Senior Grant Mitchell runs during this seasons basketball tryouts. This year's tryouts are even more competitive due to past success. Photo Credit: Paul Vallier
As one sport season ends, another begins in the world of sports. From fall to winter, winter to spring, there are always tryouts for any kind of sport. Here are six tips to being successful during high school sports tryouts.
- Practice before the actual tryouts. If you plan to make the team without exercising beforehand, think again. In order to show your best skill set, you need to make sure you train for tryouts. Without a good workout, chances are your skills won’t be where you and where the coaches want you to be and that can jeopardize your chances to make the team. Remember, practice makes perfect!
- Know the dates and times of tryouts. It may be a simple task, but so many students will either arrive late or just miss the date completely. If you arrive at tryouts on the right date and early, you automatically make a good first-impression on the coaches by showing them your dedication to the sport.
- Get lots of rest the night before tryouts and eat a small snack before the actual tryout. This will help you feel energized and confident heading into tryouts instead of sluggish and exhausted.
- Don’t try anything out of your acquired skill set. If you want to try new things, do not attempt to show the off during tryouts. You can experiment and raise your skill set when you make the team, but not prior to making it. In order to succeed in tryouts, you want to show the coaches skills that you’ve already mastered so they can see how essential you are to the team.
- Show them what a good teammate looks like. Even if you have a fantastic skill set for your sport, you need to be able to work with others to succeed. Being a good teammate includes challenging your teammates, communicating well with your team, and having good sportsmanship. If you are able to master these characteristics, you will be able to make a distinguished impression on the coaches.
- Do your best. It’s obvious that you should, but strive to be the best they’ve seen yet. Show them all your skills, that you’re confident (not over confident) and that you’re committed to making the team better.