Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Attention Students - please check your email every morning! If you receive a lunch or after school detention, it will be communicated by email the day before, to give you time to make arrangements to be there. Eventually, we will be phasing out the daily slips delivered to you during 2nd hour. Emails are sent to students and robocalls are made to parents the night before. Failure to check these communications and failure to show to scheduled detentions will result in an escalation of consequences.
Knight Life News is your source for daily stories, morning announcements, and an up-to-date calendar of school events. Go to or search Loy Norrix in the Student News Source app and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
The Senior Class video photographers need to meet with Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 during their lunches or immediately after school on December 11th. Bring your class lists with you, photos and video clips.
Seniors remember to check your emails from Miss Nesbitt. Today, Wednesday Flowserve will be here to share with you about their paid internships and job opportunities.
Attention dual enrolled students! If you are planning on dual enrolling next semester & have not handed in your paperwork please turn it in to Mrs. DeHaan in the counseling office ASAP.
There will be no Chess Club today.
Attention Interact club members: Do not forget your Volunteer service at Hobby Lobby Bell Ringing today, at JC Penny Lower Level at 4pm. Also, there will not be an Interact meeting today.
Senior Class 2020 tee shirts for sale now, Pick up an order form in A-12. All tee shirts are prepaid.. Tee shirts are $10 and hoodies are $25. ^^ There will be no Uknight on December 17th.
Are you considering taking an AP class next year? Try out a class tomorrow,Thursday on A-Peak day to see what AP classes may be a good fit for you! Sign-up in the counseling office.
AAC is from 2:30-3:30pm and runs Monday through Thursdays most weeks. If you have work you need help with and want a quiet place to work, come join us in C21.
The Senior Class executive board and officers need to meet Thursday at 2:30 in room A-12. All officers must report. See Ms. VanLieu with any questions.
Are you a freshman? Did you receive a flyer in the mail about algebra 1A credit recovery? The Algebra 1A credit recovery exam is scheduled Tuesday, December 17th, and there will be tutoring available Monday through Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30, this week and next week in Mr. Haeussler's room, B-23, to help you prepare. Talk to your algebra teacher or Mr. Haeussler with any questions.
Freshman Class 2023 executive board needs to meet with Ms. Van Lieu in A-12 before school on December 12th at 7:00 am. We will be organizing the Winterfest Dance on January 24.
It's Yearbook Month! Yearbooks are on sale now for only $60, and senior ads are on sale for a reduced price until December 31! Order online at with order number 12613 or bring cash or check to K3. See our flyers or Ms. English in K3 with any questions and for more information about senior ad pricing.
Attention seniors! The deadline to submit senior photos and quotes has been extended until December 31. This is the final deadline! Submit a high-quality JPEG photo to [email protected] . Quotes must be 100 characters or fewer and school appropriate.
Help Deca raise school supplies for Guatemala. Place any notebooks, pencil holders and used backpacks in the blue boxes that have been placed in the downstairs K-wing, Library and in the C wing. Backpacks will be passed out to the children in Guatemala to help lower the cost of school, and give them a shot at an education.
Are you looking for volunteer hours? The YWCA is looking for volunteers for an event in January. Stop by their table in the cafeteria today during all three lunches to sign up.
We will be instituting Saturday School starting after winter break. Students may be assigned to Saturday School for repeated violations and other infractions. If you have been repeatedly asked to remove your hood, you will be assigned detention or Saturday School depending on the frequency of your violations. If it’s a habit to pull your hoodie up, break the habit - don’t wear a hoodie. Thank you for helping us with this safety issue that we have discussed multiple times.
Seniors, have you heard about Southwestern Community College? This college is located an hour away from Kalamazoo, and it is located in Dowagiac, MI. This college offers on campus apartments and a 2 plus 2 program with Ferris State. Loy Norrix will be visiting Southwestern community college on January 16th. Please see Mrs. Soisson in K5E for permission slips and any questions.