Link Crew is all about learning new leadership skills, helping others, and having a lot of fun. If you want to make a difference at Loy Norrix, pick up an application in the main office or the library. Be sure to read the application carefully and note the mandatory dates at the bottom. If you missed the first info meeting, you can come on Wednesday, April 26th, from 2:30-3:00pm in B23 to get more information. Applications are due Friday, April 28th by 2:30 in the main office or library. See Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Milton, or Ms. Simpson if you have any questions. Attention Juniors and Seniors: May 13th will be the last testing date this school year to apply for the Michigan Seal of Biliteracy Award. Applications to register for the test are due April 26th. Please see your counselor or Señora Holmes for more information. SPRING is here and the Junior/Senior PROM is in the air Get ready for "A KNIGHT FLIGHT to the STARS"- on Saturday, May 6th at the Air Zoo from 8-11 PM. Tickets can be purchased in the Main Office before school, between classes and after school for $40 "CASH ONLY" and $50 at the door. Out-of-district guests will have to need a permission form filled out by their school. Students may not bring guests from middle school or over the age of 20 This will definitely be a KNIGHT to REMEMBER---Dancing to the Stars and Beyond! Attention students: You have a google form in your email for College Athlete Recognition Day. This form is due by the end of the Friday, April 28. The event will take place on Monday May 15th. You must make sure your form is turned in on time to participate. Cedar Point Ticket sales will resume tomorrow Tuesday 4/18. There are 47 tickets remaining.
Friday, April 14, 2023
Morning Announcements

Friday, April 14, 2023

Students: we're down to fewer than 225 yearbooks left to pre-order! That's right, we sold 75 yearbooks just last week! Don't miss your chance to buy one. Order online at with order number 12613, or bring $65 cash or check to room K3 before or after school or during lunch! Yearbooks will be distributed in May. Attention Juniors and Seniors: May 13th will be the last testing date this school year to apply for the Michigan Seal of Biliteracy Award. Applications to register for the test are due April 26th. Please see your counselor or Señora Holmes for more information. Attention all Sophomores and Juniors! We want you to apply for next year’s Link Crew! Link Crew is our freshman transition program, where we come together as a team to support next year’s freshmen as they transition successfully to high school. Link Crew is all about learning new leadership skills, helping others, and having a lot of fun. If you want to make a difference at Loy Norrix, pick up an application in the main office or the library. Be sure to read the application carefully and note the mandatory dates at the bottom. Applications are due Friday, April 28th by 2:30 in the main office or library. See Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Milton, or Ms. Simpson if you have any questions. Spring is here and the Junior/Senior Prom is in the air Get ready for "A KNIGHT FLIGHT to the STARS"- Saturday, May 6th at the Air Zoo from 8-11 PM Tickets are $40 each "CASH ONLY" ($50 at the door) Tickets will go on sale this Friday, April 14th---during lunch and in the Main Office. Out-of-district guests will have to need a permission form filled out by their school Students may not bring guests from middle school or over the age of 20 This will definitely be a KNIGHT to REMEMBER---Dancing to the Stars and Beyond!
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Morning Announcements

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

There will be no Chess Club during Wednesday's lunch shifts due to State testing. Attention all seniors! Class T-shirts and sweatshirts are going on sale during all 3 lunches starting today! You're not going to want to miss the chance to buy senior apparel to help lower the cost of prom tickets and pay for the senior luncheon. Students: we're down to fewer than 225 yearbooks left to pre-order! That's right, we sold 75 yearbooks just last week! Don't miss your chance to buy one. Order online at with order number 12613, or bring $65 cash or check to room K3 before or after school or during lunch! Yearbooks will be distributed in May. Attention Juniors and Seniors: May 13th will be the last testing date this school year to apply for the Michigan Seal of Biliteracy Award. Applications to register for the test are due April 26th. Please see your counselor or Señora Holmes for more information. Women's lacrosse had their first game on Friday and came up with a win against Howell High School. Score was 5-4 with shots scored by Reaghan Babrick, Elyse Link, Alia Alveraz and two from Maggie Loncharte. Great job Kalamazoo United Lacrosse! Attention all Sophomores and Juniors! We want you to apply for next year’s Link Crew! Link Crew is our freshman transition program, where we come together as a team to support next year’s freshmen as they transition successfully to high school. Link Crew is all about learning new leadership skills, helping others, and having a lot of fun. If you want to make a difference at Loy Norrix, pick up an application in the main office or the library. Be sure to read the application carefully and note the mandatory dates at the bottom. Applications are due Friday, April 28th by 2:30 in the main office or library. See Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Milton, or Ms. Simpson if you have any questions. Spring is here and the Junior/Senior prom is in the air. Get ready for "A KNIGHT FLIGHT to the STARS" Saturday, May 6th at the Air Zoo from 8-11 PM Tickets are $40 each "CASH ONLY" ($50 at the door) Tickets will go on sale this Friday, April 14th---during lunch and in the Main Office. Out-of-district guests will have to need a permission form filled out by their school Students may not bring guests from middle school or over the age of 20 This will definitely be a KNIGHT to REMEMBER---Dancing to the Stars and Beyond! The JV baseball team kicked off their season yesterday with a 7-2 win over Hackett. The varsity baseball team kicks off their season today with a double header at Hackett starting at 4. JV and Varsity continue their seasons on Thursday vs cross town rival Kalamazoo Central. Varsity will be home and JV away. Games start at 4. Hope to see you there! Women's lacrosse came up with a win against Mona Shores last night, now 2-0 for the season. These Giant Knights are starting the season out strong. Special shoutouts to Sophia Coikajlo, Eiden Jonaitis and Alia Alvarez for dominating the ground ball controls at the game yesterday. Keep it up team! The Women’s Varsity Soccer team defeated Parma Western last night 3-1. The JV team tied Parma Western 3-3. The Varsity team is 2-0 and will host Battle Creek Lakeview on Wednesday. JV at 5, Varsity at 6:30.    
Friday, April 7, 2023
Morning Announcements

Friday, April 7, 2023

If you were accepted into a CTE or EFA program, your commitment forms are due back today, Friday, April 7 to your counselor. Make sure you get them in! Attention all seniors! Class T-shirts and sweatshirts are going on sale during all 3 lunches starting today! You're not going to want to miss the chance to buy senior apparel to help lower the cost of prom tickets and pay for the senior luncheon. Attention all students: get your yearbook today! There are fewer than 300 yearbooks left for sale and they're going fast! Order online at with order number 12613, or bring $65 cash or check to room K3 before or after school or during lunch! Attention Juniors and Seniors: May 13th will be the last testing date this school year to apply for the Michigan Seal of Biliteracy Award. Applications to register for the test are due April 26th. Please see your counselor or Señora Holmes for more information. Travel Club 2024 will be heading to Greece next summer! Greek gods and myths come alive! If you are interested in having an adventure of a lifetime, then stop by the Counseling Office to pick up an informational packet from Ms. Learner with more details. An informational meeting will be scheduled for later this month. Senior Trip tickets will go on sale this Friday in the Athletic Office starting at 10:00 A.M. The cost of the trip will be $85 which will include your ticket, your bus ride, your drink wristband, and your meal wristband. There will be 100 seats sold for the 2 buses. You can pay with card, cash, Apple Pay, Venmo, or Cash App. Your spot is reserved once you pay for your spot. The trip is Thursday, May 11. Attention all Sophomores and Juniors! We want you to apply for next year’s Link Crew! Link Crew is our freshman transition program, where we come together as a team to support next year’s freshmen as they transition successfully to high school. Link Crew is all about learning new leadership skills, helping others, and having a lot of fun. If you want to make a difference at Loy Norrix, pick up an application in the main office or the library. Be sure to read the application carefully and note the mandatory dates at the bottom. There will be an informational meeting Monday April 10th in the cafeteria at 2:30. Applications are due Friday, April 28th by 2:30 in the main office or library. See Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Milton, or Ms. Simpson if you have any questions. Congratulations to the many athletic wins of yesterday: The Softball Team defeated Climax Scots 15-14 to open the season. The Women’s Tennis Team defeated Battle Creek Harper Creek 5-3 to even their record at 1-1. The Women’s Varsity Soccer team defeated Battle Creek Harper Creek 3-1 last evening and are now 1-p. Last night, the track teams ran in their season opener outside at Gull Lake. Women's and Men's Varsity and JV teams all won by large margins: Women 113.5 to 42.5 and Men 126 to 37. In many cases, our JV runners and relay teams even beat their varsity runners. The outstanding highlights of the meet were all 8 relay teams winning, Carlton and Ciarra won the 100, Ciarra won the 200 as well, Sam lead a sweep of the 400 and 800, Amelia lead a sweep of the 800, Sofia lead a sweep of the 1600, Jackson won the 1600 and 3200, Ana won the 3200, Naomi and Nevaeh lead both hurdle events while Trevor and Brendan did the same, Helen and Tommy won pole vault, Chloe and James won high jump, Trevor and Thea won long jump, and Carter won shot and discus. Next Wednesday we race at home against KC. Come cheer your Knights.
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The Voice of the Loy Norrix Community
Morning Announcements